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Traditional Chinese brands have recently made a strong comeback thanks to a livestreaming controversy over the quality of products and whether people were working hard enough to afford them.近日,网络直播掀起了关于产品质量与人们工作是否足够努力来支付相关产品的争论,传统国货品牌借机强势回归。Domestic brands were put under the spotlight after China’s top online sales host Li Jiaqi questioned whether people had worked hard enough to get a pay raise.在中国直播带货顶流主播李佳琪提问网友工资有没有涨、有没有认真工作后,国货品牌变得备受关注。Li made the comment during a livestreaming session on Taobao Live, Alibaba’s livestreaming platform, on Sept 9, after a follower had earlier commented that a Chinese cosmetic brand’s eyebrow pen and two refills priced at 79 yuan ($10.80) were too expensive.11月9日,一位粉丝在李佳琪的阿里巴巴直播平台淘宝直播中提问,某国产化妆品品牌一支眉笔外加两支替换装卖到79元(约合10.80美元)是否价格过高,李佳琪做出了上述回答。While Li was criticized for his comments, Chinese brands that had faded in popularity due to a lack of marketing and online presence seized the opportunity to show they could deliver value-for-money quality goods. Bee & Flower, a shampoo brand founded in 1985 and once a household name in China, launched a promotion for a 79-yuan set of two large bottles of shampoo and a large bottle of hair conditioner, which quickly attracted people’s attention.李佳琪受到批评的同时,由于缺乏营销、网络曝光度低等原因热度下降的国货品牌纷纷借机向人们展示自己物美价廉的产品。洗发水品牌蜂花创立于1985年,曾经是国内家喻户晓的名字。该品牌推出了79元两大瓶洗发水和一大瓶护发素的促销活动,迅速吸引了大量关注。Feigua, a livestreaming sales data provider, said the number of followers of Bee & Flower’s account on Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok, started to soar on Sept 11. By Friday, it had attracted 559,000 followers. Sales generated during one livestreaming session last week exceeded 25 million yuan.直播销售数据平台飞瓜数据显示,蜂花官方旗舰店中国版TikTok——抖音平台的粉丝数量在9月11日后开始暴增。截至9月15日,该品牌粉丝数量暴增55.9万。上周,单场直播销售额超2500万元。Other Chinese brands also grasped the opportunity to promote themselves on social media and asked consumers to give them a chance to prove themselves.其他国货品牌也抓住机会在社交媒体进行推广,希望向消费者展示自己的价值。People showed particular interest in Super 28, a detergent brand founded in 1950.创立于1950年的日化品牌活力28吸引了网友格外的关注。Three humble middle-aged factory employees of the company began a livestream on its Douyin account on Wednesday.9月13日,活力28三位朴实的中年工厂员工开始在品牌的抖音平台直播。The trio wanted to seize the opportunity to revive the brand, but clearly knew little about selling products on social media, according to followers. Viewers had to teach them how to list products during the livestreaming sessions.粉丝说,三位员工想要抓住机遇振兴品牌,但显然对社交媒体带货所知甚少。网友需要指导三位如何在直播中展示产品。The next day, their sincerity and the quality of the company’s products helped the brand’s account attract more than 1.61 million followers, with all available stock selling out that day.第二天,三位员工的真诚和产品质量为品牌吸引了超161万粉丝,品牌所有现货销售一空。Many netizens said they were surprised to see that some of the brands and products that were popular during their childhood still existed. Besides promoting their own products, many domestic brands also chose to introduce other Chinese brands to people during livestreaming sessions.很多网友都惊讶于儿时备受欢迎的品牌和产品如今还活跃于市场。除了推广产品,很多国货品牌也选择在直播中介绍其他国货品牌。Some brands gained further respect after followers learned that the parent companies had donated money and goods to help China win the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (1931-45) and had carried out disaster relief work after natural disasters.粉丝了解到有些品牌的母公司曾经捐赠钱和物资帮助中国打赢了抗日战争(1931-45),并在自然灾害后开展救灾工作,对品牌产生了更多尊重。Many of the brands, including Bee & Flower and Super 28, announced that they would not livestream on Monday, the 92nd anniversary of the September 18 Incident that marked the start of Japan’s invasion of China. They also asked people to remember history and cherish peace.9月18日,包括蜂花、活力28在内的很多品牌宣布在“九一八事变爆发92周年纪念日”当天停止直播。九一八事变是日本侵华的开始。同时他们提醒国人铭记历史,珍惜和平。Liu Xing from Beijing said she bought some personal care products from Chinese brands including shampoos and facial creams after learning about the quality ingredients used and the brands’ history last week.上周,来自北京的Liu Xing说,在了解到产品质量、成分和牌品的历史后,她买了不少国货品牌的洗发水、面霜等个人护理产品。“Although the packaging of those products is not as fancy as those of big brand names and the companies may not be able to afford to launch expensive marketing campaigns, the quality of the products that have also kept their prices low has indeed surprised me. I wish I’d known more about those Chinese brands sooner,” Liu said.Liu说道,“尽管这些产品的包装不像那些大牌一样高大上,公司也许无法支付昂贵的营销费用,但产品质量高、价格低廉,让我很吃惊。我想要尽快了解更多的国货品牌。”Livestreaming platformn.网络直播平台Domestic brandsn.国货品牌