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英语新闻︱地震幸存者甘宇本周或将出院In a miracle of survival, a man was injured in an earthquake and lived alone for 17 days in the wild, subsisting on fruit as he struggled with a broken leg and fractured ribs.甘宇被困山林17天,因地震而脚部受伤、肋骨骨折的他靠吃野果维持生命,这是一个奇迹。Now, he may be discharged from a hospital this week after days of treatment in the intensive care ward.据悉,在ICU接受几天治疗后,甘宇本周将康复出院。Gan Yu, a 28-year-old hydropower station employee in Luding county, Sichuan province, was missing after the magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck the county on Sept 5. During his ordeal, he lost about 20 kilograms, but he is expected to soon be fully recovered.28岁的甘宇是四川省泸定县水电站工作人员,在9月5日发生6.8级地震后失联。被困17天的甘宇瘦了近40斤,经过治疗,他的情况日渐好转。Gan was found alive on Sept 21, and was taken to Sichuan University's West China Hospital.9月21日,甘宇获救,并被转运至四川大学华西医院。Reclining on a hospital bed and wearing eyeglasses, Gan seems to think clearly, and smiles and speaks softly to visitors. Were it not for the bandages on his body, one would hardly imagine he had just survived a harrowing trauma.斜躺在病床上的甘宇戴着一副新配的眼镜,面对媒体的提问应答流畅、思路清晰、笑容温和、语调平缓。如果不是身上四处包扎的伤口,你很难想象他刚刚在没有任何食物补给和物资保障的情况下,野外生存了17天。After the earthquake, Gan and 41-year-old co-worker Luo Yong had cleared away rubble in the Wandong Hydropower Station to save another worker. They also pulled open the floodgates in time to avert a disaster that could have washed away farmland and houses.地震发生当天,甘宇和41岁的同事罗永在废墟中救出了另一名工友。他们还放弃逃生,及时开闸泄洪,防止村庄农田被淹。But things got worse for Gan: He lost his eyeglasses and couldn't see well.然而甘宇的眼镜却弄丢了,看不清道。Guided by Luo, he walked 20 or 30 kilometers from the station. But he became too weak to go farther and decided to stay where he was and wait for Luo to return with rescuers. Luo was found on Sept 8,but rescuers were unable to find Gan.在罗永的帮助下,他们从水电站走了二三十公里。但是甘宇太过虚弱,体力已经耗尽,于是决定呆在原地,等待罗永带着救援人员回来。罗永于9月8日获救,但救援人员无法找到甘宇。Gan feared that Luo had died, so he determined to head back to the station to wait for help.甘宇害怕罗永已经遇难,就决定回水电站等待救援。Without his glasses, he fell down and got up many times. He did not know the time, as he had also lost his cellphone and didn't have a watch. When darkness fell, he lay down on the ground and slept fitfully.由于视线模糊,甘宇多次摔倒。由于手机丢失了,也没有手表,他已经没有了时间概念。夜幕降临之后,他就躺在地上断断续续地睡一会儿。"I didn't walk at night and stayed under the trees. My leg had been hurt by a falling stone, and I could only walk slowly during the daytime," Gan said.甘宇表示,晚上他就呆在树下,由于腿被落石砸伤,只能在白天慢慢地走。For the first few days, he was able to find a stream to drink water. Later, he could only collect rainwater from moss. He ate wild kiwi fruit in the woods.甘宇回忆,开始几天,沿途有溪流,有水可以喝,路上还能捡到一些野生猕猴桃。后来只能喝苔藓水。When the wild fruit and moss were no longer available, he dug up roots and drank his own urine to survive. Many times, Gan said, he could clearly hear the sound of a helicopter.在找不到野果和苔藓的情况下,他就挖树根、喝尿液来生存。甘宇说,很多次,他都能清晰地听到直升机的声音。He described his desperate thoughts: "I can't give up. My family is waiting for me and people must be looking for me, I want to live. Mother's voice, childhood companions, Grandmother's smiling facekept flashing through my mind. When I was about to despair, I talked to the grass and trees," Gan said.他回忆起了身陷绝境时的想法:“我不能放弃,家人还在等我,外面肯定有人在找我,我要活下去。”母亲的声音,儿时的同伴,奶奶的笑脸……在他脑海中不断闪现。快要绝望的时候,他就和身边的草木说话。His salvation came on Sept 21, when Ni Taigao, a 58-year-oldethnic Yi villager in Shimian county, heard his calls for help on a mountain slope.9月21日,石棉县58岁的彝族村民倪太高在山坡上听到了甘宇的呼救声。他获救了。He had lost 20 kilograms in the ordeal but was in stable condition. A preliminary examination found multiple soft tissuecontusions, rib and leg fractures and a serious infection contracted by staying in the wild for nine rainy days.在这17天里,甘宇瘦了20公斤,情况稳定。经初步检查,甘宇全身多处软组织挫伤、肋骨骨折、左下肢腓骨骨折,伴有严重感染。As his condition improved, he was transferred from the ICU to a general ward on Sunday and could be discharged this week,according to his mother, Chen Weishu.其母陈为淑表示,病情好转后,甘宇于25日从ICU转入创伤医学中心进一步治疗,或将于本周出院。记者:黄志凌subsist英[səbˈsɪst];美[səbˈsɪst]vt.(靠很少的钱或食物)维持生活,生存下去discharge英[dɪsˈtʃɑːdʒ, ˈdɪstʃɑːdʒ];美[dɪsˈtʃɑːrdʒ, ˈdɪstʃɑːrdʒ]v.允许…离开,解雇; 释放; 排出; 履行; 清偿(债务); 开枪n.排出物;获准离开,免职,出院,退伍;履行,清偿ordeal英[ɔːˈdiːl];美[ɔːrˈdiːl]n.严峻的考验;苦难的经验;折磨;神判法salvation英[sælˈveɪʃn];美[sælˈveɪʃn]n.拯救,救助;救星,救世主;解救办法,救济措施;救济品