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The Federal Reserve's meeting next week will be closely watched in light of recent bank failures in the United States, as the central bank is still trying to get a handle on persistent inflation.美国最近几家银行相继倒闭,下周的美联储会议将受到密切关注。美联储仍在努力控制持续的通货膨胀。A day after a handful of US agencies announced that all depositors at two failed banks would be made whole, investors took it out on the stock prices of regional banks on Monday, led by sharp losses in First Republic Bank.几家美国机构宣布两家破产银行的所有储户将获得全额补偿,在此消息宣布的一天后的3月13日,投资者将目光转向了地区性银行的股价,第一共和国银行股价大跌。News of fresh financing on Sunday failed to assuage fears of possible bank contagion following the collapse of SVB Financial Group, the parent of Silicon Valley Bank, and Signature Bank in New York.在硅谷银行的母公司SVB金融集团和纽约Signature银行倒闭后,3月12日有关新融资的消息并未能缓解人们对银行危机可能蔓延的担忧。Asian shares declined on Tuesday, with heavy selling of bank shares in Tokyo and some other markets, as investors around the world watched to see what's next following the second- and third-largest bank failures in US history, The Associated Press commented.3月14日,据美联社评论,亚洲股市下跌,东京和其他一些市场的银行股遭到大量抛售,全球投资者都在关注美国历史上第二和第三大银行倒闭后的动向。"US financial stress could lead banks of all stripes to retrench lending to the real economy and tighten broader financial conditions, amplifying risk to the broader markets," Stephen Innes, managing partner at SPI Asset Management, said in a report.SPI资产管理公司管理合伙人斯蒂芬·英尼斯(Stephen Innes)在一份报告中表示:“美国的金融压力可能导致各类银行缩减对实体经济的贷款,收紧整体金融环境,放大更广泛市场的风险。”While markets have started to price in a strong likelihood that the Fed will ease up on its interest rate increases to take pressure off the banking sector, evidence that inflation remains hot could once again lift uncertainty over the central bank's next move.尽管市场有可能开始消化美联储将放松加息以减轻银行业压力,但通胀依然居高不下的现实,表示可能再次增加美联储下一步行动的不确定性。Investors are worried that a relentless rise in interest rates meant to get inflation under control is approaching a tipping point and may be cracking the banking system.投资者担心,为控制通胀而不断加息的政策正接近一个临界点,很可能会破坏银行体系。The Fed is "between a rock and a hard place", said Hans Olsen, chief investment officer at Fiduciary Trust, a wealth management company. "The rock is they have to deal with inflation, and the hard place is they have this banking panic, like a fever that is running through the markets right now."财富管理公司Fiduciary Trust首席投资官汉斯·奥尔森(Hans Olsen)表示,美联储“进退两难”。最困难的地方是他们必须应对通货膨胀,以及他们的银行业恐慌,就像发烧一样,现在正在整个市场蔓延。”Adding to the Fed's dilemma is the Consumer Price Index report for February, which was expected to be released on Tuesday. Expectations are that prices will be up 6 percent over February 2022.令美联储更加进退两难的是,预计将于3月14日发布的2月份消费者价格指数(cpi)报告,预计到2022年2月,价格将上涨6%。"I honestly think that (Tuesday's CPI data) is more important than even the FOMC (Federal Open Market Committee) meeting," Mike Fratantoni, the Mortgage Bankers Association's chief economist, told Barron's magazine.抵押贷款银行家协会首席经济学家Mike Fratantoni对Barron's杂志表示。