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The first drone delivery service guided by China's Beidou Navigation Satellite System has begun operations in Zhuzhou, Hunan province, offering local residents a glimpse into a futuristic, fast-paced delivery system.湖南省株洲市的第一批无人机运送服务已经投入使用,该服务由中国北斗导航卫星系统领航,为当地居民提供了一种具有未来感、高速度的运输系统。On Tuesday, drones departed from the Zhuzhou "Beidou+drone" low-altitude flying service center to deliver packages to an SF Express center about 4 kilometers away in just a few minutes. The drones flew at an altitude of around 200 meters.8月13日,无人机群从株洲市“北斗+无人机”低空飞行服务中心启航,向4千米外的顺丰速运中心运输货物,几分钟内便抵达了目的地。该机群的飞行海拔在200米左右。 Operated by Phoenix Technology, a subsidiary of SF Express and Zhuzhou Geckor Group, the service aims to significantly reduce delivery times. According to You Yang, sales director at Phoenix Technology, traditional road transportation would take at least 20 minutes. Drones, bypassing traffic and red lights, reduce that time by up to 70 percent.该配送服务由顺丰速运和株洲高科集团的子公司凤凰汇通运营,致力于大幅缩短货物的配送时间。据凤凰汇通销售经理杨友(音)称,传统的公路运输至少需要20分钟,而无人机能绕过车流和红灯,可节省多达70%的配送时间。  "Drones are particularly useful for making emergency deliveries, carrying high-value items or reaching remote locations," You said.杨友(音)说:“在进行紧急递送、运送贵重物品和长距离运输时,无人机的优势尤为明显”。  Current costs for a single delivery range from 70 to 80 yuan ($9.78 to $11.17). With drones capable of carrying 50 to 100 packages, the service could become profitable, but for now, subsidies from local governments and enterprises help cover costs.目前,单次配送的价格从70元到80元不等($9.78到$11.17),无人机能运载50到100个包裹,这将是一个能够创造收益的服务,不过现在还需要当地政府和企业进行补贴以弥补成本。  The center operates five routes for delivering medical supplies, everyday goods, agricultural products and emergency equipment, as well as performing waterway inspections. An additional seven routes have been approved for future use.该中心已有五条路线处于运营状态,分别用于配送医疗用品、日常用品、农产品、应急设备,以及进行水路检查。另外七条路线已获准,将在未来投入使用。  The drones used in Tuesday's launch are about 2 meters wide, with a maximum payload of 10 kilograms and a flight speed of 50 km per hour. The center also utilizes various other drone models capable of carrying between half a kilogramto 50 kg and flying distances from 10 km to 120 km.8月13日发布的无人机有2米宽,最高载货量为10千克,飞行速度达50千米/时,该中心还使用了许多载货量在0.5kg到50kg,飞行距离在10km至120km之间的无人机模型。The first company in China to receive a license for drone delivery, Phoenix Technology had opened 215 routes by the end of last year, transporting nearly 3 million packages weighing a total of 15 million metric tons. Drone deliveries are now routine in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, with 300 to 400 flights a day, but they are guided by GPS rather than Beidou.凤凰汇通是中国第一家取得无人机配送营业执照的公司,截止去年底,该公司已开放了215条运输路线,运输了总重1500万公吨的近300万件包裹。无人机配送在深圳已成为平常,每天能有300到400单业务,不过他们使用的是GPS而不是北斗导航。  Zhuzhou, a key hub for Beidou technology and low-altitude economic development, provides an ideal base for advancing homegrown drone delivery services. Tang Zhibin, a local resident, expressed excitement about the new technology and its potential convenience.株洲作为北斗科技和低空经济发展的关键枢纽,为先进的本土无人机配送服务提供了一个理想的发展环境。当地居民唐志斌(音)对这一新兴科技和其带来的潜在便利表达了激动的心情。Zhou Jin, another onlooker, said he was "blown away" by the sight of the drones.另一位居民周瑾(音)表示,他曾为无人机配送的景象所惊叹。"They're much larger than the drones I've used for photography and remind me of something from Hollywood sci-fi movies," he said.他说:“这种无人机比平时用来摄像的那些大多了,这让我想起了好莱坞的科幻电影中的景象”。  While China's drone technology is considered among the world's best, Zhou said more regulation will be necessary to ensure safety as drone usage becomes more widespread.周瑾(音)表示,尽管中国的无人机技术堪称世界第一,但随着无人机的应用逐步推广,将需要更多的监管措施以保障使用安全。Dronen.无人机Payload   n.有效载荷Metric tonsn.公吨(一千公斤)