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Climate cooperation between China and the United States should feature mutual appreciation and acknowledgment, experts said.专家表示,中美气候合作的特点是相互欣赏和认可。Their remarks came ahead of the four-day China visit by John Kerry, US special presidential envoy for climate, which is scheduled to start on Sunday.美国总统气候问题特使约翰·克里将于7月16日至19日访华。The Ministry of Ecology and Environment announced on Wednesday Kerry's upcoming visit, during which the two sides will have an in-depth exchange of views on working together to tackle climate change.中国生态环境部12日宣布了克里访华的消息,双方将就合作应对气候变化深入交换意见。This comes about 11 months after climate talks with the US ground to a halt following the controversial visit to Taiwan by Nancy Pelosi, the then speaker of the US House of Representatives.去年8月,时任美国众议院议长南希·佩洛西不顾中方强烈反对执意“窜台”,中方随后暂停中美双边气候变化商谈。Experts said her visit to Taiwan on Aug 2 undermined the political trust required for China-US climate cooperation.专家认为,佩洛西“窜台”之举破坏了中美合作应对气候变化所需的政治互信。Before his upcoming visit, Kerry held formal consultations with his Chinese counterpart Xie Zhenhua on the sidelines of the COP27 United Nations climate change conference in Egypt in November.在克里即将访问中国之前,他曾在去年11月份于埃及举行的《联合国气候变化框架公约》缔约方会议第二十七届会议期间,与中国气候变化事务特使解振华进行了正式磋商。Recalling previous progress in China-US climate cooperation, Zhang Jianyu, executive director of the BRI Green Development Institute, stressed the importance of respect, appreciation and acknowledgment in helping to secure future progress in the two nations' climate cooperation.“一带一路”绿色发展国际研究院执行院长张建宇回顾了中美气候合作以往取得的进展,强调尊重、赞赏和认可对于确保两国气候合作未来取得进展的重要性。Under the administration of former president Barack Obama, for example, China and the US laid the foundations for international support for the landmark 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change. In 2021, the two nations issued the US-China Joint Glasgow Declaration on Enhancing Climate Action in the 2020s, he said.例如,在前总统贝拉克·奥巴马执政期间,中美为支持具有里程碑意义的2015年《巴黎协定》奠定了国际基础。他说,在2021年,两国发布了《中美关于在21世纪20年代强化气候行动的格拉斯哥联合宣言》Respect, appreciation and acknowledgment of the efforts made by the other side in tackling climate change were key to this progress, Zhang noted.张建宇指出,对彼此在应对气候变化方面所做努力的尊重、欣赏和认可是取得这一进展的关键。The US should fully acknowledge the efforts and progress China has made in tackling climate change, rather than placing new requirements on China, he said, adding that President Xi Jinping's announcement in September 2021 that China will not build new coal-fired power projects abroad was one of the examples demonstrating China's great and concrete climate endeavors.他表示,美国应该充分认可中国在应对气候变化方面所做的努力和取得的进展,而不是对中国提出新的要求。他补充说,习近平主席在2021年9月宣布中国将不再在海外建设新的燃煤发电项目就是一个示范,展示了中国在气候方面所做的重大的、实际的努力。"Don't just look to the future, but also reflect on the past," Zhang stressed.张建宇强调,“不仅要展望未来,也要回顾过去。”Tang Xinhua, associate researcher with the Institute of International Relations at Tsinghua University, said that competition far outweighs cooperation in the climate diplomacy policy toward China of US President Joe Biden's administration, and US strategic competition with China also poses challenges to the two countries' climate cooperation.清华大学国际关系研究院副研究员唐新华表示,拜登政府对中国的气候外交政策中,竞争远远超过了合作,而美国与中国的战略竞争也对两国的气候合作带来了挑战。"As a premise for advancing China-US climate cooperation, the US should adjust its relevant strategies and policies," he said.他认为:“作为推进中美气候合作的前提,美国应该调整其相关战略和政策。”He called on the US to respect other countries' national conditions, take actions based on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement, and prevent ideological differences from adversely impacting China-US climate cooperation.他呼吁中美尊重各自国情和发展阶段,以《联合国气候变化框架公约》和《巴黎协定》为基础,避免意识形态分歧冲击双边气候合作。Tang said the two nations could work together to allow the COP28 UN climate change conference, which is due to be held in the United Arab Emirates later this year, to play a bigger role in advancing full and effective implementation of the Paris treaty. They could also strengthen the interconnectivity of the two countries' clean energy markets, and bolster cooperation on net-zero technologies.唐新华表示,中美应共同努力,推动今年11月底在阿联酋迪拜举行的《联合国气候变化框架公约》第28次缔约方会议全面有效落实《巴黎协定》。中美还可以加强两国清洁能源市场的互联互通,并加强在零排放技术上的合作。"They should reach a consensus on cooperation on clean supply chains and jointly safeguard the stability and completeness of the global clean energy supply chain system," he said.他表示:“双方应就清洁供应链合作达成共识,共同维护全球清洁能源供应链体系的稳定性和完整性。”At a regular news conference on Tuesday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said, "It is hoped that the US will work with China to create the enabling conditions and atmosphere for China-US climate cooperation."在7月11日的例行新闻发布会上,中国外交部发言人汪文斌表示:“我们希望美方同中方相向而行,为中美气候合作创造有利条件和氛围。”Climate英/ˈklaɪmət/ 美/ˈklaɪmət/n.气候Cooperation英/kəʊˌɒpəˈreɪʃ(ə)n/ 美/koʊˌɑːpəˈreɪʃ(ə)n/n.合作