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Despite rising numbers of people on social media claiming to have been infected with COVID-19 for a third time recently, experts have said that those reinfected most likely only had mild symptoms.尽管越来越多的网友在社交媒体上表示三度感染新冠,但专家表示,绝大多数患者症状轻微。While the phrase "third-time COVID" has trended on microblogging platform Sina Weibo, experts said that only a relatively small number of people in the general population have been infected three times and the public doesn't need to worry about a third wave of COVID-19.虽然“三阳”一词在新浪微博上受到广泛关注,但专家表示,在普通人群中仅有少部分人三次感染,公众无需担心第三波新冠疫情。The World Health Organization on Wednesday classified the EG.5 coronavirus strain as a "variant of interest" but said it did not pose more of a threat than other variants.当地时间8月9日,世界卫生组织宣布,将新冠病毒变异株EG.5归类为“需要留意的变异株”,但尚无证据表明它会比其他变异株引发更大的威胁。The EG.5 strain is a substrain of the Omicron variant and has been detected in 51 countries, according to the WHO.世界卫生组织表示,EG.5是新冠病毒奥密克戎亚变异株的亚型,目前已经在51个国家检测到该变异株。WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that while overall risk is low, based on its genetic features, immune escape characteristics and growth rate estimates, EG.5 may spread globally and contribute to a surge in case incidence.世卫组织总干事谭德塞表示,虽然总体风险较低,但根据其遗传特征、免疫逃逸特征和增长率估计,EG.5可能在全球传播并导致发病率激增。However, the risk of severe disease and death is vastly lower than it was a year ago, due to increasing population immunity — whether from vaccination, infection or both — and from early diagnosis and better clinical care.不过,由于人口免疫力的提高——无论是来自疫苗接种、感染还是两者兼而有之——以及早期诊断和更好的临床护理,新冠病毒所导致的重症和死亡风险远低于前一年。Data released by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention on Aug 3 show that the number of severe cases and cases in fever clinics both declined in July.8月3日,中国疾病预防控制中心发布数据显示,7月份全国发热门诊诊疗量以及新冠重症病例数均有所下降。All 9,591 COVID-19 cases reported in July were the Omicron variant, mostly the XBB subvariant, according to the center.中国疾病预防控制中心表示,7月份共报送9591例本土病例新冠病毒基因组有效序列,均为奥密克戎变异株,主要流行株为XBB系列变异株亚分支。Peng Jie, director of the treatment center for infectious diseases at Nanfang Hospital in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, said only a very small number of the patients treated at the hospital were third-time COVID patients, and they only had mild symptoms.广东省广州市南方医院疑难感染诊疗中心主任彭劼表示,门诊发热患者中“三阳”数量很少,症状较轻。COVID-19 is still stable and at a low level of infection in China, he told local media Nanfang Plus.在《南方Plus》采访时彭劼表示,新冠病毒疫情在中国还是处于一个相对平稳、低水平发展的阶段。He said online speculation that the next wave of COVID-19 infections might happen in November has no scientific basis, and the public does not need to worry.他说,网上关于11月可能爆发下一波新冠肺炎的猜测是没有科学依据的,公众无需担心。Wang Gang, deputy director of the infectious disease department at Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, said the more times people get infected, the milder the symptoms become.山东大学齐鲁医院感染科副主任王刚表示,人们感染次数越多,症状越轻。When people get infected for the third time, it is likely they will only feel very mild symptoms and pay little attention to it, he told newspaper Dazhong Daily.在接受《大众日报》采访时王刚表示,当第三次被感染时,可能只会出现非常轻微的症状,并且很少注意。"Most people with normal immune systems do not need to worry about getting infected multiple times because their symptoms are too mild to be noticed or need medication."“症状轻到可能注意不到或者无需药物治疗,所以对于大多数免疫正常的普通人来说,不用太在意所谓几阳的问题。”Zhao Wei, director of the biosecurity research center at the School of Public Health of Southern Medical University, said the fluctuation of COVID-19 cases is still within a manageable range, and the public can rest assured.南方医科大学公共卫生学院生物安全研究中心主任赵卫表示,新冠肺炎病例的波动尚在可控范围内,公众可以放心。However, if COVID-19 infections lead to new symptoms or a significant increase of serious cases or deaths, disease control authorities will raise the alarm, and then the public will need to take more precautions, he said.赵卫说,如果新冠感染导致新的临床症状,或者重症率、病死率显著上升,疾控部门会发出警报,大众需要根据指引加强个人防护。Reinfect英 /ˌriɪn'fɛkt/美 /ˌriɪn'fɛkt/vt.使再感染Symptom英 /ˈsɪmptəm/美 /ˈsɪmptəm/n.征兆;症状