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Structural reforms to boost technological innovation and drive industrial upgrading will be among the key priorities of China's policymakers to foster new quality productive forces and promote high-quality development over the next few years, said economists and entrepreneurs.经济学家和企业家表示,为促进技术创新和推动产业升级进行的结构性改革,是未来中国培育新质生产力、推动高质量发展的优先事项之一。They said the country will likely further deepen structural reforms and expand high-standard opening-up to revive confidence in its long-term economic trajectory, which will help tackle economic woes, foster new competitive edges and deal with pressures and headwinds from a more complicated external environment.中国将进一步深化结构性改革,扩大高水平对外开放,重振长期经济的信心,解决经济困境,培育新竞争优势,应对日益复杂的外部环境。Their comments came as the market is eagerly awaiting clues about major economic strategies for the next few years from the ongoing third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, which is being held in Beijing from Monday to Thursday.我国经济市场正翘首以盼着7月15至18日在北京举行的中共第二十届三中全会有关未来几年经济发展的相关战略。President Xi Jinping shed light on the likely economic priorities as he chaired a symposium in May in Jinan, Shandong province, that was attended by representatives from businesses and academia.中国国家主席习近平于5月在济南市出席研讨会,与来自各大企业、学术界的代表讨论了未来经济发展的优先级。Xi, who is also general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, stressed the need to further deepen reform across the board, with efforts centering on advancing Chinese modernization.中共中央总书记、中央军委主席习近平强调,要进一步全面深化改革,重点推进中国现代化建设。He said that China should take resolute steps to remove the ideological and institutional barriers hindering the advancement of Chinese modernization, and double down on its efforts to resolve deep-seated institutional challenges and structural issues.中国应果断消除阻碍现代化进程的思想、制度障碍,解决深层次的制度性挑战和结构性问题。Jeremy Zook, lead analyst for China at Fitch Ratings, said the country will primarily focus on reemphasizing many of the policy themes that have already been laid out by the central authorities for the medium term."These are a sustained focus on developing new high-value-added industries through investment and domestic technological innovation and enhancing domestic supply chain resilience," Zook said.惠誉评级(Fitch Ratings)中国首席分析师杰里米·祖克(Jeremy Zook)表示:“这些都是持续关注投资和创新发展的高附加值产业,能够增强国内供应链的弹性。” 中国将主要侧重于中央已规划制定的政策。Robin Xing, chief China economist at Morgan Stanley, said China will likely sustain the economic framework that has taken shape in recent years, prioritizing choke points in supply chain self-sufficiency and tech innovation.摩根士丹利首席中国经济学家邢自强(Robin Xing)表示,中国可能会维持近年来形成的经济框架,优先考虑供应链自给自足和技术创新层面的瓶颈。Senior China researchers and analysts said they believe the metric of China's success will be total factor productivity with a highlighted focus on new quality productive forces and new technologies.中国高级研究人员和分析人士表示,衡量中国成功的标准将是全要素生产率,重点关注高质量生产力和新技术。Joe Ngai, chairman of management consultancy McKinsey China, said that he believes innovation will remain the biggest driver boosting China's economic growth in the long term."Innovation and technology will have to drive the future. And for us, these are the new quality productive forces," he said.麦肯锡中国区总裁倪以理表示:“创新和技术必须推动未来。对我们来说,这些都是新质生产力。”从长远来看,创新仍将是推动中国经济增长的最大驱动力。In an article published in early June in Qiushi Journal, the flagship magazine of the CPC Central Committee, Xi said the relations of production must be adapted to the requirements for developing productive forces, adding that new quality productive forces are providing powerful impetus and support for high-quality development.6月初,习近平主席在《求是》上发表的一篇文章中说道,生产关系必须适应生产力发展的要求,新质生产力正在为高质量发展提供强大的动力和支持。He said that China needs to further reform the economic structure and scientific and technological systems to remove the bottlenecks impeding the development of new quality productive forces. And it also should expand high-standard opening-up and work to create a favorable international environment, he said.中国需要进一步改革经济结构和科技体系,消除制约高质量新生产力发展的瓶颈;同时,要扩大高水平对外开放,为发展新质生产力营造良好国际环境。Sun Xuegong, director-general of the department of policy study and consultation at the Chinese Academy of Macroeconomic Research, said,"We need to reform the scientific and technological system, education systems and talent systems to develop new quality productive forces and drive innovation."中国宏观经济研究院决策咨询部主任孙学工表示:“我们需要改革科技体系、教育体系和人才体系,培育新质量生产力,驱动创新。”Sun said he expects to see the accelerated building of a modern industrial system and a more enabling environment to foster leading companies featuring high technology, high efficiency and high quality, in a bid to boost advanced productivity freed from traditional economic growth modes and productivity development paths.他期待看到现代工业体系的建设加快,为培育高科技、高效率、高质量的龙头企业创造更加有利的环境,提高摆脱传统经济增长模式和生产力发展道路的先进生产力。Tian Xuan, associate dean of Tsinghua University's PBC School of Finance, highlighted the need to address the pressing issues of hidden restrictions on market entry, regional protectionism and market segmentation, saying that more steps are needed to speed up the building of a more unified national market, promote the free flow of production factors such as talent, capital and data and provide a more level playing field for domestic and foreign companies alike."Such a series of institutional arrangements will help drive scientific and technological innovation, and leverage China's strength as a large economy with an ultra-large domestic market and a complete industrial system."清华大学五道口金融学院副院长田轩强调:“这样的一系列制度安排,将有助于推动科技创新,并发挥中国作为拥有超大国内市场和完整产业体系的大经济体的实力。”需要解决市场准入隐性限制、区域保护主义和市场分割等紧迫问题,需要采取更多措施加快建设更统一的国内市场,促进人才等生产要素的自由流动,需要提供资本和数据为国内外公司提供更公平的竞争环境。Zhu Guangyao, former vice-minister of finance, said that China needs to deepen reform and opening-up to promote innovation and facilitate the development of its private sector, to further unleash growth potential in new energy and artificial intelligence industries, leveraging its existing advantages."The country should provide more support to the private sector and deepen reform that encourages sci-tech research and industrial applications," Zhu said.财政部原副部长朱光耀表示:“国家应为民营企业提供更多支持,深化改革,鼓励科技研究和工业应用。”中国需要深化改革开放,促进创新,促进民营企业发展,进一步释放新能源和人工智能产业的增长潜力,发挥现有优势。Anu Rathninde, president of Johnson Controls Asia-Pacific, hailed China's ongoing efforts to deepen reform and expand opening-up, saying that "as China's economy grows, the foreign enterprises grow and benefit equally".江森自控亚太区总裁朗智文(Anu Rathninde)对中国持续深化改革和扩大开放的努力表示赞赏,称:“随着中国经济的增长,外企也在从中受益。”He said that as long as the government is committed to supporting enterprises in innovation and upgrading through reforms and creating an environment where foreign and local companies can compete on a fair and equal footing, it will generate increasing growth opportunities for stakeholders both domestically and internationally, thereby boosting China's long-term development.他表示,只要政府致力于通过改革支持企业创新升级,使外企和国企在公正、平等的基础上竞争,为更多国内外的企业家创机会,推动中国的长足发展。third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of Chinan.中国共产党第二十届三中全会