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英语新闻丨人民币使用在对外贸易中或将增加China will step up efforts to expand the use of the renminbi in cross-border trade and investment, the Ministry of Commerce said on Thursday.商务部周四表示,中国将进一步支持外经贸企业扩大人民币跨境使用。Shu Jueting, the ministry's spokeswoman, told an online news conference that the ministry and the People's Bank of China, the country's central bank, will direct their local branches to take specific measures to implement a newly released circular on expanding the use of the renminbi in cross-border trade and investment.商务部发言人舒觉亭在线上新闻发布会上表示,商务部和中国人民银行(中国中央银行)将指示其地方分支机构采取具体措施,落实新发布的《关于进一步支持外经贸企业扩大人民币跨境使用促进贸易投资便利化的通知》。They will jointly urge local authorities to report enterprises' relevant needs in a timely manner, in order to expand the use of the renminbi in cross-border trade and investment, while motivating financial institutions to provide innovative and quality products and services to enterprises, she said.双方将共同敦促地方政府及时报告企业相关需求,扩大人民币在跨境贸易和投资中的使用,同时激励金融机构为企业提供创新和优质的产品和服务。The moves are part of the country's broader push to facilitate foreign trade growth and stabilize enterprise operations, experts said.专家表示,这一系列举措构成了国家为促进外贸增长和稳定企业运而做出的广泛努力。The ministry and the central bank recently issued the joint circular, which underlined the positive role of cross-border renminbi use in serving the real economy and promoting trade and investment facilitation.商务部和央行日前发布联合通知,强调了人民币跨境使用在服务实体经济、促进贸易投资便利化方面的积极作用。"Using the renminbi in cross-border trade and investment can help enterprises control risks associated with exchange rate fluctuations and manage the cost of capital to achieve stable operations," Shu said.“人民币在跨境贸易和投资中的使用可以帮助企业控制汇率波动带来的风险,管理资金成本,实现稳定运营,”舒觉亭说。"Against the changes in international economic and financial context and increased fluctuations in the exchange rates of major currencies, enterprises have developed a stronger desire for renminbi settlements. Their demand for cross-border renminbi investment, financing and risk management has also increased remarkably," she said.“当前国际经济金融形势动荡、主要货币汇率波动加剧,企业对人民币的结算意愿增强。他们对跨境人民币投资、融资和风险管理的需求也明显增加,”The joint circular asked the authorities concerned to study and match the needs of industries and enterprises in a timely manner and take targeted measures in accordance with local conditions, to create a good environment for the cross-border use of the renminbi.通知要求,有关部门要及时研究对接行业和企业需求,因地制宜,有针对性地采取措施,为人民币跨境使用创造良好环境。The circular urged banks to provide more convenient and efficient services for cross-border settlements in the renminbi. It also encouraged banks to extend renminbi-denominated overseas loans and highlighted the capability of certain platforms in boosting cross-border use of the renminbi. Such platforms promote China's opening-up policy, and include pilot free trade zones, Hainan Free Trade Port and overseas economic and trade cooperation zones.通知要求银行业为人民币跨境结算提供更加便捷高效的服务。它还鼓励银行发放以人民币计价的海外贷款,强调某些平台在促进人民币跨境使用方面的能力。这些平台促进了中国的开放政策,包括自由贸易试验区、海南自由贸易港和境外经济贸易合作区。Zhou Mi, a senior researcher at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, said renminbi pricing and renminbi settlements are becoming increasingly popular among enterprises undertaking international trade and investment, mostly because China's role in the global economy is growing, and the infrastructure for cross-border use of the renminbi continues to improve.中国国际贸易与经济合作研究院高级研究员周密表示,人民币定价和人民币结算在国际贸易和投资企业中越来越受欢迎,主要是因为中国在全球经济中不断发挥重要作用,人民币跨境使用的基础设施也不断完善。Shu said China will step up efforts to stabilize foreign trade growth while also improving the quality of its trade. Related measures will focus on stabilizing foreign trade enterprises and export orders, and helping enterprises solve problems.舒觉亭表示,中国将加大力度稳定外贸增长,同时提高贸易质量。有关措施将以稳定外贸企业和出口订单为重点,帮助企业排忧解难。The ministry and business chambers will facilitate enterprises to participate in overseas expos and other events to land orders, attract more overseas enterprises to expos like the Canton Fair, and direct enterprises to make better use of export credit insurance policies, in order to boost their confidence in accepting orders.商务部和商会将为企业参加海外博览会等活动获得订单提供便利,吸引更多海外企业参加广交会等博览会,引导企业用好出口信用保险政策,增强企业接单信心。The authorities will offer guidance to enterprises so that the latter could benefit more from supportive policies, such as inclusive finance and those stabilizing employment, while financial institutions will provide more credit support to foreign trade enterprises, especially micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.有关部门将为企业提供指导,引导企业从普惠金融中受益,制定稳就业等扶持政策,而金融机构将为外贸企业,特别是微型和中小型企业提供更多信贷支持。China also recently announced that nine regions, including Beijing, Shanghai and Jiangsu province, had been selected to carry out pilot programs for the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade.近日,中国还宣布了选定北京、上海、江苏等9个地区开展内外贸一体化发展试点。Fluctuation英 [ˌflʌktʃʊ'eɪʃn] 美 [ˌflʌktʃʊˈeɪʃn]n. 波动Denominate英 [dɪˈnɒmɪneɪt] 美 [dɪˈnɑmɪneɪt]v.以(某种货币)为单位Expo英['ekspəʊ]    美[ˈɛkspoʊ]n.博览会