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Popular Chinese mainland actor Hu Ge paid a visit to Taiwan on Wednesday amid tense cross-Strait relations, which mainland authorities said would provide a rare opportunity for people from both sides to engage in exchanges.6月12日,在两岸关系紧张之际,中国大陆著名演员胡歌访问了台湾,国台办表示,这将为两岸青年朋友提供一个难得的交流机会。Hu, known for his role as the protagonist A Bao in Blossoms Shanghai, one of the most popular television series this year, arrived in Taipei to a warm reception after receiving an invitation to the island from the Taipei Multimedia Production Association.因在今年最受欢迎的电视剧之一《繁花》中扮演主角阿宝而闻名的胡歌,应台北市影音公会邀请后抵达台北,受到了热烈的欢迎。According to Taiwan media reports, Hu landed at Songshan Airport at noon, greeted fans warmly, expressed his happiness about the popularity of the drama and shared his hopes for more exchanges.据台湾媒体报道,胡歌中午抵达松山机场,热情迎接粉丝,表达了他对该剧受欢迎的高兴,并分享了他对更多交流的希望。Chen Binhua, a spokesman for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, said at a news conference in Beijing on Wednesday that Hu would participate in discussions with young film and television series creators from both sides of the Strait in Taipei on Wednesday.国务院台办发言人陈斌华6月12日在北京的新闻发布会上表示,胡歌将于6月12日两岸青年影视创作者对话交流。"We are pleased to see more Taiwan fans and drama enthusiasts having the opportunity to meet mainland celebrities they admire," Chen said.陈斌华说:“我们很高兴看到更多的台湾粉丝和戏剧爱好者有机会见到他们崇拜的大陆名人。”Hu's last visit to Taiwan was in 2018, when he was a guest at the Golden Horse Awards. Subsequent challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and strained cross-Strait relations made further visits to Taiwan difficult.胡歌上一次访问台湾是在2018年,当时他是金马奖的嘉宾。随后新冠肺炎疫情和紧张的海峡两岸关系带来的挑战使得进一步访台变得困难。The island's mainland affairs authorities said that Hu's visit complied with relevant government regulations. They welcomed mainland entertainers to visit Taiwan to foster mutual understanding through film and TV works.台湾政府的大陆委员会表示,胡歌此行符合政府的相关规定。他们欢迎大陆演艺人员赴台借由影视作品相互增进了解。In recent years, many period dramas produced on the mainland like Blossoms Shanghai, which depicts life in the city in the 1990s, have become very popular. The highly anticipated second season of the mainland TV series Joy of Life premiered recently, captivating audiences in Taiwan, especially those born after 2000.近年来,许多在大陆制作的古装剧,如描绘20世纪90年代城市生活的《繁花》,都变得非常受欢迎。备受期待的大陆电视剧《庆余年》第二季最近首播,吸引了台湾观众,尤其是2000年后出生的观众。Chen said that the popularity of the shows proves that compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait share the same culture and roots, making it easy for them to resonate emotionally with cultural works such as films and TV series.陈斌华说,这些节目的受欢迎程度证明了两岸同胞同文同种,拥有共同的文化根脉,容易对影视剧等优秀文化作品产生情感共鸣。"The Chinese cultural 'genes' that flow in the blood of the Taiwan compatriots cannot be changed by the DPP authorities, despite their de-Sinicization policy or disruption of cross-Strait exchanges," he said.他说:“流淌在广大台湾同胞血液里的中国文化基因,是民进党当局及“台独”势力怎么搞“去中国化”、怎么破坏两岸文化交流,都改变不了的。”He condemned the island's ruling Democratic Progressive Party authorities for refusing to lift a ban on group tours to the mainland, and said mainland tourism authorities will continue to promote regular cross-Strait exchanges in various fields.他谴责该岛执政的民进党当局拒绝取消对大陆团体旅游的禁令,并表示大陆旅游部门将继续促进两岸各领域的定期交流。Around 7,000 people from different walks of life in Taiwan will participate this month in the 16th Straits Forum, the largest cross-Strait grassroots exchange activity. It will be held in Fujian province and jointly hosted by 86 organizations from both sides of the Strait.大约7000名来自台湾不同行业的人士将参加本月举行的第十六届海峡论坛,这是最大的两岸基层交流活动。论坛将在福建省举行,由两岸86家单位共同主办。cross-Strait relations两岸关系de-Sinicization policy去中国化政策