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It was freezing cold as the temperature was below minus 15 degrees Celsius outside. However, a hotpot fanatic surnamed Wang was enjoying the renowned Chinese cuisine on the frozen surface of the country's second-longest river.酷爱美食的中国人将铜火锅搬上了冰封的黄河冰面。火锅迷小王冒着低于零下15摄氏度的严寒,脚踩冰面享用美食。The steaming-hot pot, about two meters in diameter, was filled with various local specialties, such as fried tofu, local ribs, and meatballs, as well as fresh fish and shrimp caught through newly-cut holes in the ice.这个直径约两米的蒸汽火锅里装满了各种当地特色菜,有炸豆腐、当地排骨、肉丸子,还有从刚凿的冰窟里冬捕上来的新鲜鱼虾。The pot stood on the frozen surface of the Yellow River at its section of Pianguan county, North China's Shanxi province. The ice was around 60 centimeters thick, safe enough for the tourists.冰上火锅位于中国北部山西省偏关县的黄河河段。冰层厚度约60厘米,对游客来说足够安全。"It was definitely the best experience ever in my life so far," Wang said, with his face brimming with laughter, satisfaction, and a crimson nose.小王说:“这绝对是迄今为止我人生中最棒的一次经历。”尽管鼻子冻得通红,他的脸上还是洋溢着笑声和满足感。Besides "hotpot on ice," Wang, together with his wife and daughter as well as other tourists, also enjoyed other activities on the ice, such as go-karts, snowmobiles, and bumper cars.除了“冰上火锅”,小王和他的妻子、女儿以及其他游客还享受了其他冰上活动,如冰上卡丁车、冰上摩托和冰上碰碰车。For the Chinese, family reunion is the eternal theme of the Spring Festival. Among all kinds of holiday activities, traveling with families is gaining increasing popularity.对于中国人来说,阖家团圆是春节永恒的主题。在各种各样的节日活动中,全家出游也变得越来越受欢迎。After China optimized the COVID-19 response policies, the pent-up demand of the public for travel has been unleashed.在中国优化新冠病毒应对政策后,人们被压抑的出行需求得到了释放。Data from Alibaba's travel branch Fliggy showed the number of domestic long-term tour orders during the Spring Festival increased by more than 500 percent year-on-year, domestic air ticket bookings by more than 40 percent, and train ticket bookings by nearly 80 percent.据阿里巴巴旗下旅游部门“飞猪”的数据显示,春节期间国内长期旅游订单量同比增长超过500%,国内机票预订量增长超过40%,火车票预订量增长近80%。Localities across the country also spared no effort to hold various cultural and tourist activities to woo tourists.全国各地也积极举办各种文化旅游活动来吸引游客。A total of 25 parks in Beijing, including the Summer Palace and Beihai Park, greeted visitors with winter sports such as ice cars, ice slides, and snow frisbees. On Thursday alone, the sixth day of the week-long Spring Festival holiday, Beijing parks received 630,000 visits. The Summer Palace registered over 75,400 visits, said the Beijing Municipal Forestry and Parks Bureau.北京共有25个公园,包括颐和园和北海公园。冰车、冰滑梯和雪上飞盘等丰富多彩的冬季运动也在迎接游客的到来。仅在1月26日,也就是春节假期的第六天,北京的公园就接待了630,000人次。据北京市园林绿化局介绍,颐和园共接待游客7.54万人次。The Universal Beijing Resort also promoted a Spring Festival-themed event, having more tourists from across the country than last year's holiday.北京环球度假区还推出了春节主题的活动,与去年相比,来自全国各地的游客数量有所增加。According to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, this year's Spring Festival holiday has seen 308 million domestic trips, up 23.1 percent year-on-year, recovering to 88.6 percent of 2019 level.根据文化和旅游部的数据,今年春节假期国内游达3.08亿人次,同比增长23.1%,恢复到2019年水平的88.6%。Domestic tourism revenue reached around 375.8 billion yuan ($55.52 billion), up 30 percent year-on-year, recovering to 73.1 percent of that registered in 2019, the ministry added.文化和旅游部补充说,国内旅游收入达到约3758亿元(555.2亿美元),同比增长30%,恢复到2019年登记的73.1%。Dai Bin, president of the China Tourism Academy, predicted that this year's Spring Festival will be the best and most prosperous for tourism market recovery in the past three years.中国旅游研究院院长戴斌预计,今年春节将是近三年来旅游市场复苏最好、最旺的一年。Besides the tourism market, China's cinemas also welcomed crowds of moviegoers during the holiday.除了旅游市场,中国的电影院也在春节期间迎来了大批观众。The holiday box office sold a total of more than 187.6 million tickets as of 12:00 pm Friday, generating a whopping revenue of 67.6 billion yuan, according to box office tracker Maoyan.据票房跟踪机构猫眼网的数据显示,截至1月27日中午12点,假日票房累计售出1.876亿张,创造了676亿元的巨额收入。The earnings overtook that of the same holiday last year, making this year's Spring Festival holiday the second highest-grossing to date.这一收益超过了去年同期,使今年的春节假期成为迄今为止票房收入第二高的假期。"The audiences are all back!" said Dong Wenxin, a cinema manager in the eastern Chinese city of Jinan, Shandong province.中国东部城市山东省济南市的电影院经理董文新说:“观众都回来了!”Diameter英 [daɪˈæmɪtə(r)]   美  [daɪˈæmɪtər]n. 直径Prosperous英 [ˈprɒspərəs]   美  [ˈprɑːspərəs]adj. 繁荣的