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Chongqing police have cracked a major cross-border online gambling ring after more than three years of hard work, blocking the group's average annual outflow of nearly 10 billion yuan ($1.41 billion), according to the Ministry of Public Security.据公安部消息,重庆警方历经三年多的艰苦努力,破获一起特大跨境网络赌博案,阻断年均外流资金近百亿元(约14.1亿美元)。The police destroyed the Dream Captain Group, one of the top 10 criminal groups involved in cross-border gambling in China, authorities were quoted as saying in a report published on Saturday in China Police Daily, the ministry's official newspaper.10月12日,公安部官方报纸《中国警察报》发表的一篇报道援引官方消息,警方彻底摧毁跨境赌博全国“十大犯罪集团”之一的“DC”集团。The key suspect, surnamed Lyu, had returned to Chongqing from overseas and turned himself in, authorities said, adding that all 79 major figures involved in the case and more than 3,900 criminals who also were involved were punished in accordance with the law.当局称,主要犯罪嫌疑人吕某从境外到重庆投案自首,79名主要涉案人员全部到案,3900余名上下游违法犯罪人员被依法打击处理。China has stepped up efforts in recent years to crack down on transnational crimes, in order to prevent financial risks and safeguard economic security. In August, the ministry announced plans to strengthen collaboration with law enforcement departments in other countries to crack down on transnational crimes targeting Chinese citizens.近年来,中国加大了打击跨国犯罪的力度,以防范金融风险,维护经济安全。今年8月,公安部宣布计划加强与其他国家执法部门的合作,以打击针对中国公民的跨国犯罪。The ministry will deal harsher blows to online gambling, telecommunications fraud, overseas kidnapping and homicide and other organized crime by intensifying cooperation with foreign law enforcement agencies in joint investigations, the exchange of evidence and the capture and repatriation of suspects, said Qi Yanjun, vice-minister of public security.公安部副部长亓延军表示,针对网络赌博、电信网络诈骗、发生在境外的涉我绑架、杀人、涉黑涉恶等恶性犯罪,公安部将与有关国家执法部门加强案件协查、证据交换、缉捕遣返犯罪嫌疑人等务实合作。In 2020, the ministry discovered a clue about a cross-border online gambling platform and asked the Chongqing Public Security Bureau for further verification. Chongqing set up a special task force and designated the Nan'an district sub-bureau as the main unit to conduct further investigation.2020年,公安部发现一条关于跨境网络赌博平台的线索,交由重庆市公安局进一步核查。重庆市公安局成立专案组,指定南岸区分局作为主侦单位,进一步展开侦办。The task force found out that the multinational gambling platform belongs to the Dream Captain Group in the Philippines. The group is mainly engaged in online gambling in areas including chess, poker and slot machines, and since it was established in 2009, it has developed rapidly and is well known locally and in Southeast Asia, according to authorities.专案组查明,该跨国赌博平台隶属于菲律宾“DC”集团,主营棋牌、老虎机等网络赌博业务,自2009年创办以来,发展势头迅猛,在当地乃至东南亚地区都颇有名气。The group attracted a large number of Chinese gamblers through online advertising and domestic agents in China, resulting in a large amount of capital outflow from China, the authorities said. This fostered cross-border money laundering and other illegal industries, seriously affecting the country's social stability and economic security, they added.当局表示,该集团通过向中国境内投放广告、发展代理人员返佣金等方式吸引人员参赌,造成中国大量资金外流,更滋生“地下钱庄”跨境洗钱等黑灰产业链,严重影响社会稳定和经济安全。Since all the resource servers and data of the gambling platform were based overseas, Chongqing police decided to focus on the domestic agents and had successfully collected information about them by the end of 2020.由于赌博平台的资源服务器、数据等全部在境外,重庆警方决定将境内代理人作为案件的突破口。2020年年底,专案组顺利掌握部分境内代理人员相关信息。"We carefully analyzed every piece of information and gradually formed a clear mind map to guide our investigation," said Yang Changcheng, deputy director of the Nan'an district sub-bureau.南岸区分局副局长杨长城说:“在线索不断地碰撞中,一幅清晰的思维导图逐渐形成,为后期打击工作打下了坚实的基础。”The task force found that the group uses its seven online gambling platforms to attract gamblers to register as members. The funds of the gamblers on the platform are finally transferred to the group's overseas account through illegal banks, and the group has an average annual income from China outflow of more than 10 billion yuan and net profit of more than 400 million yuan, according to the task force.专案组进一步查明,该集团利用旗下经营的7个网络赌博平台,吸引赌客注册成为会员,赌客在平台上充值的赌资最终经由“地下钱庄”洗钱转移至境外流入集团账户。由此,“DC”集团年均充值流水达100亿元以上、净利润4亿元以上。Since 2021, under the command of the Ministry of Public Security, the task force has arrested more than 70 key individuals and over 3,700 agents involved in the case, destroyed about 4,300 domestic gambling sites and frozen about 11,000 accounts with a total of more than 300 million yuan. It also has cracked down on seven enterprises involved in gambling and other illegal businesses and 13 illegal payment platforms.自2021年起,在公安部指挥下,专案组共抓获此案核心涉案人员70余名、代理人员3700余名,摧毁境内招赌吸赌点位4300余处,冻结涉案账户1.1万余个、涉案资金超3亿元,打掉涉赌黑灰产企业7家、非法支付平台13个。Lyu, the ringleader and key suspect who had fled abroad, was listed as one of the country's top 10 fugitives involved in cross-border gambling, and Interpol had issued a Red Notice for him.该集团头目、主要犯罪嫌疑人吕某藏匿在境外,被列为跨境赌博全国“十大涉案逃犯”,国际刑警组织已发布红色通缉令。Due to the pressure and persuasive efforts by the police, Lyu flew to Chongqing, took the initiative to report the crime, returned the illegal gains and helped the police shut down all seven online gambling platforms.在警方的追逃劝投下,吕某主动从境外乘机到重庆投案自首,交代犯罪事实,积极退赃,配合警方全部关停“DC”集团旗下7个网络赌博平台。ringn. 团伙,帮派online gambling网络赌博telecommunications fraud电信诈骗repatriationn. 遣送回国