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Ban Ruiqi and her family recently took a trip to Harbin in Northeast China's Heilongjiang province. Despite the extremely cold weather there, the tourists from Beijing skied, shopped and generally had a good time during the three-day New Year holiday.恰逢三天元旦假期,来自北京的班瑞琪和她的家人前往中国东北部黑龙江省哈尔滨旅行。虽然天气极其寒冷,他们依然体验了滑雪、购物,总体上玩得很开心。"We went to the Chinese-Baroque Historic Block in the morning, and the Harbin Ice and Snow World in the afternoon, where I saw some local souvenirs and specialties. I bought some for my friends and relatives back home. I especially liked the hand-drawn postcards," Ban said.班瑞琪说:“我们上午去了中国巴洛克历史街区,下午去了哈尔滨冰雪大世界,在那里看到了一些当地纪念品和特产,就给家里的朋友和亲戚买了一些。我特别喜欢手绘明信片。”As an increasing number of travelers show greater enthusiasm for winter tourism, Harbin's ice and snow economy is booming.随着冬季旅游受到越来越多游客的青睐,哈尔滨的冰雪经济也得以蓬勃发展。With the opening of various ice and snow-themed parks, the city has become popular among tourists. In the two weeks since the opening of the Harbin Ice and Snow World on Dec 18, the city's popularity in searches on China's travel website Mafengwo surged 300 percent, making it an "internet celebrity" city, data from the online platform showed.随着各种冰雪主题公园的开放,哈尔滨吸引来了众多游客。在线平台数据显示,自12月18日哈尔滨冰雪大世界开放以来的两周内,哈尔滨在中国旅游网站马蜂窝的搜索频次飙升了300%,成为了一座“网红城市”。According to Harbin Taiping International Airport, the airport realized an annual throughput of 20 million passenger trips on Dec 20, setting a record for the Northeast China region.哈尔滨太平国际机场的数据显示,12月20日该机场年旅客吞吐量达2000万人次,创下了中国东北地区的纪录。A report released by online travel agency Ctrip showed Harbin ranked on a list of hot New Year holiday tourism destinations in China this year.携程在线旅游发布的一份报告显示,哈尔滨在今年中国春节热门旅游目的地名单中名列前茅。During the three-day holiday period, air and train ticket bookings to Harbin grew by 631 percent year-on-year.在为期三天的假期期间,飞往哈尔滨的机票和火车票预订量同比增长了631%。The Harbin airport added 11 domestic routes, and operated 463 flights, on Dec 22, transporting over 70,000 passengers, setting a record for passenger flow.12月22日,哈尔滨机场新增11条国内航线,运营航班463架次,运送旅客7万余人次,创下客流纪录。On Dec 26, hotel bookings in Harbin for the New Year holiday on Beijing-based online travel agency Qunar surged 2,570 percent on a yearly basis, while those for bed-and-breakfast stays on homestay platform Tujia soared 2,700 percent.12月26日,北京在线旅游去哪儿网显示,哈尔滨元旦假期酒店预订量同比飙升2570%,而民宿平台途家的民宿预订量飙升2700%。“进入冬季旺季,尤其是哈尔滨冰雪大世界开业后,我们的房间预订一直保持满员状态,这种情况将持续到春节期间,”哈尔滨现代酒店总经理助理邓一波说。"Entering the winter peak season, especially after the opening of the Harbin Ice and Snow World, our room reservations have remained full, and the situation will last until the Spring Festival period," said Deng Yibo, general manager assistant at the Modern Hotel in Harbin. “进入冬季旺季,尤其是哈尔滨冰雪大世界开业后,我们的房间预订一直保持满员状态,这种情况将持续到春节期间,”哈尔滨现代酒店总经理助理邓一波说。"Tourism souvenirs have mostly been sold out, especially hand-drawn postcards. Postcards of various tourist spots are popular; so are candies and chocolates from Russia. The shelves are basically empty," said Meng Fanbo, a staff member at a gift shop in Harbin.哈尔滨一家礼品店的工作人员孟凡波说:“旅游纪念品大多卖完了,尤其是手绘明信片。各种旅游景点的明信片很受欢迎;来自俄罗斯的糖果和巧克力也很受欢迎,货架基本都被扫空了。”Wang Hongxin, head of the bureau of culture, broadcasting, TV and tourism of Harbin, said, "The winter tourism season in Harbin has been so popular that we expect such a 'heat' will last until the end of March."哈尔滨市文化广电旅游局局长王洪新表示,“哈尔滨的冬季旅游旺季非常受欢迎,我们预计这样的‘热度’将持续到3月底。”In January 2023, the China Tourism Academy issued a report on the development of Harbin's ice and snow tourism.2023年1月,中国旅游研究院发布哈尔滨冰雪旅游发展报告。It said that with a high concentration of ice and snow resources in China, Harbin has gone through the primary stage of serving human transportation through ice and snow, and entered the advanced stage of using ice and snow resources to drive urban development.报告显示,哈尔滨已经走过以冰雪运动服务人类交通运输的初级阶段,进入了运用冰雪资源驱动城市发展的高级阶段。In May 2022, Harbin launched a development plan for its ice and snow economy.2022年5月,哈尔滨市启动了冰雪经济发展规划。According to the plan, by 2025, total output value of the city's ice and snow industry should reach 75 billion yuan ($10.5 billion), taking up over a quarter of the province's total in the sector.根据规划,到2025年,全市冰雪产业总产值要达到750亿元(105亿美元),占全省冰雪产业总产值的四分之一以上。By 2030, that should take up over a third of the province's total and surpass 150 billion yuan.到2030年,冰雪产业总值将占全省GDP的三分之一以上,超过1500亿元。Huang Dawei, deputy head of the bureau of culture, broadcasting, TV and tourism of Harbin, said, "Through coordinating the development of four key ice and snow industry clusters — ice and snow sports, ice and snow culture, ice and snow equipment, and ice and snow tourism — Harbin was successfully granted the right to host the 9th Asian Winter Games 2025."哈尔滨市文化广电旅游局副局长黄大伟说:“通过协调冰雪运动、冰雪文化、冰雪装备和冰雪旅游四个重点冰雪产业集群的发展,哈尔滨成功获得了2025年第九届亚洲冬季运动会的主办权。”Hong Yong, an associate research fellow at the e-commerce research institute of the Ministry of Commerce, said: "Harbin's ice and snow economy is on the rise, bringing real benefits to the local merchants. To promote the long-term development of the industry, it is suggested that the government offer more favorable policies, such as helping lower merchants' winter operating costs, and providing marketing platforms. Meanwhile, enterprises should offer high-quality goods and services to meet consumer demand against the backdrop of a consumption upgrade."商务部电子商务研究所副研究员洪勇表示:“哈尔滨的冰雪经济正在崛起,给我们本地商家带来了实实在在的好处。要促进行业的长期发展,政府还要提供更多优惠政策,如降低商家冬季运营成本、提供营销平台。同时,在消费升级的背景下,企业应该提供高质量的商品和服务来满足消费者需求。”homestay英 /ˈhəʊm.steɪ/  美 /ˈhoʊm.steɪ/noun 寄宿,民宿boom英/buːm/  美 /buːm/noun 蓬勃发展