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英语新闻︱中方敦促美方在台湾问题上不要耍花招Beijing asked Washington on Tuesday to "give up the attempt to use Taiwan to contain China" and "play no games", urging the United States to honor the one-China principle and the three landmark China-US joint communiques that enshrine the principle.8月9日,中方正告美方“趁早打消‘以台制华’的念头”,要“老老实实”,恪守一个中国原则和中美三个联合公报的规定。In an interview with media including China Daily on Monday about the Taiwan Straits situation, Vice-Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu said the Chinese people "are not to be misled by fallacies or scared by evils, and will never waver in defending our core interests".8月8日,外交部副部长马朝旭就台海局势接受了包括《中国日报》在内的媒体采访,他表示,中国人民“不信邪、不怕鬼,捍卫核心利益坚定不移”。Experts said this statement shows China's strong will to safeguard its sovereignty as well as its sincerity in keeping China-US ties afloat.专家表示,这一声明显示了中国维护国家主权的坚定立场,以及维护中美关系的诚意。Washington has recently warned that it will be forced to respond if China continues to take more countermeasures against the recent provocative visit to Taiwan by US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi.美方最近警告称,如中方继续就美国国会众议长佩洛西窜台采取更多反制举措,美方将被迫做出回应。In response, Ma said, "We want to stress to the US: Do not act recklessly, and stop going further down this doomed path." He asked the US to "do the right thing and take concrete steps to facilitate the steady development of China-US relations".马朝旭回应道:“我们要正告美方,不要轻举妄动,不要一条道走到黑。”马朝旭敦促美方“为中美关系稳定发展多做正事、实事”。On Friday, Beijing announced its decision to cancel three cooperative dialogues or meetings with the US in the field of defense and suspended two-way judicial cooperation in areas such as illegal immigration, cross-border crimes and narcotics, as well as bilateral consultation on climate change.8月5日,中国外交部宣布取消中美间三项军事交流机制,暂停非法移民遣返、打击跨国犯罪、禁毒等领域的双边司法合作以及气候变化商谈。While Washington claimed that the decision does not punish the US but the whole world, Ma replied that "the US cannot represent the whole world".美方称,这些反制措施惩罚的不是美国,而是整个世界。马朝旭回应:“美国代表不了世界。”"China had warned the US well in advance that should Pelosi visit Taiwan, it would cause a crisis and major disruptions to China-US exchanges and cooperation," he added.马朝旭强调:“中方事先早已正告美国,佩洛西窜台很可能导致危机,给双方交流合作造成重大干扰。”Su Xiaohui, deputy director of the China Institute of International Studies' Department of American Studies, said sincerity is a necessity for keeping China-US communication afloat, and it's the foundation for avoiding miscalculations.中国国际问题研究院美国研究所副所长苏晓晖表示,真诚是保持中美交流的必要条件,也是避免误判的基础。"Washington seeks dialogue with Beijing to minimize the risk of unexpected emergencies. However, it is reluctant to stop reconnaissance and drills against the Chinese side," she said.苏晓晖指出:“美方寻求与中方对话,将意外冲突的风险降至最低。然而,美方仍不愿叫停针对中国的侦察活动和军事演习。”Since the US continues to increase its military presence at China's doorstep and undermine regional stability, it is unlikely that Beijing will let the US take all the benefits at the lowest cost, she added.苏晓晖说,由于美国继续在中国家门口进行军事部署,破坏地区稳定,中方不太可能让美方以最低的成本获得所有好处。So far, more than 170 countries and many international organizations have spoken up to reaffirm their commitment to the one-China principle.目前,已经有170多个国家和国际组织重申坚持一个中国原则。When asked about the recent "concern" expressed in a joint statement by the G7 and the European Union on the situation, Ma, the vice-minister, said, "Compared with over 170 countries, what do the G7 think they are? Who cares what they say?"当问及如何看待七国集团和欧盟在涉台声明中,对中方行动表达的“关切”时,外交部副部长马朝旭说:“跟这170多个国家比,七国集团算得了什么?他们说的话有人在意吗?”Dong Chunling, a research fellow on American studies at the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, noted that Pelosi's visit has prompted widespread criticism in the global community, and "Washington is faced with mounting losses and a worsening dilemma in the face of a series of military and diplomatic countermeasures by Beijing".中国现代国际关系研究院美国研究所研究员董春岭指出,佩洛西窜台在国际社会遭到一片谴责之声。董春岭提到:“面对中方一系列军事、外交反制举措,这出闹剧更显得得不偿失、狼狈不堪。”"While the world expects the two countries to reinforce dialogue and cooperation to tackle the world's deficit in development and security, the farce made by politicians like Pelosi marks a tragic manifestation of the failing US politics," Dong said.董春岭说:“当国际社会期待着中美加强对话与合作缓解全球发展赤字和全球安全赤字的时候,佩洛西之流所制造的这出闹剧,恰恰是美国政治衰败的悲剧性写照。”Challenging the US claim that China's military drills in recent days have flared tension, Ma said it is the US "that is threatening peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits".针对美国声称中国连日来的军事演习将导致局势轮番升级,马朝旭强调,美国是台海和平的最大破坏者,是地区稳定的最大麻烦制造者。The US and its allies often come to the waters near China flexing their muscles and stirring up trouble, and have conducted up to 100 military exercises each year, Ma added. "They, instead of someone else, are the ones that overreact and escalate the situation."马朝旭表示,美国及其盟友经常到中国周边海域耀武扬威,挑衅滋事,每年进行上百次的军事演习。马朝旭说:“过度反应、升级局势的帽子他们戴最合适。”Ma also stressed that "there is no such thing as a median line in the Straits".同时马朝旭强调,根本不存在什么“海峡中线”。"The Chinese armed forces conduct military exercises in waters off China's Taiwan island to safeguard the sovereignty and territorial integrity of China. Our measures are open and proportionate," he said.马朝旭指出:“中国军队在中国台湾岛附近海空域开展军事演训活动,旨在维护中国的神圣主权和领土完整。我们的措施公开适度。”As part of Washington's backpedaling on its commitment to the three China-US communiques, US arms sales to Taiwan have witnessed consistent expansion, totaling more than $70 billion, Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said on Tuesday.8月9日,外交部发言人汪文斌表示,美方违背在中美三个联合公报中所作的承诺,售台武器的规模持续扩大,总额已超过700亿美元。The administration of US President Joe Biden alone has sold more than $1.1 billion worth of arms to Taiwan, and in recent years, "the US has been increasingly blatant in adding ambiguity to, hollowing out and distorting the one-China principle", he added.汪文斌指出,美现政府任内售台武器的总额已达11亿多美元。近年来,“美国虚化、掏空、歪曲一个中国原则的行径更加露骨”。记者:张陨璧waver英[ˈweɪvə(r)];美[ˈwevɚ]vi. 摇摆;踌躇;动摇afloat英[əˈfləʊt];美[əˈfloʊt]adv. 不欠债地;周转顺畅地;漂浮着narcotic英[nɑːˈkɒtɪk];美[nɑːrˈkɑːtɪk]n.麻醉药;镇定剂;毒品adj.麻醉的;催眠的;起麻痹作用的;吸毒成瘾的reconnaissance英[rɪˈkɒnɪsns];美[rɪˈkɑnɪsns]n. (派士兵或飞机)侦察;(用卫星)搜索,勘测