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英语新闻|中国国家男子足球队原主教练李铁被查Fans are astonished after it emerged that Li Tie, the former head coachof the Chinese men's soccer team, is under investigation for "suspectedserious violations of discipline and law".中国国家男子足球队原主教练李铁因“涉嫌严重违纪违法”正在接受调查,球迷们对此感到惊讶。The news comes as another blow to Team China fans, who are hurting overtheir team's absence from the ongoing FIFA World Cup in Qatar.这一消息是继中国队缺席卡塔尔世界杯后,对中国队球迷的又一次打击。According to a statement by the Hubei Provincial Commission forDiscipline Inspection on Saturday, the 45-year-old Li is under investigation bythe national discipline inspection team and the Hubei supervision commission. Liwas head coach of Wuhan Zall in Hubei before taking over the national side.11月26日,湖北省纪委监委网站公告显示,45岁的李铁目前正在接受中央纪委国家监委驻国家体育总局纪委监察组和湖北省监委监察的调查。在接手国家队之前,李铁曾任湖北武汉卓尔职业足球俱乐部的主教练。Although no details of the case have been released, the brief statementstill shocked the Chinese soccer community, and became the top trending news onmost Chinese social media platforms over the weekend. The hashtag "Li Tieunder investigation" had been viewed over 600 million times in just fivehours by Saturday morning, with most netizens expressing their astonishment andfrustration at the troubles of Chinese soccer.尽管尚未公布案件细节,但这份简短的声明仍然震惊了中国足球界,并成为周末大多数社交媒体平台上的热门新闻。截至11月26日上午,“李铁被调查”的标签在短短五个小时内被浏览超过6亿次,大多数网友对中国足球表示惊讶和失望。"From a star player to the head coach of Team China, Li Tie is nowunder investigation for suspected serious violations of discipline and law.Apart from astonishment, what we actually need is a comprehensiveinvestigation," read a commentary by Chinanews.com.  “从叱咤风云的球场中坚,到国足主帅,再到涉嫌严重违法被通报接受调查。除了唏嘘,我们更期待有关方面彻查相关案件和责任人。”中国新闻网评论道。"As the Chinese saying goes, we have to 'dig out the carrot to seethe dirt', as we need to build a cleaner environment for Chinese soccer. Weshould leave no room for any illegal activities in Chinese soccer."“正如古话所说,我们应‘挖起萝卜带出泥’,让中国足球环境更加清朗,让违法违纪行为无处藏身。”According to Beijing Youth Daily, Li's last public appearance was earlythis month when he attended a soccer clinic at a sports university in Shenyang,Liaoning province, where he posed for pictures with students. On Nov 9, Liattended a senior coach training session conducted by the Chinese FootballAssociation in Dalian, where he was taken away for investigation.据北京青年报消息,李铁最后一次公开露面就在11月初。当时身在沈阳的他曾赴当地一所高校,参加了一项足球训练公开课活动。活动结束后,他还与现场的学生们合影。11月9日,李铁在大连参加了中国足协职业级教练员培训班。在培训班所在地,李铁被有关部门带走。"It's still not clear whether Li Tie's case has any connection withhis stint in charge of the national team or whether there are any otherprominent figures of Chinese soccer involved. But this will surely be a newstorm in Chinese soccer, which attracts huge attention from society," readthe Beijing Youth Daily report.“李铁的问题是否涉及国足,是否还有足球业内人士牵扯其中,目前还不得而知。但围绕此次事件,中国足坛是否会掀起一场新的风暴,令社会各界非常关注。”北京青年报写道。As a former Everton midfielder and star national team player, Li took theTeam China reins in January 2020 from Marcello Lippi. The Italian WorldCup-winning coach was at the helm for the start of China's Qatar World Cupqualifying campaign but resigned after a disappointing defeat to Syria inNovember 2019.作为前埃弗顿中场和国家队明星球员,李铁在2020年1月从马塞洛·里皮手中接过了中国队的帅印。这位意大利世界杯冠军教练曾在中国的卡塔尔世界杯预选赛开始时掌舵,但在2019年11月中国队输于叙利亚后辞职。Li enjoyed some initial success as the team secured a place in the finalphase of Asian zone qualifying in June 2021.  However, Team Chinamanaged just one win in that final phase, against Vietnam in October 2021, amonth before Li's final game in charge — a draw against Australia.2021年6月,李铁在亚洲区预选赛的最后阶段取得了一些初步的成功。然而,中国队在最后阶段只取得了一场胜利(战胜越南队),那是在2021年10月,也就是李铁执教的最后一场比赛(中国队和澳大利亚队平局)之前的一个月。Those disappointing results and his sparing use of the squad'snaturalized stars sparked heavy criticism from fans. And the coach's emotionaloutburst after the game against Australia, when he branded his detractors"mental", only served to give his critics more ammunition.这些令人失望的结果和他对归化球星的谨慎使用引发了球迷的强烈批评。在对阵澳大利亚的比赛后,李铁情绪激动,怒批那些诋毁他的人 “没有脑子”,而这只会给他的批评者更多的弹药。Li was engulfed in more controversy when he erased the logo of TeamChina's sponsor from pictures he posted on Weibo in November 2021. He was also accusedof using his position to plug several other products in the same post. All ofthese incidents culminated in his resignation as Team China head coach.2021年11月,李铁在微博上发布照片,照片中的国足赞助商标志却被去掉了,这引发了更多争议。他还被指控利用自己的职位在同一帖子中插入其他几款产品,所有这些事件最终导致他辞去中国队主教练的职务。As a member of the only Chinese squad to play at a World Cup, in 2002,there had been high hopes for Li when he was installed in the job, with fansalso valuing his experience as a player at English top-flight club Evertonacross four seasons.作为唯一一支参加过世界杯的中国队成员,李铁是国足冲击2002年世界杯成功的功臣,当时人们对他寄予厚望,球迷们也很看重他在英格兰顶级俱乐部埃弗顿效力四个赛季的经历。However, all those expectations have evaporated now.然而,所有这些期望现在都烟消云散了。"Li Tie is an iconic name for Chinese soccer, and fans are veryfamiliar with him. During his playing days, he was the iron midfielder of thenational team and he shone at the 2002 World Cup," read the Chinanews.comcommentary.根据中国新闻网评论,“李铁的名字,对于中国男足来说,再熟悉不过。球员生涯的他是常年镇守国家队中场的“铁腰”,也曾在2002年韩日世界杯的舞台露过脸。”"From his peak to his current low, Li Tie has always been at theforefront of Chinese soccer… Chinese soccer has been criticized for many yearsfor its poor performance, and attracted huge public attention. It still shouldhave great expectations from fans.“浮沉起落间,他始终在一线亲历着中国足球的点滴变迁。中国足球成绩不振,多年以来颇受诟病,而足球行业汇聚公众关注和国民期待。”"We need a healthier environment to develop soccer in China. It'shoped that this case offers Chinese soccer a chance to bounce back from thislow, instead of being just another footnote to more decline." “足球行业更需要健康的发展生态。希望这一案件能成为中国足球触底反弹的契机,而不只是沉沦中的一个注脚。”inspection英 [ɪnˈspekʃ(ə)n]  美  [ɪnˈspekʃ(ə)n]n.检查midfielder英 [ˌmɪdˈfiːldə(r)]  美 [ˌmɪdˈfiːldər]n.中场队员ammunition英 [ˌæmjəˈnɪʃ(ə)n]  美 [ˌæmjəˈnɪʃ(ə)n]n.弹药