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Experts have estimated that China's inbound tourism market will maintain its continuous recovery for the rest of the year and could return to the pre-COVID level reached in 2019, in view of its good performance in the first half of the year.基于2024年上半年中国入境旅游的良好表现,专家预测,中国入境旅游市场有望在本年下半年持续恢复,甚至回到2019年疫情前的水平。The latest figures from the National Immigration Administration showed that foreigners made about 14.64 million trips to the Chinese mainland in the first six months of 2024. The China Tourism Academy estimated that about 11 million of those trips were for tourism purposes — a number that is roughly 70 percent of the figure for the same period in 2019.国家移民管理局的最新数据显示,2024年上半年,外国人前往中国大陆的次数约为1464万次,中国旅游研究院估计,其中大约1100万次是以旅游为目的,这一数字约占2019年同期的70%。 In 2019, foreign tourists made 31.88 million visits to the mainland, and the total number of inbound visits was 145 million, including trips from the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions and Taiwan.2019年,外国游客到访中国大陆的次数为3188万次,而包括港澳台地区在内的入境旅游总次数达到了1.45亿次。The results were due to factors including the optimized visa policy, the addition of international flights and China's positive tourism image in the world, the China Tourism Academy said in a report released on Tuesday.国家移民管理局在于9月10日发布的一则报道中表示,外国游客到访量的大幅回升可以归结于几个原因:优化的签证政策、国际航班的增加和中国作为旅游观光地在世界上树立的积极形象。According to the report, China has so far implemented a unilateral visa-free policy for 16 countries and regions, and has mutual visa exemption agreements with 24 countries. In addition, the extended 144-hour visa-free transit policy allows travelers from 54 eligible countries, including Austria, Belgium and Canada, to stay for six days in certain Chinese cities without a visa by entering and exiting at 37 Chinese ports such as Beijing, Shanghai and Changsha, the capital of Hunan province.中国旅游研究院在2024年2月发布的报告中指出,中国已经实施了单方面免签政策,覆盖16个国家和地区,并与24个国家达成了互免签证协议。此外,54个国家的旅客可以通过144小时免签过境政策,在包括北京、上海和长沙在内的37个中国口岸城市无签证停留6天。International flights have continued to resume. The report said that in the first half year of 2024, the Chinese mainland operated flights with 73 countries and regions and the Hong Kong and Macao SARs, matching that of 2019. As of late June, the number of the nation's regular international flights had recovered to about 70 percent of the level in 2019.国际航班持续恢复。报告显示,2024年上半年,中国大陆与73个国家和地区以及香港和澳门特别行政区开通了航班,与2019年的数字持平。截至6月底,国内定期国际航班的数量已恢复到2019年水平的约70%。The report also noted that foreign travelers have increasingly shown a preference for individual trips rather than group tours, and they also have greater interest in experiencing the down-to-earth life of local Chinese people or getting involved in traditional cultural activities.报告还提到,外国游客越来越倾向于自由行而非跟团游,并且对中国当地的生活体验和传统文化活动表现出更大的兴趣。It added that social media has played the role of a trendsetter by shaping foreigners' travel preferences, with more foreign bloggers sharing their experiences in China and turning "China travel" into a global tourism bandwagon.社交媒体在塑造外国人的旅游偏好方面起到了引领作用,越来越多的外国博主分享他们在中国的经历,使得“中国旅游”成为全球旅游的热门趋势。Wang Wei, chairman of HiSEAS International Tourism Group, which is based in Chengdu, Sichuan province, said: "Chongqing, in southwestern China, is very popular on TikTok, bringing us a large number of customers from Southeast Asia."远海国际旅游集团董事长王伟说:“重庆在TikTok上很火,这为我们从东南亚吸引了大量的游客”。Wang said that the company began channeling its efforts into the inbound tourism business last year and has so far handled around 400,000 trips by foreign travelers.王伟表示,公司从去年开始将业务重心转向入境旅游,至今已接待约40万次外国游客的旅行。“The number of travelers from Southeast Asia to the mainland is experiencing impressive growth, and the number from Europe is seeing a steady recovery. We've also seen that Central Asia is a new market with greater potential," Wang said.王伟表示:“来自东南亚的游客数量正在显著增长,来自欧洲的游客数量也在稳步恢复,并且我们还观察到,中亚是一个具有更大潜力的新市场”。Dai Bin, president of the China Tourism Academy, estimated that, based on the flourishing market and optimized entry policies, China's inbound tourism might recover in the second half of the year to the same level of that in 2019, entering a new period of prosperity.中国旅游研究院院长戴斌预计,基于市场的繁荣和优化的入境政策,中国入境旅游市场可能在2024年下半年恢复到2019年的水平,进入一个新的繁荣时期。Yang Jinsong, director of the academy's international institute, said he is confident about the development of China's inbound tourism market, adding that more professional and effective advertising to the world and creative tour products and services will help China win the hearts of more foreign travelers.中国旅游研究院国际旅游研究所所长杨进松对中国市场的发展持乐观态度,他认为,通过更专业和有效的全球推广,以及创新的旅游产品和服务,中国将能够吸引更多的外国游客。"We've found that in addition to those traditionally popular domestic destinations such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou in the southern province of Guangdong, with (the nation's) higher global reputation, foreign travelers have set their sights on exploring other niche places or second- and third-tier cities in China, thanks to these cities' popularity on social media and China's sound transportation network for traveling," he said.杨进松表示:“我们发现,随着中国在全球范围内声誉的提升,除了北京、上海和广东广州这些传统上受欢迎的国内旅游目的地外,外国游客也开始探索中国其他的小众地方或二线、三线城市,这也得益于这些城市在社交媒体上的热度以及中国完善的交通网络。”Inbound adj.归航的;入境的Optimizev.使最优化,最有效率;尽可能完善Exemptionn.免除,豁免