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英语新闻|中国暂停向韩日公民发放签证China has suspended issuing visas for South Korean and Japanese citizens as Beijing urged countries to adopt a fact-based response to the COVID-19 pandemic and vowed to take reciprocal measures against discriminatory entry restrictions.中国已暂停向韩国和日本公民发放赴华签证,呼吁相关国家从事实出发,科学适度制定防疫措施,并表示将对两国的歧视性做法采取对等措施。The Chinese embassy in Seoul said in a statement on Tuesday that short-term visas for South Koreans to visit China for business, tourism and other personal affairs will be suspended.1月10日,中国驻韩国大使馆发布通知,自即日起,中国驻韩国使领馆暂停签发韩国公民赴华访问、商务、旅游、就医、过境以及一般私人事务类短期签证。Adjustment of the suspension will not be considered until South Korea lifts its discriminatory requirements for travelers from China to enter the country, the statement said.根据中国驻韩国大使馆通知,上述措施将视韩国对华歧视性入境限制措施取消情况再作调整。Later on Tuesday, the Chinese embassy in Tokyo announced that it had suspended processing and issuing regular visas for Japanese citizens to visit China. The suspension took effect on Tuesday, and it has not been announced when the services would resume, the embassy said in a statement.1月10日晚,中国驻日本大使馆发布通知:即日起暂停审发日本公民赴华普通签证,何时恢复,请候通知。Since China announced its decision to optimize its policies on COVID control and cross-border travel in December, many countries have welcomed the move. However, some nations, such as South Korea and Japan, have imposed restrictions targeting China including mandatory COVID testing upon arrival.自2022年12月中国调整疫情防控措施,放宽出入境政策以来,多国表态予以欢迎。然而,韩国和日本等一些国家针对中国实施限制措施,包括入境时对中国旅客强制进行新冠病毒检测。Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said on Tuesday that China has been in communication with related countries and has elaborated the science-based and reasonable refinement of its COVID control measures and the nation's COVID situation.1月10日,外交部发言人汪文斌在例行记者会上表示,中方与有关国家进行了充分沟通,详细介绍中方优化调整防疫措施的科学性、合理性和中国当前的国内疫情形势。In a phone conversation with South Korean Foreign Minister Park Jin on Monday, Foreign Minister Qin Gang expressed his concern over the restrictions adopted by South Korea, saying that he hoped South Korea would maintain an objective and scientific stance.在中方对韩采取对等措施前一天,也就是1月9日,中国外交部长秦刚同韩国外长朴振通了电话,就韩方对中国旅客入境采取限制表达关切,希望韩方秉持客观、科学的态度。Noting that China is firmly opposed to such measures and will take reciprocal measures, Wang said, "Regrettably, a handful of countries, in disregard of science and facts, have insisted on taking discriminatory entry restriction measures targeting China."外交部发言人汪文斌指出,中国坚决反对此类做法,并将采取对等措施。他表示:“令人遗憾的是,少数国家罔顾科学事实和本国疫情实际,仍执意针对中国采取歧视性入境限制措施。”reciprocal英 [rɪˈsɪprək(ə)l]  美 [rɪˈsɪprək(ə)l]adj. 相互的discriminatory 英 [dɪˈskrɪmɪnətəri]  美 [dɪˈskrɪmɪnətɔːri]adj. 区别对待的resume[rɪˈzjuːm]  美 [rɪˈzuːm]v. 重新开始