英语新闻 |“人人你人人”,春节长线旅游大增72%

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China is expected to see a Spring Festival holiday with the largest number of travellers in three years, with soaring domestic tourism and recovering outbound tourism, data from online travel platforms show.来自在线旅游平台的数据显示,随着国内旅游业的升温和出境游的复苏,中国预计将迎来三年来游客人数最多的春节假期。Data from Trip.com Group showed that long-distance travel orders during the Spring Festival holiday accounted for 70 percent of the holiday's total travel orders of the company, up 72 percent year on year.携程数据显示,春节假期长线旅游订单占比达七成,长线游订单同比去年增长72%。Tourists prefer to enjoy warmth and sunshine in the country's south or embrace ice and snow in the north. According to the online tourism platform TravelGo, tourist destinations like Xishuangbanna, Sanya and Xiamen in the country's south and Changbai Mountains in northeastern Jilin Province are among the most popular during the holiday.游客们更喜欢在南方享受温暖和阳光,或者在北方享受冰雪旅游。根据同程艺龙国际平台的数据,中国南部的西双版纳、三亚和厦门,以及吉林省长白山等旅游目的地是春节期间最受欢迎的。Short-distance travel, more preferred during the pandemic, continues to be popular among tourists during this Spring Festival holiday. As people return to their hometowns, short-distance tours to scenic spots around small cities are gaining popularity.疫情期间更受欢迎的短途旅行在今年春节期间继续受到游客的欢迎。随着人们回到家乡,小城市周边景点的短途旅游越来越受欢迎。Likewise, outbound travel is receiving increasing attention on various travel platforms, as the country's adjusted COVID-19 response has lifted restrictions on overseas trips and promoted cross-border personnel exchanges.同样,随着国家调整疫情防控措施,取消了对出国旅行的限制,促进了跨境人员交流,出境游在各旅游平台上受到越来越多的关注。Data from Trip.com Group showed that the demand for flight tickets to Macao during the Spring Festival holiday grew by 97 percent from last holiday, and that for hotels by 57 percent. The number of orders for flight tickets from the mainland to Hong Kong increased over 31-fold year on year.携程数据显示,内地游客预订春节期间赴澳门机票预订量同比去年春节增长超97%,酒店订单量增长57%。内地游客春节赴香港的机票订单量同比增长超过31倍。编辑:许雅宁来源:新华社