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China's top liquor maker Kweichow Moutai and domestic coffee chain Luckin Coffee have got a hit on their hands, with a new baijiu-flavored latte released Monday that quickly sold out in Beijing.中国最大的白酒制造商贵州茅台和国内咖啡连锁店瑞幸咖啡大获成功,周一(2023年9月4日)发布的一种新的白酒味拿铁,在北京很快售罄。The latte, emblazoned with an iconic Moutai label, contains lower than 0.5 percent (alcohol by volume) of 53 degree Moutai, and soon became one of the most discussed topics on Chinese social media with people curious about how traditional Chinese liquor would taste with coffee.这款拿铁印有标志性的茅台标签,含有酒精度低于0.5%(按体积计算)的53度茅台酒。它很快就成为中国社交媒体上讨论最多的话题之一,人们对传统白酒加咖啡的味道感到好奇。In Beijijng, the Moutai-flavored latte sold out in some Luckin Coffee branches before midday. And many branches had to close their online ordering system as orders surged.在北京,酱香拿铁在瑞幸咖啡分店中午前就卖光了。随着订单激增,许多分店不得不关闭其在线订购系统。Staff members at the Luckin Coffee branch near Huixindong Bridge in Chaoyang district said that the majority of orders they had received on Monday morning were for the Moutai-flavored latte.位于朝阳区惠新东桥附近的瑞幸咖啡店的工作人员说,他们周一早上收到的大部分订单都是酱香拿铁。"It seems that people prefer iced latte, so we quickly used up the ice in the branch. The number of orders is scary," said a barista surnamed Zhang.“大家似乎更喜欢冰拿铁,所以我们很快就用完了店里的冰。订单的数量很可怕。”一位姓张( Zhang)的咖啡师说。She said she had no choice but to temporarily stop the online ordering system at around 1:30 pm because there were more than 200 orders still to be completed first and almost all of them were for the Moutai-flavored latte.她说,她也没有其他办法,只能在下午1点半左右暂时停止在线订购系统,因为还有200多份订单要完成,而且几乎所有订单都是酱香拿铁的。People have been sharing their reactions after trying the latte on social media, with most agreeing that the aroma of the baijiu is very strong. Some people said they even felt dizzy after drinking the coffee because of its alcohol content.人们在社交媒体上尝试了酱香拿铁后,也分享了他们的感受,大多数人都认为白酒的香气非常强烈。有些人说,喝完咖啡后甚至因为咖啡含酒精而感到头晕。Some also wondered whether they would be allowed to drive after drinking the latte. In response, Luckin Coffee stated that underage people, pregnant women, drivers and those who are allergic to alcohol are advised not to order the drink.不少网友担心喝完之后是否会影响开车。作为回应,瑞幸咖啡公司表示,建议未成年人、孕妇、司机和酒精过敏人士不要点该饮品。On Monday, an officer of Beijing Traffic Administration Bureau also asked people not to drive, no matter how much alcohol is actually in the latte.周一,北京市公安局公安交通管理局的一名工作人员也要求人们喝酱香拿铁后不要开车,不论酱香拿铁里实际含多少酒精。In recent years, Moutai has been looking for ways to be more accessible and pull in a new generation of users, said Zhu Danpeng, a food and drink analyst.食品和饮料分析师朱丹蓬说,近年来,茅台一直在寻找更容易接近和吸引新一代用户的方法。"By working with Luckin Coffee, which surpasses Starbucks as the largest coffee house operator in China, Moutai has made its brand younger and has generated more opportunities to develop its extended product portfolio for younger consumers in the future," Zhu said.他说:“瑞幸已超越星巴克成为中国最大的咖啡店运营商,通过与瑞幸咖啡合作,茅台让自己的品牌年轻化,为未来向年轻消费者开发其扩展产品组合创造了更多机会。”Moutai has ran snazzy marketing campaigns recently in its bid for younger customers, ranging from rolling out Moutai ice cream and other cultural creative products.茅台最近在寻求年轻客户的过程中进行了一些发起了时髦的营销活动,包括推出茅台冰淇淋和其他文化创意产品。Reporter: Cui JiaSnazzy英/'snæzɪ/美/'snæzi/adj.时髦的liquor /ˈlɪkə(r)/:烈性酒latte /ˈlɑːteɪ/ :拿铁咖啡