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Crowds at a hotpot restaurant in Beijing's Haidian district have recently been drawn by more than the food, as people from the capital and beyond flock to the eatery for a meal as well as to pay their respects to a hero who sacrificed his life to save others.最近,北京市海淀区西二旗的一家火锅店突然“火”了起来,每到饭点都顾客盈门,甚至要排队等位。许多等位的顾客火锅店的老板因为救落水者而牺牲,大家都想以这样的方式向英雄表达敬意。"I just want to come to see the hero's restaurant and show my respect," said Lyu Zhaoshun, a resident of Beijing's Chaoyang district, who drove his entire family to the restaurant."If it were just for a meal, there would be no need to drive so far. I came here because I want my children to experience the atmosphere of honoring a hero and to learn his spirit of selflessness," said Lyu.家住朝阳区的吕照顺带着全家人来到火锅店,他告诉记者:“我们今天来这里,主要是为了向救人英雄致敬。如果只是为了吃一顿饭,根本不需要开车跑这么远。但是,我认为,在孩子的成长道路上,这是一次触碰心灵的教育。”Luan Liuwei, a 41-year-old man from Ningyang county in Tai'an, Shandong province, ran the Beijing restaurant with his wife for many years.41岁的栾留伟是山东省泰安市宁阳县人,他和妻子经营这家北京火锅店多年。On Aug 10, while visiting Gu'an county of Langfang, Hebei province, with his daughter, Luan saved three children from drowning in the Yongding River. However, when he went back into the water to rescue an adult in distress, he drowned due to exhaustion.8月10日,河北省固安县高新区永定河边,当发现一名男子带着3名儿童不慎落水后,栾留伟毫不犹豫冲下河救人,将3名落水儿童推向安全地带后,他再度冲进河中去营救遇险的大人,终因体力不支,不幸溺亡。On Wednesday, Ningyang, which was Luan's hometown, posthumously awarded him the title of "Model of the New Era in Ningyang" and buried him in the local martyrs' cemetery.8月21日,救人英雄栾留伟被安葬在故乡宁阳的烈士陵园内,并被迫授“新时代阳楷模”的称号。Luan's heroic act gained widespread attention and deeply moved people in Beijing and beyond. People from all over the capital city as well as from other areas have flocked to his restaurant to pay tribute to the hero and support the business.栾留伟的英雄事迹,也让北京市民深受感动。大家从四面八方赶到他生前经营的餐馆,向英雄致敬的同时,也用实际行动来帮衬店里的生意。"By around 5 pm, the restaurant was already full, and I waited for more than an hour without getting a seat," said a customer surnamed Wang, who had traveled from Beijing's Tongzhou district, about 50 kilometers away, according to a report in Beijing Daily.市民王先生特意从通州赶到西二旗,他告诉记者,下午5点多,店里就坐满了,等了一个多小时还没排上。Despite the long wait, customers showed no signs of impatience.但店内店外排队等候的市民不见任何急躁情绪,纷纷表示理解。"People came here not just for the food, but also for Luan's story, so they don't want to leave," said one of the waiting customers.“大家来这,不光为了吃饭,都是被栾留伟的事迹感动了,不愿意离开。”一位等位的市民说。Even some people from afar have gone to the restaurant to show their respect for the hero. A person from Heilongjiang province, after reading the news online, traveled more than eight hours by train to show support.除了本地市民,还有游客专门从外地赶来。一位东北游客告诉记者,自己在网上看到新闻后,特意坐火车从黑龙江赶来北京,1600公里,坐了8个半小时的火车。One restaurant employee said, "The restaurant doesn't open until 11 am, but there were already customers waiting starting at 9 am." The employee added that the previous day, the last group of customers left at 1 am.工作人员表示,他们实实在在感受到了大家给予的温暖。店里11点才开门营业,但上午9点多就已经有顾客早早在门口等候。昨天,更是一直到凌晨1点才送走最后一拨客人。People tried to make donations, only to have staff members chase them for several blocks to return the money. A waitress said that Luan's wife has declined to accept any donations.一位店员说,栾留伟的妻子不收任何捐赠。有人甚至把捐款放下就跑,以至店员追出几条街。