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英语故事︱能“打飞的”了?空中出租车成功试飞,还能在水上起降Developed by the KencoaAerospace Corporation, a South Korean drone maker, the "taxi" can accommodate oneadult. It is an electrically powered vehicle that can travel up to 80kilometers per hour, and transport up to 100 kilograms of cargo. The companyplanned to commercialize "air taxi" services in 2025, Business Koreasaid on Sept 15.近日,韩国济州岛首次试飞了一款可载人飞行器,这款飞行器以电力驱动,时速最高可达每小时80公里,最多可运输100公斤的货物,在水上也可以起降,目前只能容纳一个成年人。济州岛计划在2025年实现空中出租车的商业化。It said that a consortiumconsisting of three corporations had signed a Memorandum of Understanding withthe Jeju special self-governing province, aiming to provide commercial urbanair mobility service three years later.据悉,由三家公司组成的财团已经与济州岛签署谅解备忘录,旨在三年后为城市地区提供灵活高效的商业化空中出租车服务。The island was seen by theconsortium as "an ideal test bed for air taxis" due to its "goodairport facilities and well-maintained traffic infrastructure," accordingto a report in JoongAng Daily.据《中央日报》报道称,济州岛航空港与机场设施的建设水平与交通基础设施,使得其成为空中出租车发展的“理想试验场地”。The country planned todevelop and operate a mobility platform and a communication system on theisland and built a vertical take-off and landing site.根据计划,该公司将建立并运营一个移动平台,同时开发通信系统,配合可供垂直起降的平台协同运行。Apart from taxis themselves,other infrastructures for the "flying cars" are also underconstruction. An airport for flying taxis was opened in April in an England carpark, according to the Financial Times. It is the first demonstration of a"vertiport" for electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft, itsaid.空中出租车加紧研发的同时,相关的配套设施也在建造中。据英国《金融时报》报道,今年四月就有一座专为空中出租车服务的机场在英国试运行,这也是垂直升降机场的首次亮相。编辑:朱迪齐 实习生:石铭宇来源:新华社 央视新闻drone英[drəʊn];美[droʊn]n.雄蜂;嗡嗡声;持续低音;无人驾驶飞机v.嗡嗡叫;嗡嗡响;絮絮叨叨地说accommodate英[əˈkɒmədeɪt];美[əˈkɑːmədeɪt]v.容纳,接纳;为…提供住宿; 顾及,考虑到; 给…提供方便; 迎合; 适应mobility英[məʊˈbɪləti];美[moʊˈbɪləti]n.流动性;移动性;<社>流动; 机动性