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The United States on Wednesday vetoed a Security Council resolution that would have called for humanitarian pauses in Gaza.10月18日,美国否决了安理会呼吁在加沙实行的“人道主义暂停”决议。The Brazilian-drafted resolution won the support of 12 of the 15 members of the Security Council. The United States, which has veto power, was the only council member that voted against it.巴西起草的此项决议获得了安理会15个成员国中12个成员国的支持。美国持有一票否决权,是本次唯一投出反对票的安理会成员。Britain and Russia abstained.英国和俄罗斯弃权。Before voting on the Brazilian draft, the Security Council voted separately on two amendments to the Brazilian draft submitted by Russia.在巴西草案表决之前,安理会对俄罗斯提交的两项巴西草案修正案分别进行了表决。The Russian amendments - on a call for an end to indiscriminate attacks on civilians and civilian subjects, and a call for a durable humanitarian cease-fire, instead of humanitarian pauses contained in the Brazilian text - were unable to pass as there was not enough support by council members.两项俄罗斯修正案分别呼吁停止无差别地袭击平民及平民目标,及实行持久的人道主义停火,而非巴西草案中的人道主义暂停。两项修正案由于无法得到足够安理会成员的支持而未能通过。The United States was the only council member that voted against the Russian amendments.美国是唯一投票反对俄罗斯修正案的安理会成员。US ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, in an explanation of vote, said her country "is disappointed this (draft) resolution made no mention of Israel's right of self-defense".美国常驻联合国代表琳达·托马斯·格林菲尔德在解释投票立场时说,决议草案并未提及以色列的自卫权,美国对此感到失望。French UN ambassador Nicolas de Riviere told reporters after the vote that his country does not see any contradiction between supporting Israel after Hamas' attack and protecting civilians, granting humanitarian access, calling for full respect for international humanitarian law and Geneva Conventions, which were basically the Brazilian draft all about.法国常驻联合国代表尼古拉斯·德·里维耶尔表决结束后对记者表示,法国认为,支持遭受哈马斯袭击的以色列,与保护平民、开放人道主义援助通道、呼吁充分尊重国际人道主义法与日内瓦公约,两者之间没有任何矛盾,而后者正是巴西草案的核心内容。Russian UN ambassador Vassily Nebenzia blasted the United States for its "hypocrisy and double standards".俄罗斯常驻联合国代表瓦西里·涅边贾指责美国“虚伪”“持双重标准”。Brazilian UN ambassador Sergio Franca Danese regretted the fact that his country's draft resolution was vetoed.巴西常驻联合国代表塞尔吉奥·弗兰撒·达内塞对巴西决议草案被否决表示遗憾。"Sadly, very sadly, silence and inaction prevailed - to no one's long-term interests," he said. "While we deeply regret collective action is made impossible in the Security Council, we do hope that efforts by other actors will yield positive results. Hundreds of thousands of civilians in Gaza cannot wait any longer. Actually, they have waited for far too long."他说:“遗憾、非常遗憾的是,沉默和不作为占了上风。这不符合任何人真正的长远利益。我们对安理会无法采取集体行动深感遗憾,非常希望其他集体的努力能产生积极成果。加沙数十万平民不能再等了。他们已经等了太久了。”Chinese UN ambassador Zhang Jun said his country was shocked and disappointed at the result of Wednesday's voting.中国常驻联合国代表张军表示,中国对18日的投票结果感到震惊、失望。Certain countries voted on Monday against a Russian-drafted resolution, which would have called for a humanitarian cease-fire. Those countries said they wanted more time to seek consensus on the basis of the Brazilian-drafted resolution. Brazil and many other council members showed a constructive attitude and agreed to postpone the voting for 24 hours, and again till Wednesday. In the past 40 hours, those countries have neither commented on nor expressed opposition to the Brazilian draft, making people believe that the council would be able to adopt a resolution on Wednesday. The final result is unbelievable, he said.张军说,某些国家16日投票反对俄罗斯起草的呼吁人道主义停火的决议。这些国家声称希望有更多时间在巴西草案的基础上寻求共识。巴西及其他许多安理会成员表现出积极的态度,同意将表决推迟24小时,并再次推迟到18日。在过去的40小时里,这些国家并未对巴西草案发表意见或表示反对,使得人们相信安理会能够在18日通过此项决议。最终的结果令人难以置信。"Certain countries talked about the importance for the council to take the right actions. However, the way they voted only makes us question their willingness to let the council take any actions and their sincerity to find a solution to the problem," said Zhang.张军说,“某些国家谈到了安理会采取正确行动的重要性。然而,他们的投票方式只会让我们怀疑他们是否真正愿意通过安理会采取任何行动,以及他们是否真正希望解决问题。”The Security Council on Monday failed to adopt the Russian-drafted resolution. The draft resolution failed to win enough votes in favor for adoption. The United States, together with Britain, France and Japan, voted against it.16日,安理会未能通过俄罗斯起草的决议。该决议草案未能获得足够的赞成票。美国、英国、法国和日本投了反对票。Humanitarian pausesn.人道主义暂停International humanitarian lawn.国际人道主义法Geneva Conventionsn.日内瓦公约