英语新闻丨巴黎奥运会开幕在即 埃菲尔铁塔门票价格将上涨20%

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France’s iconic Eiffel Tower is increasing its ticket prices by 20%, CNN’s affiliate BFMTV has reported, to help cover the costs of renovation work and financial losses during the coronavirus pandemic.美国有线电视新闻网旗下的BFM电视台报道称,法国的标志性建筑埃菲尔铁塔门票价格将上涨20%,这是为了帮助支付翻修费用以及弥补新冠疫情期间发生的亏损。An adult ticket including an elevator ride to the summit of the Parisian landmark will cost €35.30 ($38.31) from June 17 onwards, rising from €29.40 ($31.91), BFMTV reported. The same ticket for children aged between 12 and 14 years old will cost €17.70 ($19.21) and the price for children between four and 11 years old to reach the tower’s summit will be €8.90 ($9.66).据BFM电视台报道,从6月17日起,包含乘坐电梯到达埃菲尔铁塔顶部的成人票将从29.4欧元(约合人民币231元)上涨到35.3欧元(约合人民币277元)。12岁至14岁儿童的门票将为17.7欧元,4岁至11岁儿童的门票(包含乘坐电梯登顶)将为8.9欧元。The price increase has been brought about, BFMTV reported, in part because of a “significant loss of revenue” caused by the “health crisis between 2020 and 2022.”据报道,门票上涨在一定程度上是由于 “2020至2022年健康危机”导致的“重大收入损失”。In 2020, less than 1.6 million people visited the Eiffel Tower, compared to nearly 6.2 million visitors the year before, the monument’s operating company Sociéte d’Exploitation de la tour Eiffel (SETE) reported. Less than 2.1 million people visited the following year.埃菲尔铁塔运营公司SETE报告称,2020年埃菲尔铁塔游客人数不足160万,而2019年游客人数达到近620万。2021年埃菲尔铁塔游客人数不到210万。In both years, operating costs were around triple that of the landmark’s overall turnover, SETE said.SETE表示,这两年中,埃菲尔铁塔的运营成本大约是总营业额的三倍。Renovation work is also behind the cost increase, including “lead prevention measures” related to the painting of the tower, BFMTV reported. The painting work is expected to last until 2027 while work is also planned on the elevators, which will lead to occasional closures.据BFM电视台报道,翻修工程也是票价上涨的原因之一,包括给铁塔重刷油漆相关的“铅污染防护措施”。重刷油漆工程预计将持续到2027年,同时也计划对电梯进行施工,期间铁塔会不定时关闭。英文来源:美国有线电视新闻网