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A spokesman for the Chinese Consulate General in San Francisco called the alleged ramming of the building Monday afternoon by a driver "extremely egregious".中国驻旧金山总领馆发言人称,10月9日下午不明身份人员驾车冲闯领事馆大楼的行为“极其恶劣”。A suspect crashed his blue Honda sedan into the consulate building and was shot by police, according to authorities and local news reports. The identity of the driver was not released.据总领馆和当地新闻报道,一名嫌疑犯驾驶一辆蓝色本田汽车闯入领事馆大楼,随后被警方枪击。驾驶人的身份尚未公布。A man covered in blood was taken away on a stretcher outside the consulate building and rushed into an ambulance, according to a witness surnamed Liu.一位姓刘的目击者说,一名浑身血迹的男子被抬上领事馆大楼外的担架,迅速送进了救护车。"The incident has posed a serious threat to the lives of the staff and the people at the scene, causing serious damage to the facilities and our property," the consulate spokesman said.领事馆发言人表示:“这起事件对工作人员及现场民众生命安全构成了严重威胁,对我馆设施与财产造成了严重破坏。”The San Francisco Standard, citing unnamed sources, said police shot the driver, believing that the person was armed. The Standard reported that the building was evacuated.旧金山标准报匿名消息称,警方认为驾驶人持有武器并将其枪击。标准报消息,大楼已完成疏散。"Our consulate strongly condemns this violent attack and reserves the right to hold those relevant to this incident accountable," the spokesman said. "Our consulate has made solemn request to the United States for truth to be quickly ascertained, and the US side handle the case seriously in accordance with the law.发言人表示,“我馆严厉谴责这起暴力袭击事件,保留追究事件相关责任的权利。我馆也已郑重要求美方尽快查明真相,并依法严处此案。”"We also urge the United States to take all necessary measures to ensure the safety of the San Francisco Consulate General of China and its premises, in line with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations and the Sino-US Consular Treaty," he said.“同时,我方敦促美国依照《维也纳外交关系公约》《维也纳领事关系公约》及中美领事条约,采取一切必要措施确保中国驻旧金山总领馆及其场所设施的安全。”San Francisco police and fire crews rushed to the scene and shut down Geary Boulevard near Laguna Street for further investigation.旧金山警方及消防人员迅速赶到现场,封锁了吉尔里街及附近的拉古纳街以便进一步调查。The visa office at the consulate was open for business at the time of the incident, and security guards were present.目前,领事馆签证办公室正常开放,安保人员正常到岗。Chinese Consulate General in San Franciscon.中国驻旧金山总领馆Sino-US Consular Treatyn.中美领事条约