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A shopper who ordered six eggs from Sainsbury’s received a box of eggcustard tarts instead as the country struggles with a shortage on thesupermarket shelves.据英国《每日邮报》网站16日报道,在英国艰难应对超市货架商品短缺之际,一名从塞恩斯伯里超市订购了六个鸡蛋的消费者却收到一盒蛋挞。The customer, who made theonline order through Uber Eats, said she ‘burst out laughing’ when she realizedthey had substituted the product in her basket.这名通过优食公司网上下单的顾客说,当她意识到他们替换了她购物车中的商品时,她“大笑起来”。The shopper told the Mirror: “I didn’t receive any notifications to let meknow they were out of stock so was bemused whenI saw the egg custard tarts and twigged it was a substitute when I realized the eggs were missing.”这位购物者告诉《镜报》,“我没有收到任何通知说他们断货了,所以当看到蛋挞而不是鸡蛋时我蒙了,后来反应过来蛋挞是替代品。”The woman said she hascontacted Uber Eats over the order but they are yet to respond.  这位女士说,她已经就订单问题联系了优食公司,但是他们还没有做出回应。It comes as pub chainWetherspoon, and supermarkets including Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Asda, Lidl and Aldihave been hit with supply disruption.报道称,与此同时,连锁酒吧韦瑟斯普恩斯以及乐购、塞恩斯伯里、阿斯达、利德尔和奥乐齐等超市都受到供应中断的打击。According to officialfigures, the price of a box of a dozen eggs has gone up by more than 22%.根据政府官方数据,一盒12个鸡蛋的价格上涨了22%以上。Some supermarkets havebeen limiting the number of eggs you can purchase. The shortage has been partlyblamed by another outbreak of avian flu, but also a delayed knock-on impact from millions of birds dyingduring the heatwave over the summer.禽流感的爆发导致约4800万只鸡被扑杀,一些超市已经开始限制消费者购买鸡蛋的数量。Supplies are now underthreat as farmers are fighting to tackle soaring costs alongside an outbreak ofbird flu.报道称,农民因为能源、燃料、劳动力和饲料等方面的开支飞涨而遭受重创。Speaking to MailOnline,the outspoken farmer said: ‘It’s notbecause we as farmers don’t want to produce eggs, it’s because we can’t affordto produce eggs. All we want is a fair price to cover our costs and continueproducing British eggs.’在接受《每日邮报》采访时,一位直言不讳的农民说道:“并不是因为我们作为农民不想生产鸡蛋,而是因为我们负担不起生产鸡蛋的费用。我们想要的只是一个公平的价格来支付我们的成本并继续生产英国鸡蛋。Food and farming ministryDefra said that there was no ‘immediate threat’ to the food supply chain,including eggs. 英国环境食品和乡村事务部表示,食物短缺对包括鸡蛋在内的食品供应链没有“直接威胁”。 Outspoken 英[aʊtˈspəʊkən];美[aʊtˈspoʊkən]Adj. 坦率的,直言不讳的Knock-on 英[ˌnɒk ˈɒn];美[ˌnɑːk ˈɑːn]Adj. 使产生连锁反应的Bemused英[bɪˈmjuːzd];美[bɪˈmjuːzd]Adj. 困惑的;茫然的Twig 英[twɪɡ];美[twɪɡ]v. (突然地)懂得,理解