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Two Chinese athletes unfollowed a Japanese table tennis player on social media after she announced plans to visit a notorious war-linked museum, winning support from netizens. 两位中国运动员在社交平台上取关了一个日本乒乓球选手,据悉,此前她表示打算参观一个臭名昭著的战争博物馆。网友们为中国运动员的这一举动纷纷点赞。A social media account affiliated with the China News Service reported on Wednesday that Hina Hayata, a Japanese table tennis player, said in an interview that she would like to visit the "Chiran Peace Museum for Kamikaze Pilots." Kamikaze pilots represent the ugliness and brutality of Japan's right-wing activists and are a symbol of Japanese military aggression during World War II.8月14日,新华社的社媒官号报道,日本乒乓球运动员早田希娜在采访中表示想去参观“知览特攻和平会馆”,而神风特工队不仅代表了日本右翼分子的丑陋与残忍,还是日军在二战期间发动侵略的罪证。After hearing the news, Chinese table tennis players Sun Yingsha and Fan Zhendong promptly unfollowed Hayata on Sina Weibo on Wednesday.当日得知这一消息后,国乒运动员孙颖莎和樊振东即刻取关了早田希娜的微博账号。On Monday, Hayata had shared photos on Sina Weibo of herself and Chinese table tennis players and said that Fan exchanged pins with her.8月12日,早田希娜还在微博分享过她与国乒运动员的合照,并表示与樊振东互换了胸针。 "He has always been my favorite athlete and I'm excited to see him win at the Olympics," she said.她说:“他一直是我最喜欢的运动员,我非常激动能看到他在奥运会上取得胜利。”The incident sparked discontent and heated discussion among netizens on various social media platforms.这一突发事件在多个社交平台上激起了网友的不满和热烈讨论。Netizens hailed the quick response of the Chinese athletes, saying that this would be normal behavior for every Chinese person.网友呼吁中国运动员尽快发声,并表示这是每一个中国人都应该做的事。Other netizens commented that Chinese athletes follow Japanese athletes as they are respected competitors, but then unfollow them if they cross a bottom line for the Chinese people.其它网民评论道,中国运动员关注日本运动员,是因为他们是值得尊敬的对手,而取关他们,是因为他们挑战了中国人的底线。Some netizens were disappointed, saying that they had been impressed with Hayata when they watched the Games, as she did not give up despite having injuries. They expressed surprise about her behavior.一些网民则表示难过,他们之前在观看比赛时对早田希娜印象深刻,因为即使她有伤在身却依然没有放弃比赛,他们对她的行为感到惊讶。Unfollown.取关Netizenn.网民