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英语新闻丨这一“国家队”,正式成立!China's first national breakdancing team was officially revealed after the end of the second qualification trials held at the Lishui Extreme Sports Hall in Nanjing, East China's Jiangsu province. Eight breakdancers (four men and four women) stood out during the trials.1月8日,中国国家霹雳舞队选拔赛在江苏南京的国家极限运动溧水训练基地结束,8名选手(4男4女)从比赛中脱颖而出,组成首支正式的霹雳舞中国国家队。This trial is divided into two rounds,and the first qualification trials were held in Shanghai in late December 2022. According to the competition system, the top eight men's and women's groups would move on to the second round and get corresponding points through a round-robin competition within the group. Finally, the top four men's and women's groups (three B-dancers and one substitute) formally established the Chinese National Breakdancing Team.此次选拔赛共分为两场,首场已于2022年12月下旬在上海举行。根据赛制,男子组与女子组的前8名选手参加第二场选拔赛,通过组内大循环赛获得相应积分,最终综合两场选拔赛积分结果,男、女组前4名(正编3人,替补1人)正式组成中国国家霹雳舞队。According to the relevant person in charge of the Chinese Dancesport Federation, in the past, Chinese players mostly adopted the name of training team or foreign training team to participate in international competitions. This is the first national breakdancing team in the real sense.据中国体育舞蹈联合会相关负责人介绍,以往中国选手参加国际赛事,多采用集训队或外赛外训队的名称,此次组建的是第一支真正意义上的国家霹雳舞队。The team will face several important competitions in 2023, including the World Championship of World Dance Sport Federation (WDSF) in Belgium and the Hangzhou Asian Games in East China's Zhejiang province in September. The champions of these two events will directly qualify for the Paris Olympic Games in 2024, according to Xinhua.对这支新成立的国家队来说,今年最重要的任务将是9月在比利时举行的世锦赛以及随后的杭州亚运会。据新华社报道,这两场赛事的冠军将直接获得巴黎奥运会资格。Competitive breakdancing will be the sparkling new attraction at the 2024 Olympics in Paris.2024年巴黎奥运会增设霹雳舞等四个大项,霹雳舞首次进入奥运会的舞台。At the Paris 2024 Games, the breaking competition will comprise two events – one for men and one for women – where 16 B-Boys and 16 B-Girls will go face to face in spectacular solo battles. Athletes will use a combination of power moves – including windmills, the 6-step and freezes – as they adapt their moves and improvise to the beat of the DJ’s tracks.根据奥委会赛事设置,在2024年巴黎奥运会上,霹雳舞比赛将分为男子组与女子组,每组16名选手,进行1V1对决。运动员们将结合风车(windmills)、六步(6-step)、定点(freeze)等动作,配合音乐主持人的节奏,赢得评委选票,最终决出首个霹雳舞奥运会冠军。The competition is scheduled to be held on Aug 9 and 10 in 2024.巴黎奥运会霹雳舞项目定于当地时间2024年8月9日与10日举行。“According to international rules, only three men and three women can participate in each game, so we plan to divide the eight players into three main players and one substitute for each gender. At the end of each point race, if the last dancer does not make it to the round of 16, he or she will be replaced. We do so to encourage the team member to strive to qualify for the Paris Olympic.” China's General Administration of Sport officials said.中国国家体育总局官员表示,“根据国际规则,每场比赛只能有三名男子和三名女子参赛,因此我们计划将这八名球员分成三名正编队员和一名替补队员,男女各一名。每次积分赛结束后,如果最后一名舞者没有进入16强,他或她将被替换为替补,以此鼓励正编队员,争取获得巴黎奥运会参赛资格。”Sparkling英 [ˈspɑ:klɪŋ]    美 [ˈspɑrklɪŋ]adj. 闪亮的Windmill英 [ˈwɪndmɪl]    美 [ˈwɪndˌmɪl]n.风车Improvise英[ˈɪmprəvaɪz]   美[ˈɪmprəvaɪz]v.即兴创作