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China's national observatory on Wednesday upgraded the alert for Typhoon Doksuri to the highest level of red, as the fifth typhoon this year is expected to bring gales and downpours to the southern and eastern parts of the country.7月26日,中国国家天文台将台风“杜苏芮”的警戒级别提升至最高级别的红色,作为今年的第五个台风,杜苏芮预计将给中国南部和东部地区带来狂风和暴雨。The upgrade was made by the National Meteorological Center only four hours after it issued an orange alert at 6 am.国家气象中心在早上6时发布了橙色预警,仅四个小时后,就将其升级为红色。China has a four-tiered color-coded weather warning system for typhoons, with red representing the most severe warning, followed by orange, yellow and blue.中国的台风预警采用四级颜色编码系统,其中红色代表最严重的警报,其次是橙色、黄色和蓝色。The typhoon, observed over the ocean about 350 kilometers south of Taiwan at 8 am Wednesday, is expected to move northwest at a speed of 10 to 15 km per hour, the center said in a media release.国家气象中心报道称,26日上午8时在台湾以南约350公里的海面上观测到台风,预计台风将以每小时10至15公里的速度向西北方向移动。Forecast shows that the cyclone will enter the northeastern part of the South China Sea between Wednesday evening and Thursday morning and then make landfall in coastal areas of Fujian and Guangdong provinces on Friday morning.预报显示,气旋将于26日傍晚至27日上午进入南海东北部海域,然后于28日上午在福建和广东沿海地区登陆。Aside from raging a vast stretch of sea areas, including parts of Bashi Channel and the South China Sea, it said, gales the typhoon brings will also strike Taiwan island and coastal areas of Fujian.除了肆虐包括巴士海峡和南海部分海域在内的广大海域外,台风带来的大风还将袭击台湾岛和福建沿海地区。It said the Taiwan island and the eastern part of Zhejiang province will experience heavy downpours over 24 hours starting 2 pm Wednesday. The precipitation in some areas in the eastern and southern parts of Taiwan are expected to reach 250 to 400 millimeters during the time.预计从26日14时开始,台湾岛和浙江省东部地区将在24小时内遭遇强降雨。台湾东部和南部部分地区的降水量预计将达到250至400毫米。Zhejiang braces for Typhoon Doksuri浙江省严阵以待台风“杜苏芮”来袭Heavy downpours of 100 to 150 millimeters are expected in southeastern Zhejiang province on Wednesday and Thursday,  the National Meteorological Center said.国家气象中心称,预计浙江省东南部26-27日将出现100至150毫米的强降雨。Authorities in Zhejiang are following the development of the typhoon closely and taking a series of precautions. More than 15,600 fishing boats have been asked to return to port, and preparations have been made to guard against secondary disasters such as mountain torrents, floods and landslides as of 7 pm on Tuesday.浙江省各级政府正密切关注台风的动态,并采取了一系列预防措施。截至25日19点,已有15600多艘渔船被要求回港,并已做好防范山洪、洪水和山体滑坡等次生灾害的准备。To ensure the safety of tourists, 1,964 travelers have been evacuated so far from Nanji, Beiji and Beilong islands in Wenzhou, Zhejiang, as of 5 pm Tuesday. Local authorities in Zhejiang have also issued an advisory to halt mass gatherings, as well as dangerous outdoor operations.为确保游客安全,截至25日17点,浙江温州南麂岛、北麂岛和北龙岛已疏散1964名游客。浙江当地政府还发布了停止群众集会和危险户外作业的通告。China has a four-tier color-coded weather warning system for typhoons, with red representing the most severe warning, followed by orange, yellow and blue.中国有一套四级颜色编码的台风天气预警系统,红色代表最严重的预警,其次是橙色、黄色和蓝色。Train routes to be suspended ahead of Typhoon Doksuri's landfall台风“杜苏芮”登陆前列车已停运Dozens of trains traveling within Guangdong province and between Guangdong and Zhejiang province will be suspended in the following two days, as Typhoon Doksuri is expected to make landfall in the coastal areas between Fujian province and Guangdong on Friday morning, according to railway operators.据铁路运营商称,由于台风"杜苏芮"预计将于28日上午在福建和广东之间的沿海地区登陆,未来两天广东省内和广东与浙江之间的数十趟列车将停运。On Thursday, up to 163 trains will be suspended. This includes lines from Shenzhen, Guangdong to Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang, and from Meizhou to Shantou, both in eastern Guangdong, according to the China Railway Guangzhou Group.7月27日,多达163辆列车将停运。据中国铁路广州局集团称,其中包括从广东深圳到浙江省会杭州的线路,以及从广东东部梅州到汕头的线路。Also on Thursday, four trains from Beijing to Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong and five more trains along Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong will be suspended.北京至广东首府广州的四趟列车以及广州、深圳和香港沿线的另外五趟列车也将停运。Continuing on Friday, up to 40 trains from Hangzhou to Shenzhen and from Meizhou to Shantou will be suspended, the railway operators said.铁路运营商表示,从杭州到深圳以及从梅州到汕头的多达40趟列车将在28日陆续停运。Typhoon英/taɪˈfuːn/美/taɪˈfuːn/n.(印度洋及西太平洋的)台风Meteorological英/ˌmiːtiərəˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l/ 美/ˌmiːtiərəˈlɑːdʒɪk(ə)l/adj.气象学的Reporter: Hou Liqiang, Ma Zhenhuan, Qiu Quanlin Intern:Zang Tianyi