‘说实话,我认为(3月14日的CPI数据)甚至比联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)会议更重要,’Liquidity Crisis流动性危机But Professor Raymond Hill, senior lecturer of finance at the Goizueta Business School of Emory University in Atlanta, told China Daily: "This seems to be a liquidity crisis for the banks involved, not a crisis of solvency (as in 2008), so I don't believe there will be a banking crisis to deter the Fed from focusing on inflation at its next meeting (March 21-22).但亚特兰大埃默里大学戈伊苏塔商学院金融学高级讲师雷蒙德·希尔教授在接受中国日报采访时表示:“对于相关银行来说,这似乎是一场流动性危机,而不是像2008年那样的偿付能力危机,因此我不认为银行业危机会阻止美联储在下次会议(3月21日至22日)关注通胀问题。”"SVB's financial situation deteriorated because they had to pay higher interest rates on deposits but were locked into low rates on longer-term investments," he said.他表示:“SVB的财务状况恶化,是因为他们不得不支付更高的存款利率,但长期投资的利率却很低。”"Signature Bank and SVB apparently had a large proportion of their deposits in excess of $250,000, so those large depositors headed for the exits at the first hint of trouble. This precipitated a liquidity crisis."“Signature银行和SVB的存款显然有很大一部分超过25万美元,因此一旦出现麻烦的迹象,这些大储户就会撤离,从而引发流动性危机。”US President Joe Biden vowed on Monday to do whatever was needed to address a potential banking crisis.3月13日,美国总统乔·拜登承诺将采取一切必要措施应对潜在的银行业危机。But news of the banking industry's woes prompted some sharp commentary on social media.但有关银行业困境的消息在社交媒体上引发了一些尖锐的评论。Entrepreneur Patrick Bet-David told his 410,000 followers on Twitter: "FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) only has $125 billion securing $9.9 trillion. That's only 1.26%! FDIC may be able to protect the depositors at SVB, but it won't be able to do if it happens to a few other banks."企业家帕特里克·贝特-大卫在推特上告诉他的41万名粉丝:“FDIC(联邦存款保险公司)只有1250亿美元,可以保护9.9万亿美元。只有1.26%!FDIC或许能够保护SVB的储户,但如果这种情况发生在其他几家银行身上,它就无法做到了。”Financial analyst Genevieve Roch-Decter told her 355,000 followers on Twitter: "The Fed and the FDIC have signaled that they'll backstop basically every bank's deposits. Does this incentivize banks to take even greater risks with our deposits?"金融分析师吉纳维芙·罗奇-德克特在推特上告诉她的35.5万名粉丝:“美联储和联邦存款保险公司已经发出信号,他们将基本上为每家银行的存款提供担保。可是这是否会鼓励银行用我们的存款承担更大的风险?”The heaviest pressure is on the regional banks a couple of steps below in size of the massive, "too-big-to-fail" banks that foundered in 2007 and 2008, The Associated Press reported.美联社报道称,压力最大的是地区性银行,它们的规模比那些在2007年和2008年倒闭的“大到不能倒”的大型银行还低几个档次。Shares of First Republic Bank fell 61.8 percent, even after the bank said on Sunday it had strengthened its finances with cash from the Federal Reserve and JPMorgan Chase.3月12日第一共和国银行表示,已从美联储和摩根大通获得现金,加强了财务状况,然而该银行股价仍然下跌61.8%。Brian Levitt, global market strategist at Invesco, said the market is focusing on smaller banks with specialty lending businesses. After Silicon Valley Bank, investors have turned their attention to the next bank exposed to interest rates and specific credit risks.景顺(Invesco)全球市场策略师莱维特(Brian Levitt)说,市场关注的是拥有专业贷款业务的小型银行。继硅谷银行之后,投资者已将注意力转向下一家面临利率和特定信贷风险的银行。"First Republic Bank, which has significant exposure to the coastal real estate markets, appears to be next on the list," he said.他表示:“第一人民银行在沿海房地产市场有大量敞口,似乎是下一个目标。”Liquidity英 [lɪˈkwɪdəti]   美  [lɪˈkwɪdəti]n. 流动性Entrepreneur英 [ˌɒntrəprəˈnɜː(r)]   美  [ˌɑːntrəprəˈnɜːr]n. 企业家