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Newly revised textbooks emphasizing traditional Chinese culture, national security and practical skills are being introduced this fall semester in primary and middle schools across China, the Ministry of Education announced.教育部宣布,今年秋季,教材修订加强整体设计,系统落实丰富中华优秀传统文化、加强国家安全教育等相关主题的学习。The revised textbooks for moral education and law, Chinese language and Chinese history have been two years in the making and will be gradually rolled out. The first to receive them will be first graders in primary school and seventh graders in middle school.经过两年的筹备,《道德与法治》、《语文》、《中国历史》等新修订教材将逐步推出。从2024年秋季学期起,首先在全国小学一年级和初中一年级使用。By 2026, the new textbooks will be used across all grade levels in China's nine-year compulsory education system.到2026年,中国九年制义务教育各年级将全面使用新教材。Liu Hongjie, deputy director of the Ministry's Department of National Textbooks, said the revised books include more content related to traditional Chinese culture and promote education about national security. They also place greater emphasis on labor, national defense, safety and health.教育部国家教材局副局长刘宏杰表示,新修订的教材将增加与中国传统文化相关的内容,更注重国防教育、劳动教育、生命健康教育等。The new language textbooks now feature 353 traditional Chinese cultural works, including excerpts from the Book of Songs and essays by ancient philosophers. They also incorporate more revolutionary classics such as the diary of Lei Feng, a soldier who became a national symbol of selfless service. Additionally, new material highlights the achievements and spirit of astronauts, scientists, educators and front-line workers.新修订的语文教材收录了353部中国传统文化作品,包括《诗经》选段和古代哲学散文。新版历史教材收录了更多革命经典,如无私奉献的民族英雄雷锋的作品《雷锋日记》。此外,新教材还突出了宇航员、科学家、教育工作者和一线工作者的成就和精神。The updated history books, starting with the seventh grade, have expanded by 17 pages and include 25 new images compared with previous versions. Zhang Haipeng, who led the revisions, said they now feature photographs of cultural relics and historical sites to better narrate history. Artifacts and map coordinates from the ancient city of Liangzhu, for example, illustrate the emergence of an early state in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River around 5,000 years ago.新版历史教材初中一年级开始投入使用,与上一版相比增加了17页,并增加了 25 幅新图片。义务教育历史教材编委会主任张海鹏表示,新版历史教材现在收录了文物和历史遗迹的照片,良渚古城、陶寺古城和牛河梁遗址等代表性考古成果,被写入了历史课本。To enhance students' understanding of national security, the revised history books also include information on China's border conflicts with India and Vietnam.为加强学生对国家安全的理解,修订后的历史教材还收录了中国与印度和越南的边境冲突信息。The Ministry of Education said the difficulty level of the textbooks for first graders has been lowered to ensure a smooth transition from kindergarten to primary school. The revisions are based on the new curriculum standards for compulsory education, issued in March 2022, which emphasize developing students' key competencies and practical abilities.教育部表示,一年级教材的难度有所降低,确保学生从幼儿园顺利过渡到小学。此次修订以2022年3月发布的义务教育新课程标准为依据,强调培养学生的核心能力和实践能力。Ministry of Educationn.教育部nine-year compulsory education systemn.九年义务教育