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A large area of Northeast China is facing a double blow after one typhoon wreaked havoc as it headed north, and another is headed the same way.中国东北大部分地区正面临双台风影响,台风“杜苏芮”北上并引发强降雨和洪灾,与此同时,台风“卡努”也在向北移动。Severe flooding as a result of the heavy rainfall brought by remnants of Typhoon Doksuri has inflicted huge losses on Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces in the past few days.过去几天,受台风“杜苏芮”残余环流的影响,吉林和黑龙江等地出现强降雨,引发严重洪灾,给当地造成巨大损失。In Jilin, the downpour began on Aug 1, affecting most areas of the province. By Friday afternoon, Yongsheng Forest Farm in Shulan city experienced rainfall of nearly 500 millimeters, far exceeding the previous record of 103.6 mm, according to the local government.8月1日起,吉林省多地遭遇强降雨。当地政府表示,截至4日下午,舒兰市永胜林场降雨量接近500毫米,远超历史最大值103.6毫米。By Friday night, the heavy rainfall had left 14 dead in the city, with one person still missing. More than 134,000 people have been affected by the floods, the Shulan flood control and emergency response headquarters said.截至4日晚间,强降雨已造成舒兰市14人遇难,1人失联。舒兰市防汛抗旱指挥部部表示,此轮洪水造成13.4万人受灾。Jilin meteorological service forecast that from Aug 10 through 13, the province will likely experience thunderstorms brought by Typhoon Khanun.吉林省气象局预报,8月10日至13日,受台风“卡努”影响,吉林省可能出现雷暴天气。Heilongjiang's southern areas have experienced record rainfall since Aug 2, leading to severe floods in Harbin and Mudanjiang cities. The provincial meteorological service issued red warnings for heavy rainfall, the highest of the four-tier warning system, from Aug 2 through 5.2日以来,黑龙江南部地区发生有气象记录以来最强区域暴雨灾害,哈尔滨市和牡丹江市发生严重洪灾。2日到5日,黑龙江省气象局发布最高等级的暴雨红色预警。By Sunday, more than 270,000 Harbin residents had been affected by the floods and over half of them relocated. About 90,000 hectares of crops have been inundated by water.截至6日,洪涝灾害导致超过27万哈尔滨居民受灾,其中一半以上的人员已转移安置,农作物受灾面积9万公顷左右。Thanks to early prevention measures, Huanshan village in Harbin, which is surrounded by mountains and has a population of 720, managed to avoid any casualties during the heavy rains and subsequent floods, Southern Weekly reported.据《南方周末》报道,因为提前做好防范,有720名村民的哈尔滨环山村没有出现人员伤亡。Zhang Zhenbao, a villager, said they had paid attention to the weather forecasts and planned ahead.村民张振宝(音译)表示,他们已经注意了天气预报,并提前做好计划。"As soon as the rainfall reached a certain level, we organized people to evacuate. As we are close to the mountains, we sought refuge in higher-up houses, gathering in these households. We squeezed ourselves into the houses by either sitting or standing, and managed to overcome this challenge," Zhang was quoted as saying.张振宝说:“我们就组织人员看着,一旦下雨达到某个程度就组织大家伙儿迅速撤离。我们离山比较近,找高一点的人家,都撤到这些户里头,咱都坐着或站着,大家伙儿将就将就,克服点困难,也能渡过这个难关。”He said on Aug 2, within eight hours of the water rising, a number of military boats arrived and began rescue operations.张振宝表示,8月2日,涨水不到8小时,一些军用船只抵达并开展救援。To tackle the disaster, the provincial government has drawn rescue workers from various departments including transportation, housing and urban-rural development, emergency management, telecommunications, and power supplies to participate in rescue and relief efforts, Xinhua News Agency reported.据新华社报道,为了应对洪涝灾害,黑龙江省从交通、住房和城乡建设、应急管理、电信和电力供应等部门召集人员参与救援。"With the floodwaters receding, villagers are intensifying their efforts to resume life," Zheng Xiaokang, a police officer from Jiangxi village in Mudanjiang told Xinhua.牡丹江江西村的警官郑小康告诉新华社记者: “洪水逐渐退去,村民们正在加紧努力恢复生活。”In recent days, Zheng has been actively aiding villagers in removing mud from their homes and cleaning up premises.最近几天,郑小康一直在积极帮助村民清除家中的泥土,清理房屋。"I still feel scared when I recall the recent flooding. In the face of the persistent downpour and rising river water, the consequences would have been devastating had we not managed the timely evacuation of villagers," Zheng was quoted as saying.“当我想起最近的洪水,我仍然感到害怕。面对持续的强降水和不断上涨的水位,如果我们没有及时疏散村民,那么后果将是毁灭性的。”On Aug 3, in response to the critical situation, Heilongjiang raised its flood response level from four to three. A day later, the level was raised yet higher to two. So far, 25 working groups have been sent to rescue people and aid flood control work, the local government said.3日,为应对紧急情况,黑龙江将防汛四级应急响应提升至三级,并于2日将之提升至二级。当地政府表示,截至目前,派出25个工作组参与救援和防洪工作。The northeastern region of China remains on alert as Typhoon Khanun, the sixth typhoon of this year, is expected to bring strong winds and torrential rain to the region in the following days, Xinhua reported.据新华社报道,受今年第6号台风“卡努”影响,预计未来即日东北地区将迎来强风和强降雨,东北地区仍处于紧急状态。Blow英 /bləʊ/美 /bloʊ/n.打击Typhoon英 /taɪˈfuːn/美 /taɪˈfuːn/n. 台风Downpour英 /ˈdaʊnpɔː(r)/美 /ˈdaʊnpɔːr/n. 倾盆大雨