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With summer drawing to a close, the tourism market has shown a surprisingly good performance with both domestic and outbound travel growing.暑期即将结束,旅游市场却呈现出令人惊喜的良好表现,国内游和出境游双双增长。The China Tourism Academy released a report last week, saying domestic destinations received nearly 1.84 billion visits from June to August, generating 1.21 trillion yuan ($167 billion) in revenue.中国旅游研究院上周发布报告称,6月至8月,国内旅游目的地共接待游客近18.4亿人次,实现旅游收入1.21万亿元(约合1,670亿美元)。According to China State Railway Group, trains in summer were up by 18.9 percent over the same period in 2019 — before the COVID-19 pandemic hit. The Civil Aviation Administration said a record 62.4 million passengers flew in July, a rise of 5.3 percent compared with July, 2019.根据中国国家铁路集团的数据,在新冠疫情袭来临之前,暑期列车发送量比2019年同期增长了18.9%。民航局称,7月份飞行旅客达到创纪录的6240万人次,与2019年7月相比增长了5.3%。Travel portal Trip.com Group said that as of Aug 23, sales of railway tickets on its platform rose 51 percent from the previous two months.旅游门户网站携程网称,截至8月23日,其平台上的火车票销售量比前两个月增长了51%。It said that family trips were the most popular among its users, with flights for family trips growing by nearly 56 percent as of Aug 23 from the same period of 2019.该公司表示,家庭出游最受用户欢迎,截至8月23日,家庭出游的航班比2019年同期增长了近56%。Online tourism services provider Tuniu said that around 51 percent of its users chose long-distance trips during the summer, with Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou, Guangdong province the top choices.在线旅游服务提供商途牛表示,约51%的用户在暑期选择长途旅行,其中上海、北京和广州是首选。Tuniu said that Yunnan in Southwest China and Gansu and Qinghai provinces in the northwest saw a remarkable increase in summer travel.途牛表示,西南地区的云南和西北地区的甘肃、青海两省暑期出游人数显著增加。"The Palace Museum was the most crowded I've ever experienced," said 37-year-old Qi Yin from Jiangsu province, who brought her 6-year-old daughter to Beijing in July. "I've been to the city five or six times, but all for business trips. My daughter loves history and Beijing is a good choice for her to learn about it."来自江苏省的37岁的齐尹说:“故宫博物院是我去过的最拥挤的地方。”她在7月份带着6岁的女儿来到北京。“我去过北京五六次,但都是出差。我女儿喜欢历史,北京是她了解历史的好选择。”Homestay operator and booking platform Tujia said that homestay bookings at popular destinations like Beijing and Chongqing doubled on its platform during the summer compared with 2019, with the average price for homestay rooms reaching 423 yuan per night.民宿运营商、预订平台途家表示,暑期其平台上北京、重庆等热门目的地的民宿预订量较2019年翻了一番,民宿房间均价达到423元/晚。"The price of hotel rooms was around 450 to 500 yuan per night when I was on my business trips to Beijing in recent years, but the price rose to over 800 yuan per night when I booked the room for the summer trip," said Qi.“近几年我在北京出差时,酒店客房价格每晚在450元至500元左右,但暑期出差订房时,价格涨到了每晚800多元。”齐女士说。A report by the tourism academy said that the average price of hotel rooms it surveyed rose by nearly 47 percent year-on-year during the summer holiday, and prices for flights to domestic destinations rose more than 14 percent, while prices of domestic attractions climbed 4.6 percent.旅游研究院的一份报告称,暑假期间,其调查的酒店客房均价同比上涨近47%,飞往国内目的地的航班价格上涨超过14%,国内景点价格上涨4.6%。Outbound travel has seen stable growth this summer because of resumed flights. Trip.com Group said that as of Aug 23, cross-border flights departing and arriving on the mainland during summer recovered to 50 percent of that in 2019. Outbound flight ticket prices dropped by 66 percent year-on-year while still 15 percent higher than in 2019.由于航班恢复,今年暑期出境游实现了稳定增长。携程集团表示,截至8月23日,暑期内地出发和到达的跨境航班恢复到2019年的50%。出境游机票价格同比下降66%,但仍比2019年高出15%。The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Bangkok in Thailand and Tokyo in Japan were the top three choices for outbound trips by its users during the summer, according to Trip.com Group.根据携程集团的数据,香港特别行政区、泰国曼谷和日本东京是暑期用户出境游的前三大选择。Tourism英/ˈtʊərɪzəm/ 美/ˈtʊrɪzəm/n.旅游业,观光业Outbound英/ˈaʊtbaʊnd/ 美/ˈaʊtbaʊnd/adj.出境的