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英语新闻︱普京称将对乌方任何进一步攻击做出严厉回应Russian President Vladimir Putin warned Ukraine on Mondaythat there would be a harsh response if there were any further attacks such asthat on the Crimean Bridge.周一,俄罗斯总统普京警告乌克兰,如果再发生类似克里米亚大桥袭击事件,俄罗斯将做出严厉回应。"If attempts to carry out terrorist attacks on ourterritory continue, Russia's responses will be harsh and, in terms of theirscale, will correspond to the level of threats posed to the Russian Federation.No one should have any doubts about this," Putin said at the opening of ameeting of Russia's Security Council.普京在俄罗斯安理会会议开幕式上强调,“如果恐怖主义阴谋继续在俄罗斯领土上进行,我们的反应将是严厉的,其规模与对俄罗斯联邦造成的威胁程度相称。没有人应该对此有任何怀疑”。"Forensic and other data, as well as operationalinformation, indicate that the explosion on Oct 8 was a terrorist attack — aterrorist attack aimed at destroying Russia's critical civilian infrastructure.It is obvious that the Ukrainian secret services ordered, organized and carriedout the terrorist attack aimed at destroying Russia's critical civilianinfrastructure."“来自法医和其他鉴定数据以及行动信息表明,发生在10月8日的爆炸是一次恐怖主义行为,旨在摧毁俄罗斯联邦重要民用基础设施。同样清楚的是,恐袭的主谋、组织者和实施者是乌克兰特工机构。”The Russian president accused the Ukrainian government ofputting "itself on a par with international terrorist groups".普京指责乌克兰政府“将自己与国际恐怖组织相提并论”。Loud explosions rocked the Ukrainian capital Kyiv as airraid sirens sounded across the country on Monday morning, a day after theRussian leader denounced the Crimean Bridge explosion as terrorism.周一上午,也就是普京谴责克里米亚大桥爆炸是恐怖主义的后一天,乌克兰首都基辅响起巨大的爆炸声,全国各地都响起了空袭警报。Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko said the capital came underattack after at least five explosions were heard near the city center justafter 8 am.基辅市长维塔利·克利钦科说,早上8点刚过,首都遭到袭击,市中心附近至少响起五次爆炸声。Subway services have been suspended, according to anofficial alert from the city's metro system. Stations across Kyiv have beencrowded with residents taking shelter since the first strikes began.根据地铁系统的官方警报,地铁服务已经暂停。自第一次空袭开始以来,基辅各地的车站都挤满了寻求庇护的居民。Ukrainian public broadcaster Suspilne quoted emergencyservices as saying there were dead and wounded in Kyiv, but gave no furtherdetails of casualties. Explosions were also reported in Lviv, Ternopil andZhytomyr in Ukraine's west, and in Dnipro in central Ukraine.乌克兰公共广播公司Suspilne援引乌克兰国家紧急服务部门的表示称,此次恐袭导致人员伤亡,但没有提供更多细节。据报道,乌克兰西部的利沃夫、特尔诺皮尔和日托米尔以及乌克兰中部的第聂伯罗也发生了爆炸。The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense vowed on its Twitteraccount to issue a strong response.乌克兰国防部在推特上称会做出强硬回应。In Russia, Reuters news agency reported that a loudexplosion was heard on Monday morning in the Belgorod region, near the borderwith Ukraine.路透社报道称,周一上午,在靠近乌克兰边境的俄罗斯别尔哥罗德地区听到了巨大的爆炸声。Of the bridge attack and a vehicle seen in video footage,Russian Investigative Committee chairman Alexander Bastrykin said: "Wehave already established the route of the truck which exploded. It drovethrough Bulgaria, Georgia, Armenia, North Ossetia and the Krasnodar Territory.对于在克里米亚大桥上爆炸的卡车,俄罗斯调查委员会主席亚历山大·巴斯特里金表示:“我们已经确定了卡车的路线。它驶过了保加利亚、格鲁吉亚、亚美尼亚、北奥塞梯和克拉斯诺达尔地区。”"We have also identified the carriers... Withthe help of FSB (Federal Security Service) agents, we were able to identifysuspects from among those who could have arranged the terrorist attack andthose who are active within the Russian Federation."“我们也已经确认了运输者的身份……在联邦安全局特工的帮助下,我们能够从那些可能安排恐怖主义行动的人和那些活跃在俄罗斯联邦内部的人中确定嫌疑人。”The bomb attack at the Crimean Bridge was a specialoperation carried out by the Security Service of Ukraine, the Interfax-Ukrainenews agency cited a source in Ukraine's law enforcement agencies as saying.乌克兰国际文传电讯社援引乌克兰安全局消息人士的话称,克里米亚大桥的炸弹袭击是乌克兰安全局实施的一次特别行动。The SSU hasn't commented on the incident. But theUkrainian postal service has already announced a series of stamps celebratingthe destruction of the bridge over the weekend.乌克兰安全局尚未对此事发表评论,但乌克兰邮政部门已经发布了一系列邮票,庆祝这座桥在周末被毁。Images of the stamps were released just hours after theattack on the bridge along with a giant replica stamp featuringan artist's rendition of the attack, the Russian state news agency TASSreported.据俄罗斯国家通讯社塔斯社报道,这些邮票的图片是在大桥遇袭事件发生几小时后发布的,同时发布的还有一枚巨大的仿制邮票,上面印有一位艺术家对袭击事件的复现。Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov did not assert on Sundaythe possibility of Russia using nuclear weapons in retaliation for the bridgeexplosion, Russia's RIA Novosti news agency reported.据俄新社报道,周日,克里姆林宫发言人德米特里·佩斯科夫并未声称俄罗斯会使用核武器来报复桥梁爆炸事件。Still, Putin held an operational meeting of his SecurityCouncil on Monday. The meeting itself isn't out of the ordinary, as Putinregularly holds operational meetings with the Security Council, usually on aweekly basis, according to TASS.尽管如此,普京还是在周一召开了一次安理会行动会议。据塔斯社报道,这次会议本身并没有什么不同寻常之处,因为普京通常会与安理会每周举行一次行动会议。US President Joe Biden spoke with German Chancellor OlafScholz by phone on Sunday, discussing sanctions on Russia as well as assistanceto Ukraine.周日,美国总统乔·拜登与德国总理奥拉夫·朔尔茨通了电话,讨论对俄罗斯的制裁以及对乌克兰的援助。In a statement from the White House, Biden and Scholzexpressed their "commitment to hold Russia accountable for its brutalactions and to provide security and economic assistance to Ukraine".在白宫发表的一份声明中,拜登和朔尔茨表示,他们“致力于让俄罗斯为其野蛮行径负责,并向乌克兰提供安全和经济援助”。Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said onMonday, after the explosions in Kyiv, that it is important for all parties tostick to dialogue and negotiations and work together to de-escalate tensions.外交部发言人毛宁星期一在基辅发生爆炸事件后表示,希望各方能通过对话协商妥善解决分歧,共同努力缓和紧张局势。China has maintained communications with all parties, Maosaid, adding that the country hopes to play a constructive role in promoting de-escalation.中方一直与各方保持着沟通,愿意继续为推动局势缓和发挥建设性作用。记者:任奇 王青云replica英[ˈreplɪkə];美[ˈreplɪkə]n. 复制品retaliation英[rɪˌtæliˈeɪʃn];美[rɪˌtælɪˈeʃən]n. 报复,反击de-escalation英[ˌdi:eskə'leɪʃən];美[ˌdieskə'leɪʃən]n. 减低战争的范围或强度