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The Three Gorges Dam has opened its flood discharge gates for the first time this year, with the aim of alleviating flood control concerns upstream of the world's largest hydropower project as the rain shifts westward along the Yangtze River.三峡大坝今年首次开启泄洪闸门,目的是随着雨水沿长江向西转移,缓解全球最大水电项目上游的防洪危机。The speed of discharge from two sluice gates of the dam in Yichang, Hubei province, which were opened on Wednesday, will gradually increase from 27,000 cubic meters per second to 31,000 cubic m/s, according to the Ministry of Water Resources.据水利部称,湖北宜昌大坝的两个水闸于7月10日开启,排水速度将从每秒27000立方米逐渐增加到每秒31000立方米。A forecast on Wednesday said the upper reaches of the Yangtze would swell remarkably in the following week due to continuous downpours in the next 10 days in Sichuan province and Chongqing.7月10日的一份预报称,由于未来10天四川省和重庆市将持续暴雨,长江上游将在接下来的一周显著上涨。A forecast from the National Meteorological Center shows that a vast stretch of regions in the Yangtze's upper reaches, including the Sichuan Basin and the southeastern part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, will receive 60 to 120 millimeters of rainfall in mid-July, and the precipitation in some areas in the basin, which covers Sichuan and Chongqing, may exceed 300 mm.来自国家气象中心的预报显示,长江上游的广大地区,包括四川盆地和青藏高原东南部,将在7月中旬迎来60至120毫米的降雨,包括四川和重庆在内的盆地部分地区的降雨量可能超过300毫米。The expected accumulated precipitation in many areas in the basin during that time will be 50 to 90 percent higher than normal for the same period.在此期间,盆地许多地区的预计累积降水量将比同期正常水平高50%至90%。The ministry said rainfall in the upper stretches of the Yangtze since Monday had increased the speed of water flow into the Three Gorges Reservoir to 50,000 cubic m/s as of 6 pm on Thursday, raising the water level to a record high of 161.1 meters for this time of the year.该部门表示,自7月8日以来,长江上游地区的降雨增加了流入三峡水库的水流速度,截至7月11日下午6点,水流速度达到每秒50000立方米,将水位提升至今年同期的历史最高水位161.1米。This means that the second major flood has formed in the Yangtze this year. The first major flood in Asia's longest watercourse was reported in late June in its lower reaches.这意味着长江今年第二次大洪水已经形成。据报道,这条亚洲最长水道的第一次大洪水发生在6月下旬的下游地区。The Changjiang Water Resources Commission, an affiliate of the ministry that governs the Yangtze basin, will assess the situation continuously and may increase the water discharge from the reservoir accordingly, the ministry said.长江水利委员会是水利部的下属机构,该部门表示,将持续评估情况,并可能相应增加水库的排水量。"When adjusting the flood discharge, the commission will thoroughly assess the flood control conditions in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze to prevent the reoccurrence of alerts in some Yangtze sections where water levels have recently receded below their danger marks," it said.其说到:“在调整洪水流量时,委员会将彻底评估长江中下游的防洪条件,以防止最近水位低于危险标志的一些长江河段再次出现警报。”After entering their rainy season, many areas in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze have experienced persistent torrential rains. That led to water levels at 185 hydrological stations surpassing their flood warning marks on July 2.进入雨季后,长江中下游的许多地区经历了持续的暴雨。这导致185个水文站的水位在7月2日超过了洪水预警标志。During that time, the Three Gorges Dam played a crucial role in mitigating the impact of water from the upper reaches of the Yangtze, significantly alleviating the flood control situation downstream, the ministry said.该部门表示,在此期间,三峡大坝在减轻长江上游来水的影响方面发挥了至关重要的作用,大大缓解了下游的防洪形势。However, that resulted in the water level in the Three Gorges Reservoir reaching 159.9 meters as of Wednesday, 15 meters above its normal level.然而,这导致三峡水库的水位7月10日达到159.9米,比正常水位高出15米。Three Gorges Dam三峡大坝flood discharge gates泄洪闸门Three Gorges Reservoir三峡水库