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英语新闻|通胀率再创新高,欧盟经济前景惨淡Inflation in the 19-member eurozone hit a record 10.7 percent in October, dampening the economic growth prospects amongnations that serve as the engine room of the European Union.10月,欧元区19个成员国的通货膨胀率达到10.7%,再创历史新高,削弱了作为欧盟引擎的多个国家的经济增长前景。The figure is higher than the 9.9 percent recorded in September, accordingto a preliminary report on Monday by Eurostat, the EU’s statistics agency.欧盟统计局(Eurostat)10月31日公布的初步数据显示,欧元区国家10月份的通货膨胀率较9月份(9.9%)上涨了0.8个百分点。Eurostat attributed the main components of the grim report to energyprices, which jumped 41.9 percent from the previous year, following a 40.7percent rise in September. Food, alcohol and tobacco rose 13.1 percent whilenon-energy industrial goods increased 6 percent and services moved up 4.4percent.总体来看,能源价格上涨仍旧是导致通胀率再创纪录的最主要原因。数据显示,继9月同比上涨 40.7% 之后,10月欧元区的能源价格同比上涨 41.9%。此外,食品和烟酒价格上涨13.1%,非能源类工业产品价格上涨6.0%,服务价格上涨4.4%。The three Baltic states are among those nations hardest hit, with inflationremaining above 20 percent, topped by Estonia with a jump of 22.4 percent.波罗的海国家(爱沙尼亚、立陶宛和拉脱维亚)仍是受能源市场波动最严重的国家,通货膨胀率均保持在20% 以上,其中爱沙尼亚以22.4%高居欧元区国家之首。In Belgium, the annual inflation rate rose to 12.27 percent in October, thehighest since June 1975, and many economists see no signs of an easing untilthe start of next year.比利时10月份的年通胀率升至 12.27%,为自1975年 6月以来的最高水平,许多经济学家认为直到明年年初通胀才有放缓的迹象。Eurostat on Monday also announced its estimates of GDP growth. The agencyexpects expansion of just 0.2 percent in both the eurozone and the 27-member EUin the third quarter of this year from the previous quarter.10月31日,欧盟统计局还公布了对 GDP增长的估计。该机构预计,今年第三季度欧元区和欧盟 27个成员国的经济增长率仅比上一季度增长 0.2%。Extended slowdown经济增长持续放缓The report was released just days after the European Central Bank, whosetarget is to keep inflation under 2 percent, hiked interest rates by 0.75percentage point last Thursday. The ECB also promised further rises andforecast an extended economic slowdown in the eurozone.       10月27日,欧洲中央银行宣布将欧元区三大关键利率均上调75个基点,预计未来将进一步加息,以确保通胀率及时恢复到2%的中期通胀目标。“Inflation remains far too high and will stay above the target for anextended period,” the bank said in a statement.目前欧元区通胀率仍然过高,并将在较长时间内保持在目标值之上。“In recent months, soaring energy and food prices, supply bottlenecks and the post-pandemic recovery indemand have led to a broadening of price pressures and an increase ininflation.”近几个月来,能源和食品价格飙升、供应瓶颈以及新冠疫情后的需求复苏导致欧元区价格压力扩大和通货膨胀加剧。ECB President Christine Lagarde warned that eurozone economic activitylikely “slowed significantly in the third quarter of the year and we expect afurther weakening in the remainder of this year and beginning of next year”.欧洲央行行长拉加德表示,欧元区陷入衰退的可能性加剧。欧元区经济活动可能“在今年第三季度显着放缓,预计今年剩余时间和明年年初将进一步走弱”。Many experts expect the eurozone — which comprises nations that use theeuro — to go into recession over the winter. An ECB survey last week showedthat participants forecast growth to be negative between the third quarter ofthis year and the first quarter of next year.许多专家预计,欧元区(使用欧元的国家)将在冬季陷入衰退。欧洲央行上周的一项调查显示,成员国今年第三季度到明年第一季度之间的经济预期增长将是负数。In its latest World Economic Outlook, the International Monetary Fund estimatesthat the eurozone will grow by 3.1 percent in 2022 but only 0.5 percent in2023, when major economies Germany and Italy are expected to post negativegrowth.国际货币基金组织(IMF)在其最新的展望中估计,欧元区GDP在2022年将增长3.1%,但在2023年仅增长0.5%,主要经济体德国和意大利预计将出现负增长。“There are first signs of stagflation to be seen,” ECB Governing Council member Olli Rehn, who also heads the Bank ofFinland, told Finnish media on Monday. Europe experienced its last bout ofstagflation, a prolonged period of slow growth and high inflation, in the1970s.“存在滞胀的初步迹象,”欧洲央行管理委员会成员、芬兰央行行长奥利雷恩周一对芬兰媒体表示。欧洲在1970年代经历了上一次滞胀,即长期缓慢增长和高通胀。“Inflation still rising due to the fact that monetary policy is actuallystill expansionary (real estate is very negative) and recession hasn’t hit ashard yet,” Vania Stavrakeva, an assistant professor of economics at the LondonSchool of Economics, said in a tweet on Monday.伦敦经济学院经济学助理教授瓦尼亚·斯塔夫拉克瓦(Vania Stavrakeva)在周一的推文中表示:“由于货币政策实际上仍然是扩张性的(实际利率非常不乐观),而且经济衰退还没有那么严重,因此通货膨胀仍在上升。”Also on Monday, Robin Brooks, chief economist at the Institute ofInternational Finance, said in a tweet: “The ECB is a central bank where thehawks don‘t act like hawks and the doves aren’t doves.”同样在周一,国际金融研究所首席经济学家罗宾·布鲁克斯在推文中表示:“欧洲央行是一个鹰派不像鹰派,鸽派也不是鸽派的央行。”He said the doves are not pushing back harder against rate hikes becausethey know they need ECB support for their bond markets, so they better notcomplain too loudly.    他表示,鸽派并没有更加强烈地反对加息,因为他们知道他们需要欧洲央行对其债券市场的支持,所以他们最好不要大声抱怨。记者:陈卫华Stagflation 英[stæɡˈfleɪʃn];美[stæɡˈfleɪʃn]n. 滞胀(高通胀与低就业率或经济低迷并存)Dampen英[ˈdæmpən];美[ˈdæmpən]v. 抑制,控制,减弱Bottleneck 英[ˈbɒtlnek];美[ˈbɑːtlnek]n. 瓶颈,阻碍,障碍