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Cathay Pacific Airways, the largest airline in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, apologized on Monday evening after an online post accused flight attendants from the airline of discrimination against non-English speaking passengers, Beijing Daily reported.近日,有网友在社交平台发帖称,香港最大的航空公司国泰航空中有空乘人员歧视非英语旅客。据《北京日报》报道,5月22晚,国泰航空道歉。The airline said in a statement that it has noted the unpleasant experience of some passengers on flight CX987 and apologized for it. The statement read, "Cathay Pacific, which has been devoted to offering high-quality service to passengers, attaches great importance to this incident. We have contacted concerned passengers for further information about the incident and will investigate and handle the case seriously." At the end of the statement it apologized again for any inconvenience caused by the incident.国泰航空公司在一份声明中表示,已知悉有关旅客在国泰航班CX987上的不愉快经历,对此深表歉意。声明写道:“国泰航空一直以来致力于为旅客提供高品质的服务,对于此次事件高度重视。我们已经联系相关旅客进一步了解情况,并会进行严肃调查处理。在此,我们对于此事件给大家带来的困扰再次致以深深的歉意。”The alleged discrimination was posted on social media on Monday. The writer, who is fluent in Mandarin, English and Cantonese, described in the post how the flight attendants kept complaining in English and Cantonese about passengers who didn't speak English well when taking flight CX987 on Sunday. Seated in the back row, the writer overheard conversations like "If you cannot say blanket, you cannot have it" and "The carpet is on the floor". A voice recording of the incident was shared by the writer in another post.5月22日,社交媒体上出现了指控。在帖子中,一位精通普通话、英语和粤语的网友描述了自己在5月21日乘坐国泰航班CX987时空乘人员如何用英语和粤语不断抱怨英语说得不好的乘客。坐在后排的帖子作者无意中听到了诸如“如果你不会说毛毯的英文,就不配得到毛毯”和“地毯是铺在地板上的”之类的对话。帖子作者在另一篇文章中分享了该事件的录音。The writer speculated that the concerned passenger was trying to get a blanket using known English words but was laughed at by the attendants who "can only speak English."帖子作者推测,这名乘客是想用熟知的英文单词拿毯子,却被“只会说英语”的空乘嘲笑。The writer also mentioned another passenger was answered abruptly when inquiring about how to fill out the landing card.帖子作者还提到,另一名旅客在询问如何填写入境卡时被很粗鲁地回答。In the post, the writer said it was upsetting that the attendants were so malicious to passengers who couldn't speak English or Cantonese and that they lacked even basic respect to passengers. The writer reported the behavior to the chief steward before leaving the plane and would also make a formal complaint about it.帖子作者表示,令人沮丧的是,空乘人员对不会说英语或粤语的乘客有如此恶意,甚至对乘客缺乏基本的尊重。作者在离开飞机前向乘务长说明了情况,表示会对此进行正式投诉。Airways英/'ɛəweiz/ 美/'ɛəweiz/n.航空公司;广播频道Attendant英/əˈtendənt/ 美/əˈtendənt/n.服务人员;侍从,随从;护理者;随员,助手