英语视频 | 同时照12000面镜子是什么感觉?

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When I was young,小时候的我I had one wish:一直有一个愿望that the sun could shine at night如果太阳在晚上as well as day.也能亮起该多好I'm Liz我是栗子Today I'll try to realize今天来动手实现my childhood dream.这个童年愿望In Dunhuang, Gansu,在甘肃敦煌super mirror has turned一座超级镜子已经让my dream into reality.“复制”太阳成为现实Today, let's replicate this mega project.今天我们一起来复刻一下这个超级工程Duplicating a sun for the nighttime把太阳“复制”到晚上means capturing the sun's energy那就是收集太阳的能量and releasing it at night.到晚上再释放We need to那么我们需要collect the energy,收集能量store the energy,储存能量and release the energy.最终释放能量When it comes to collecting solar energy,说到收集 没有什么mirrors are key.比镜子更适合的了The mirror reflects the sunlight通过镜子的反射onto a milk powder can阳光汇聚到这个filled with water,装入水的奶粉罐上thus creating enough energy to boil the water集中热量把水烧开and generate enough steam.产生足够多的水蒸气The steam will spin a small fan,我们就可以推动小风扇turning a small motor,连接小马达and completing the transition最终完成从from solar energy, to mechanical energy,太阳能再到机械能to electrical energy.再到电能的转化Let's first paint the milk powder can我们把奶粉罐刷上with black, heat absorbing paint黑色的吸热涂料to help it gather heat.帮助更好地吸热Now we add water to it现在我们给它加水and seal it up,然后把它密封起来leaving only a small exit.留一个小孔Then we fix the can把奶粉罐固定到at the center of the platform.平台的最中心The steam will escape from the exit,水蒸气从小孔冒出and blow through the fan blades.吹动风扇叶片If the light bulb is lit,只要灯泡亮起our experiment succeeds.我们的实验就成功了To make the most of the sunlight,为了充分利用太阳光we need every mirror to我们需要每一面镜子反射的concentrate reflected light on the can.光斑汇聚到奶粉罐的表面In reality, the sun keeps moving.实际上太阳光是会移动的So we need to adjust the platform,我们需要调整平台的角度and mirrors can keep reflecting the moving light来保证镜子能够自然地onto the surface of the can.把太阳光捕获到罐子上Now we leave everything剩下的就交给to the sun and time.太阳和时间了The blades have moved a bit它(风扇)因为水蒸气变得多with more steam coming out!而开始进行缓慢的转动Now the fan is spinning faster and faster.现在它转得越来越快了Let's check out the bulb.我们看下灯泡的情况Oh, the bulb is lit!灯泡已经亮了This means our experiment说明我们290面的小镜子to light up a bulb with 290 mirrors is successful!发电的实验已经成功了We can light a small light bulb这290面镜子with 290 mirrors.可以点亮一个小灯泡What if we had 12,000 mirrors?如果我们有1.2万面镜子呢This super mirror power plant这个位于甘肃戈壁滩上的in the Gobi Desert of Gansu超级镜子才真正做到了can truly duplicate a sun for night.把太阳“复制”到晚上This real super mirror现实中的超级镜子also has tools to collect energy,同样有收集的工具store energy储存的容器and release energy.和释放的工具Every mirror spans 115 square meters.这里的一面镜子有115平方米Around 12,000 mirrors make up1.2万面镜子一共形成了a mirror field of over 1.4 million square meters.140多万平方米的镜场A unique program is written for each mirror,通过给每面镜子单独设定的程序so they can automatically chase the sun它们可以自动追逐太阳and reflect the sun's rays to the把太阳光反射到heat absorbing section at top of the tower.塔尖的吸热器上This energy storing and power generating station接下来 这个位于圆心的at the center of the plant储能发电装置 让超级镜子stores and releases energy.完成了能量的储存和释放Instead of directly boiling the water超级镜子不是直接with solar energy,用太阳能烧水发电super mirrors have gathered energy它聚焦的能量first heat up a salt.先是加热一种盐The hot salt then exchanges heat with water.再用烧热的盐与水完成换热This special salt is called molten salt.这种特殊的盐被称为熔盐Molten salt keeps flowing熔盐靠不停流动to complete the task of storing energy.来完成储存能量的任务It flows to the top,流动到塔尖absorbs energy and heats up.吸收能量升温It flows down to the bottom,流动到塔底releases energy and cools back down.释放能量降温Because the molten salt正是因为熔盐can stay liquid在一定温度区间之内within a certain temperature range,都能够保持流动状态a temperature difference of nearly 300 degrees接近300度的温度差allows the super mirror to让超级镜子实现了储能自由store large amounts of energy.让超级镜子实现了储能自由Super mirror's capability也是储能to store energy sets it apart让超级镜子与其他from other clean forms of power generation.清洁能源发电方式区分开When the sun is shining,太阳光充足时super mirrors can store solar energy.超级镜子将太阳能储存起来When cloudy days persist,碰上连日无光the power plant can release energy at any time.它又可以随时完成能量的释放The energy is released in the same way能量释放的过程跟我们that we saw in the experiment:在实验当中看到的步骤相同heat from molten salt boils water,熔盐释放的热量将水烧开which drives a steam turbine水蒸汽推动汽轮机and generates electricity.最终完成发电In this way, the super mirror is like这么看来 超级镜子就像是一块a power bank gifted by nature.大自然馈赠的充电宝This power bank with 1,100,000 kWh power这块充电宝有110万度电can support a city of 180,000可以供一个18万人口的城市for two days.使用两天Asia's largest这个亚洲最大的molten-salt concentrated solar power plant熔盐塔式光热电站could annually yield每年可以稳定输出clean and adjustable electricity清洁 可调节的电力that equals to cutting down相当于可以减少350,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.35万吨二氧化碳排放量From Yumen in Gansu, Delingha in Qinghai而在甘肃玉门 青海德令哈to Hami in Xinjiang,新疆哈密in the vast Gobi Desert of northwestern China,中国西北的茫茫戈壁中tens of thousands of giant mirrors还有几万面镜子完成着are also "duplicating" the sun.“复制太阳”的工作Using science that we are all familiar with,运用我们都熟悉的原理the super mirror fulfills超级镜子完成着我们our childhood aspiration.“种太阳”的童年愿望It also helps China achieve its goal of也帮助中国实现peaking carbon emissions and碳达峰 碳中和的目标reaching carbon neutrality.碳达峰 碳中和的目标It is a mega project.它是超级工程It is from our everyday life.它也来自于我们的生活