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Japan announced on Tuesday that it will start releasing nuclear-contaminated water from the destroyed Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the Pacific Ocean as early as Thursday, a move that sparked widespread criticism from the international community and local residents.当地时间8月22日,日本宣布最早将于24日开始将福岛第一核电站的核污染水排向太平洋,此举引发了国际社会和当地居民的广泛批评。China voiced strong opposition after the announcement, saying that the act is "extremely selfish and irresponsible". It strongly urged the Japanese government to reverse its wrong decision.声明发表后,中方表示,此举极端自私,极不负责任。中方强烈反对,强烈敦促日方纠正错误决定。On Tuesday, Vice-Foreign Minister Sun Weidong summoned Japanese Ambassador to China Hideo Tarumi and lodged solemn representations over the decision.22日,外交部副部长孙卫东召见日本驻华大使垂秀夫,就福岛核污染水排海这提出严正交涉。Sun said that Japan's move disregards the strong concerns and firm opposition of the international community.孙卫东说,日本政府无视国际社会强烈质疑和反对,执意宣布即将启动福岛核污染水排海。Condemning the decision as "extremely selfish and irresponsible", Sun said that Japan is putting its own interests above the long-term well-being of the entire humanity. "China is gravely concerned and strongly opposed to this," he said.孙卫东指出,这一行径极其自私自利,极不负责任,将一已私利凌驾于全体民众长远福祉之上。对此,中方表示严重关切、强烈反对。If Japan insists on the discharges, China will take all steps necessary to protect the ocean, ensure food safety and safeguard people's life and health, he added.孙卫东补充,如日方一意孤行,中国政府将采取必要措施,坚定维护海洋环境、食品安全和公众健康。Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida gave the final go-ahead to the radioactive water discharge plan on Tuesday and said the government will oversee the release of "treated water", which he called "essential" for the safe decommissioning of the Fukushima plant.日本首相岸田文雄于22日最终批准了核污染水排海计划,并表示政府将监督“处理过的水”的排放,他称这对福岛核电站的安全退役“至关重要”。Kishida said that authorities will address the concerns of local communities and fishermen over reputational damage and continuation of business, but his assurances have failed to ease doubts among Japan's people.岸田文雄保证,当局将解决当地渔民对于名誉和业务的担忧,但他的保证并未打消日本民众的疑虑。As the Kishida Cabinet cleared the plan, people from across the country staged a protest outside the prime minister's office on Tuesday.随着岸田文雄批准该计划,日本各地的民众于22日在首相官邸外举行了抗议活动。Shigeru Tokiwa, a book editor in Tokyo who joined the protest, said: "This administration has been lying from the very beginning. It is just shameful, isn't it?"参加抗议活动的东京图书编辑石破茂(音译)表示:“本届政府从一开始就在撒谎。这太可耻了,不是吗?”Naomi Hori, a tour guide from Chiba Prefecture, said: "Nobody is convinced about the safety of the plan. The Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Co (the operator of the plant) are just piling up lies. Basically, no one is taking responsibility."来自千叶县的导游河井直美(音译)说:“没有人相信这个计划的安全性。日本政府和东京电力公司(核电站的运营商)只是在编造谎言。实际上没有人承担责任。”A massive earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011, destroyed the Fukushima plant's cooling systems, causing three of its reactors to melt and contaminate their cooling waters.2011年3月11日,日本发生大地震,地震引发海啸袭击了福岛第一核电站的冷却系统,造成核电站1至3号机组堆芯熔毁,并污染了冷却水。Sei Tamamori, a resident of Kawasaki, Kanagawa Prefecture, said, "The government calls the water 'treated', but it is actually contaminated water that the government is trying to rebrand."神奈川县川崎居民青山翔吾说:“政府称这些水是‘处理过的’,但实际上是被污染的水,政府正试图重新命名核污染水。”At a regular news briefing on Tuesday in Beijing, Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said that the legitimacy and safety of Japan's ocean discharge plan have been questioned over and over again for the past two years.22日,在北京举行的例行新闻发布会上,外交部发言人汪文斌表示,两年多来,福岛核污染水排海计划的正当性、合法性、安全性一直受到国际社会质疑。China strongly urges Japan to rectify its wrong decision, revoke the ocean discharge plan, communicate with neighboring countries with sincerity and goodwill, dispose of the contaminated water in a responsible manner and accept rigorous international oversight, he added.汪文斌补充说,中方强烈敦促日方纠正错误决定,撤销核污染水排海计划,以真诚态度同周边邻国善意沟通,以负责任方式处置核污染水,接受严格国际监督。On Tuesday, John Lee Ka-chiu, chief executive of China's Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, announced an immediate ban on importing Japanese food products.香港特别行政区行政长官李家超22日宣布立即启动进口日本食品管制。The Macao Special Administrative Region has also announced a ban on the import of live and fresh food products from 10 prefectures and regions of Japan. The ban will take effect on Thursday.此外,澳门特别行政区宣布从24日起禁止从日本10个县区进口鲜活食品。Discharge英 /dɪsˈtʃɑːdʒ/美 /dɪsˈtʃɑːrdʒ/vt. & vi. 流出;释放Wastewater英 /'weɪst,wɔːtə/美 /'westwɔtɚ/n. 废水