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Home sales and inquiries by potential buyers rose considerably in benchmark cities including Beijing and Shanghai during the just-concluded National Day holiday, thanks to a number of optimization measures rolled out by the central government and first-tier cities, industry experts said on Tuesday.行业专家10月8日表示,在刚刚结束的国庆长假期间,得益于中央政府和一线城市推出的一系列优化措施,北京、上海等标杆城市的房屋销售量和咨询量大幅上升。This is playing a positive role in digesting the housing policies and shoring up market sentiment, they added.专家补充,这对消化住房政策、稳定市场情绪起到了积极作用。After announcing policies to free up restrictions on home purchases ahead of the weeklong holiday, China's top-tier cities saw a market recovery during the holiday period, despite it being a conventional low season for home transactions, the experts said.专家表示,在假期前政策宣布放开购房限制后,国庆长假期间,中国一线城市出现了市场回暖,尽管这段时间是传统的楼市销售淡季。Some 59,000 square meters of new home space were traded across Shanghai in the first six days of October, doubling from that of last year's 29,000 sq m, said Lu Wenxi, a market analyst with Centaline Shanghai.上海中原地产市场分析师卢文曦介绍,10月前六天,上海新房交易面积约为5.9万平方米,比去年同期的2.9万平方米翻了一番。In the pre-owned homes market, 2,133 units of existing residential properties changed hands during the weeklong holiday, more than twice the 1,064 units registered during the same period last year, Lu said.卢文曦表示,在二手房市场,国庆长假期间共有2133套现房转手,是去年同期登记的1064套的两倍多。According to Lu, the market recovery followed a batch of favorable local policies effective on the first day of October, such as the lowering of a threshold for non-local buyers, reduction in down payments for both first-time and second home purchases, and expanding VAT exemptions during home trading.据卢文曦解释,市场回暖得益于一批利好的地方政策于10月1日生效,如放宽非本地购房者门槛、降低首套住房和二套住房的首付比例、扩大个人对外销售住房增值税免征范围等。"There is an evident warm-up in market confidence as we see some 20 percent rise in business inquiries and visits," said Ye Yongxiang, an agent with Sinyi Realty in Shanghai's Xuhui district.上海徐汇区信义房屋的经纪人叶永祥说:“我们看到业务咨询和访问量上升了约 20%,市场信心明显回暖。”Ye said it has been an extremely busy holiday season for himself as well as his colleagues, a sharp contrast from the same period during the past two years.叶永祥表示,对于他本人和他的同事,这是一个非常繁忙的假期,与过去两年的同时期形成了鲜明对比。"Being in the business for nearly a decade, I can really feel the vibes of the market on the rise," Ye said.“从业近十年,我真切地感受到了市场回升的氛围。”叶永祥说。Beijing saw new home transaction volumes surge 730 percent during the first six days of the month from the same period last year, and its existing home market also experienced a gradual growth since the latter half of the holiday, with trade volumes rising 58 percent compared to last year, according to a report on the official website of Beijing Youth Daily.据《北京青年报》官方网站报道,10月前六天,北京的新房交易量比去年同期激增730%,而北京的现房市场也从假期后半段开始逐步增长,交易量比去年同期增长58%。Guangzhou, the capital of South China's Guangdong province, saw more than 3,000 units of new homes traded at real estate brokerage platform Beike as of 2 pm Monday, more than tripling from that of last year, the local Guangzhou Daily reported.据《广州日报》报道,截至10月7日下午2点,华南地区广东省省会广州的房地产经纪平台贝壳的新房交易量超过3000套,比去年同期增长了两倍多。The rising market demand could be seen in a broader scale in the secondary home market of major cities.在各大城市的二手房市场上,可以更广泛地看到市场需求的增长。As many as 384 units of pre-owned homes were sold daily in six key cities, soaring 117.6 percent year-on-year, according to Linping Real Estate Data Research Institute.据麟评居住大数据研究院统计,6个重点城市的二手房日成交量高达384套,同比猛增117.6%。"The market confidence index has been on an upward trend three weeks in a row, according to the weekly data collected in 50 cities, indicating that the supportive measures introduced one after another have boosted market confidence," said Wang Xiaoqiang, chief analyst at the institute.麟评居住大数据研究院首席分析师王小嫱表示:“从50个城市的周度数据来看,市场信心指数已经连续三周呈上升趋势,这表明陆续出台的扶持措施提振了市场信心。”"The encouraging messages delivered by both local and central governments will certainly help stabilize the property market and improve market confidence," Wang added.“中央和地方政府发布的积极信息必将有助于稳定房地产市场,增强市场信心。”王小嫱补充。low season淡季pre-owned home二手房batchn. 一批