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French post office, La Poste, on Saturday issued two stamps to celebrate the upcoming Chinese New Year, the Year of the Rabbit, which starts on Jan 22.1月14日,法国邮政公司La Poste发行了两款邮票,这是为庆祝1月22日即将到来的中国农历兔年。Speaking at the launching ceremony, Chinese ambassador to France Lu Shaye said that 2023 is the year of the Rabbit, and the rabbit is an animal of incredible cuteness, well-behaved, gentle and quick-witted.中国驻法国大使卢沙野在邮票发行仪式上发表讲话说,2023年是癸卯兔年,兔子精灵可爱,象征着乖巧温和、机智敏捷。The rabbit represents the positive energy of the Chinese people who can overcome difficulties and improve themselves, Lu noted, adding that the Sino-French relations will surely write a new chapter and make rapid progress in the new year.兔子代表着中国人民不断克服困难、超越自我的正能量。卢沙野表示,在新的一年里,中法关系必将取得长足发展,书写新篇章。It has been 19 years since La Poste issued its first Chinese zodiac stamps, Philippe Wahl, president and chief executive officer of La Poste said.法国邮政总裁兼首席执行官Philippe Wahl说,自法国邮政发行第一套生肖邮票以来,已经过去了19年。Wahl said that by issuing Chinese zodiac stamps to celebrate the Chinese New Year, La Poste was paying sincere tribute to the Chinese culture.Wahl说,法国邮政真诚地向中国文化致敬,并以发行生肖邮票的方式庆祝中国新年。Featuring a crouching rabbit on a pink background, one stamp applies to the domestic mail service in France with a face value of 1.16 euro ($1.26). The other, a rabbit looking up on the background of the moon, applies to the international mail service with a denomination of 1.8 euro.中国兔年生肖纪念邮票共两款,其中,一款票面是粉红色背景衬托着俯卧的白兔,适用于法国国内邮政服务,面值为1.16欧元(合1.26美元);另一款票面是蓝色背景上一轮满月衬托着站立起来的玉兔,适用于国际邮件服务,面额为1.8欧元。The stamps, designed by Chinese artist Chen Jianghong, are marked with "The Year of The Rabbit" characters in both Chinese and French.这套邮票由中国艺术家陈江红设计,以中文和法文“兔年”字样为标志。Since 2005, the French post office has been celebrating the Chinese Lunar New Year each year by issuing stamps featuring the year's zodiac animal.自2005年以来,法国邮局每年都通过发行生肖邮票的方式来庆祝中国农历新年。The twelve animals, representing the Chinese Zodiac to record the years and reflect people's attributes, are rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig.十二种动物代表着中国的十二生肖,分别是鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗和猪。生肖记录着岁月的变迁,也反映着人的性格。Denomination英[dɪˌnɒmɪˈneɪʃn]美[dɪˌnɑːmɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n]n. 面额