英语新闻丨 1月票房收入创历史新高

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Buoyed by huge Spring Festival movie ticket sales, the first month of the 2023 took a giant leap to become the highest-grossing January of all time in China, according to the China Film Administration.据中国电影局数据显示,受春节档电影票房火爆的影响,2023年的第一个月实现了巨大飞跃,成为中国有史以来票房最高的一月。Selling a total of 201 million tickets for 10 million screenings in over 10,000 cinemas, the country saw its overall box-office earnings exceed 10 billion yuan ($1.48 billion) by Tuesday.截至周二,全国1万多家影院放映1000万场,共售出2.01亿张电影票,总票房收入超过100亿元(14.8亿美元)。This represented a 270 percent increase from 2.7 billion yuan in the same period last year, according to the Beacon, a real-time film data tracker.据实时电影数据追踪机构Beacon称,这一数字较去年同期的27亿元增长了270%。With the rapid expansion of the domestic film industry in recent decades, people have started a new custom of going to cinemas during Spring Festival, turning the weeklong holiday into a lucrative box-office season, insiders said.业内人士称,近几十年来国内电影业的迅速发展,春节期间去电影院成为了人们过年的新习俗,将为期一周的假期变成了一个利润丰厚的票房季。This year, the festival started earlier than usual, with all seven days falling in January. In the past, it either stretched from late January to early February or was entirely celebrated in February.今年的春节比往年开始得更早,春节假期都集中在一月。在此之前,假期要么从1月底持续到2月初,要么完全在2月份。The appealing lineup of seven new movies — coupled with China's optimization of COVID-19 control measures, the first such adjustment in three years — further made the January box-office earnings soar, some analysts said.分析人士表示,七部新电影的阵容让人眼前一亮,加上中国三年来首次优化疫情控制措施,进一步推动了1月份票房的飙升。Full River Red — director Zhang Yimou's twist-studded story loosely inspired from a loyal general who was framed and executed — topped the charts, followed by sci-fi movie The Wandering Earth II and animated film Boonie Bears: Guardian Code in second and third places.《满江红》是张艺谋导演的电影,故事情节颇为曲折,灵感来自一位被陷害致死的忠臣良将。这部电影在榜单上名列榜首,紧随其后的是科幻电影《流浪地球2》和动画电影《熊出没:守护密码》。Zhang's film generated so much enthusiasm among its audiences that many visited the memorial sites of Yue Fei, the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279) general whose story inspired the movie, in provinces such as Zhejiang and Henan.张艺谋的电影引发了观众极大的热情,许多人前往浙江和河南等地的岳飞纪念馆参观。岳飞是南宋时期(1127-1279)的将军,他的故事为这部电影带来了灵感。Domestic media reported people also waiting in long lines to see bronze statues of Qin Hui and express their anger toward the then top courtier who framed and executed Yue.国内媒体报道说,人们还排着长队等待观看秦桧的铜像,并对当时陷害和处决岳飞的最高级朝廷官员表示愤慨。据国内媒体报道,人们还排着长队等待观看秦桧的铜像,对当时将岳飞陷害致死的最高朝臣表示愤慨。Sun Jiashan, an associate researcher with China Film Archive, said the robust recovery signals that local filmmakers had honed their skills to give the film industry, which was once struggling due to the closure of cinemas and a dearth of quality movies amid the pandemic, a fresh lease of life.中国电影资料馆副研究员孙佳山表示,强劲的复苏表明,中国电影人已经磨练了技能,让电影业获得了新的生机。在疫情期间,由于电影院关闭和高质量电影的缺乏,电影业一度陷入困境。Rao Shuguang, president of the China Film Critics Association, said the massive box-office success will boost the confidence of Chinese filmmakers and prompt them to make quality movies, and also draw more investors to drive the industry's long-term development.中国影评人协会主席饶曙光表示,票房的巨大成功将增强中国电影人的信心,推动他们制作高质量的电影,同时也吸引更多的投资者来推动行业的长期发展。Buoy英 [bɔɪ]       美 [ˈbui, bɔɪ]v.支持Lucrative英[ˈluːkrətɪv]美[ˈluːkrətɪv]adj.获利多的Hone英 [həʊn]     美 [hoʊn]v. 用磨刀石磨