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The average score for Chinese test takers in the Test of English as a Foreign Language has significantly improved in the past decade, from 77 in 2010 to 87 in 2021, approaching the global average score of 88, according to a recent report.最近一份报告显示,过去十年中,中国考生的托福考试平均分明显提高,从2010年的77分提高到2021年的87分,接近全球平均分88分。The percentage of Chinese test takers with a TOEFL score above 100 had tripled in 2021 compared to 2009, the report said.报告显示,2021年托福成绩超过100分的中国考生比例是2009年的三倍。The report was released by the Center for China and Globalization and ETS on Wednesday and focuses on the cultivation of international talent in China.4月12日,这份报告由全球化智库(CCG)和ETS发布,报告重点关注中国国际人才的培养。In 2021, 24 provincial regions had an average TOEFL score of more than 80 points with eastern regions having higher international communication literacy.2021年,中国24个省市自治区的托福平均成绩超过了80分,东部地区的国际交流素养更高。In terms of comprehension indicators, since 2008 the reading scores of Chinese TOEFL test takers started to surpass the global average. Meanwhile, the difference between Chinese test takers' listening scores (22 points) and the global average (23 points) was reduced to 1 point in 2021.在理解力指标方面,自2008年以来,中国托福考生的阅读分数开始超过全球平均水平。2021年,中国考生听力成绩为22分,全球平均水平为23分,两者的差距缩小到1分。When it comes to expression indicators, the gap between Chinese test takers and the global average has also narrowed.在表达力指标方面,中国考生与全球平均水平的差距也有所缩小。The gap between Chinese TOEFL test takers' writing scores and speaking scores and the global average has steadily decreased, and so has the gap in analytical writing.中国托福考生的写作成绩和口语成绩与全球平均水平的差距稳步缩小,分析性写作的差距也在缩小。The report said that it is necessary to continue to strengthen stable educational exchanges and cooperation with the United States, the United Kingdom and countries and regions involved in the Belt and Road Initiative. China should continue to encourage its students to study abroad and welcome foreign students to study in the country, it said.报告显示,中国有必要继续加强与美国、英国以及“一带一路“沿线国家和地区稳定的教育交流与合作。中国应继续鼓励学生出国留学,并欢迎外国学生来华学习。Moreover, foreign languages can promote the growth of international talent and serve as the bridge for China's development. Therefore, the status of foreign languages in China's education system should remain the same and more efforts are required to promote foreign language education, the report said.此外,报告显示,外语可以促进国际人才的成长,成为中国发展的桥梁。因此,在中国教育体系中,应保持外语的地位并更努力促进外语教育。Wang Huiyao, president of CCG, said China is an important source of international education for many countries and regions, and a large number of Chinese students will choose to study abroad after the COVID-19 pandemic.全球化智库理事长王辉耀表示,中国是许多国家和地区的重要国际生源国,在新冠疫情之后,大量的中国学生将选择出国留学。Moreover, attracting talent globally is important for China to innovate and develop, he said.此外,王耀辉表示,吸引全球人才对中国的创新和发展很重要。Fu Bo, deputy secretary-general of China Education Association for International Exchange, said under the current ever-changing and complex international landscape, countries must strengthen cooperation and attract global talent with more open policies.中国教育国际交流协会副秘书长傅博表示,当前的国际形势复杂多变,各国必须加强合作,以更加开放的政策吸引全球人才。Universities are the breeding ground for international talent. Therefore, it is important for talent at domestic universities to conduct exchanges with their foreign counterparts and international organizations, she said.傅博表示,大学是孕育国际人才的土壤。因此,国内大学的人才与国外同行和国际组织进行交流非常重要。