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A police drama based on real organized crime cases is helping educate the public about the value of the rule of law and their rights, experts said.专家表示,根据真实、有组织的犯罪案件改编而来的警匪剧有助于对公众进行科普法治的价值及权利。A special campaign launched by the central government on fighting organized crime and legal departments' rectification measures are used as much of the background for The Knockout.《狂飙》这部剧大部分的背景源于中央政府发起的打击有组织犯罪的专项行动和法律部门的整顿措施。The drama tells the story of a police officer's fight against organized crime over 20 years, and shows the rise and demise of underworld figures and corrupt officials.该剧讲述了一名警官20多年来与有组织犯罪作斗争的故事,展现了黑道人物和贪官的兴衰。It has received a rating of 9.1 out of 10 on Douban, one of China's most-visited review platforms, and has become one of the most discussed topics on social media since mid-January. The drama began screening on China Central Television and streaming platform iQiyi on Jan 14, with a total of 39 episodes to be aired.这部剧在豆瓣——中国访问量最大的评论平台之一获得了9.1分(满分10分),并自1月中旬以来成为社交媒体上讨论最多的话题之一。这部剧于1月14日在中央电视台和流媒体平台爱奇艺开播,共39集。Many viewers have applauded the show's plotlines and the actors' performances, and also praised the efforts of police officers in battling organized crime.许多观众对剧情和演员的表演表示赞赏,也对警察打击有组织犯罪的努力表示赞赏。In January 2018, the central authorities launched a three-year nationwide special campaign to fight organized crime.2018年1月,中央启动了为期三年的全国打黑除恶专项行动。According to the Commission for Political and Legal Affairs of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, from 2018 to 2020, authorities busted 3,644 mafia-like gangs and 11,675 other criminal gangs, detained 237,000 suspects and investigated 89,700 cases of "protective umbrellas", a reference to officials who hide gangsters' crimes.中共中央政法委数据显示,2018年至2020年期间,共打掉涉黑团伙3644个,其他犯罪团伙11675个,抓获犯罪嫌疑人23.7万名,查处“保护伞”案件8.97万件,其中“保护伞”指的是隐瞒黑帮罪行的官员。The crackdown on organized crime, which involved multiple departments including public security and discipline inspection, as well as banks, continued after the campaign officially ended.打黑行动正式结束后仍在继续,涉及公安、纪检、银行等多个部门。In May 2022, the Anti-organized Crime Law took effect, giving greater legal clout to fight such crimes.2022年5月,《反有组织犯罪法》正式实施,打击有组织犯罪的法律效力进一步增强。From July 2020 to December 2021, commissions for political and legal affairs at all levels also conducted educational rectification for officials in public security organs and procuratorates as well as lawyers and other related groups to strengthen internal supervision and root out those who undermine trust in the departments.2020年7月至2021年12月,各级政法委还对公安机关、检察院干部、律师等相关群体进行了教育整顿,加强内部监督,坚决杜绝失信分子。Wei Pengju, director of the Institute of Cultural Economics at the Central University of Finance and Economics in Beijing, said The Knockout resonated with viewers on an emotional level. Reactions to the program also reflected how the public perceived the work and achievements of the nation in combating organized crime and building a sound legal environment.北京市中央财经大学文化经济研究所所长魏鹏举表示,《狂飙》在情感层面引起了观众的共鸣。剧集反响也反映了公众对国家打击黑社会、营造良好法治环境的工作和成绩的认可。It educated viewers to have a positive attitude on seeking help through legal avenues, rather than violence or bullying, when encountering unfairness, Wei said. The program also deterred potential gangsters from pursuing criminal activities.这部剧集教育观众,在遇到不公平时要有通过法律途径寻求帮助的积极态度,而不是暴力或欺凌。这一项目还阻止了潜在的黑帮分子从事犯罪活动。"Stories of fighting organized crime are often attractive to audiences, and this reflects people's expectations and trust in advancing rule of law. The hatred of gangsters and the pursuit of justice among viewers is the same, which is the simplest understanding of a law-based society," said Zhi Feina, a professor at the Film and Television Research Institute of the Chinese National Academy of Arts.“打击黑帮的故事往往能吸引观众,反映了人们对推进法治的期待和信任。观众对黑社会的仇恨和对正义的追求是一致的,这是对法治最简单的理解。”中国艺术研究院影视研究所教授支菲娜说道。Zhi said that the positive sentiment created by the authorities' crackdown on organized crime is an important reason for the drama's success. This has also promoted the idea of the rule of law, she added.她还表示,当局打击有组织犯罪所创造的积极情绪是这部剧成功的重要原因。弘扬了法治的理念。Rectification英 [ˌrektɪfɪ'keɪʃn] 美 [ˌrɛktəfəˈkeʃən]n.矫正Gangster英[ˈɡæŋstə(r)]   美[ˈɡæŋstər]n.匪徒Clout英 [klaʊt]       美 [klaʊt]v. 猛击