英语新闻|物价飙升民众苦不堪言 1/7英国人为省钱选择少吃饭

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英语新闻|物价飙升民众苦不堪言 1/7英国人为省钱选择少吃饭One in seven people in the UK are skipping meals or goingwithout food, according to new polling data released by the Trades UnionCongress (TUC).英国工会大会(TUC)发布的最新民调显示,七分之一的英国人为了省钱而选择少吃几顿饭甚至不吃饭。The data from an MRP poll by Opinium reveals that more than halfof British people are cutting back on heating, hot water and electricity in thecost of living squeeze, and one in 12 have missed the payment of a household bill.英国调查机构Opinium公布的物资需求计划民调数据显示,随着生活成本不断上涨,超半数英国人削减了取暖、热水和用电开支,每12人中就有一人负担不起家庭开支。With inflation running at 10%, the polling found that one inseven people are skipping meals but that rises to one in five people in nearly50 constituencies across the country.在通货膨胀率飙升至10%的情况下,民调发现,七分之一的人选择少吃饭,但在全国近50个选区,这一比例达五分之一。It reveals that Birmingham Ladywood is the constituency withthe highest number of people going without food, at 29%, followed by DundeeWest at 27%, Glasgow at 24% and Rhondda at 24%.调查显示,伯明翰莱迪伍德选区是节省食品支出人数最多的选区,达29%,其次是邓迪西部选区,为27%,格拉斯哥选区为24%,朗达选区占24%。The proportion of people across the UK skipping meals is thesame for people in and out of work at 14%, while about 44% say they are havingto cut back on food spending.英国各地为省钱选择少吃饭的人与工作不稳定的人比例相同,为14%,而大约44%的人表示他们不得不削减食品支出。The TUC says the findings on the cost of living are a “stark reminder” of the pressures facing households throughout the UK.It calls for the government to stick to plans to uprate universal credit,benefits and pensions in line with inflation, increase public sector pay inline with inflation, and raise the minimum wage to £15 an hour as soon aspossible.英国工会大会表示,关于生活成本的调查结果“无情地提醒”着我们,英国家庭正面临巨大压力。该组织呼吁政府坚持依据通胀率采取提高全民信贷、福利和养老金等政策,根据通货膨胀调高公共部门工资,并尽快将最低工资提高到每小时15英镑。It says the poll reveals that nearly seven in 10 people in theUK back raising the minimum wage to £15 an hour.调查显示,近70%的英国人支持将最低工资提高到每小时15英镑。Frances O’Grady, the TUC general secretary, said: “This pollinglays bare Britain’s cost of living emergency. Food and energy bills aresoaring, but real wages are plummeting.英国工会大会秘书长弗朗西斯·奥格雷迪表示:“这项民意调查揭示了英国的生活成本危机。食品和能源价格飙升,但实际工资却在暴跌。”“Unless we get pay rising across the economy – and ensurebenefits rise in line with inflation – we risk heading towards Victorian levelsof poverty.“除非我们提高全社会的工资,并确保福利与通胀同步增长,否则我们就有可能陷入维多利亚时代(1837年至1901年)的贫困水平。”编辑:董静英文来源:卫报squeeze英[skwiːz];美[skwiːz]v. 严格限制constituency英[kənˈstɪtjuənsi];美[kənˈstɪtʃuənsi]n. 选区plummet英[ˈplʌmɪt];美[ˈplʌmɪt]v. 骤然跌落