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An official of Tahe county, Heilongjiang province, drew the attention of Chinese netizens recently when a short video starring her began circulating the internet.近日,黑龙江省塔河县一名官员的短视频火爆网络,引起了中国网民的关注。To promote the tourism industry of her hometown, Du Bo, the 44-year-old director of the culture and tourism bureau, shot videos of herself walking outside in the harsh winter cold wearing ethnic clothing.为了推广家乡的旅游业,44岁的文化和旅游局局长都波拍摄了自己穿着民族服装走在寒冬中的视频。In the video, Du can be seen walking through a birch tree forest while wearing an elegant white dress. She is also wearing a headpiece decorated with deer antlers designed to make her look like a "white deer fairy".在视频中,可以看到都波穿着优雅的白色连衣裙穿过一片桦树森林。她还戴着鹿角装饰的头饰,看起来像个“白鹿仙子”。"At that time, the temperature was lower than minus 20 degrees Celsius. We only had one afternoon and there was no time to find professional cameras or makeup crews," said Du.都波说:“当时的气温低于零下20摄氏度。我们只有一个下午的时间,没有时间去找专业的摄影师或化妆师。”"After the video shoot, I drank two whole pots of boiled ginger soup to warm up," said Du.都波还表示,“拍摄回来后,足足喝了两大壶姜汤。”Despite the video's success, there were also those who questioned her motives of making such a video, calling her out on attention seeking and using government expense to promote her personal image.尽管这段视频大获成功,但也有网友质疑都波个人宣传占大篇幅,称其是用公款在拍写真。However, these accusations were short-lived, as it was soon made clear that the dress was borrowed from the designer while all recording and post processing were done by Du and her co-workers with no government expense involved.对此,都波回应称,制作视频的团队都是单位职工兼职,服饰也是从兄弟单位借来的,自己拍摄修图,没有涉及政府费用。Du also explained why she was casted in the video, stating that video platforms prefer to promote videos containing people on their front pages and not videos containing only scenery.都波表示,自己之所以会出现在视频中,是因为视频平台更喜欢在首页推广有人物的视频,而不是只有风景。"I really wish there were 50 hours in a day so that I can promote Tahe county more using new media. I want more people to know that the Greater Khingan Mountains is a place worth exploring and I want to speak for my hometown," said Du.都波表示:“我现在真希望一天能有50个小时,通过新媒体这个平台,把我们塔河乃至大兴安岭宣传推荐出去,让更多的人知道大兴安岭是一个值得探秘的地方。我只想为这片黑土地代言,我也想带着我们整片地区‘弯道超车’。”Circulating英 [ˈsɜːkjʊleɪtɪŋ]   美  [ˈsɜːrkjəˌletɪŋ]adj. 循环的accusation英 [ˌækjuˈzeɪʃ(ə)n]   美  [ˌækjuˈzeɪʃ(ə)n]n. 指责