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英语新闻︱国务院:实施税收优惠,实行一批收费缓缴China will offer tax concessions for privatepension plans that enjoy policy support and are run commercially to meetpeople's diverse needs, the State Council decided at an executive meetingchaired by Premier Li Keqiang on Monday.国务院总理李克强9月26日主持召开国务院常务会议,决定对政策支持、商业化运营的个人养老金予以税收优惠,满足多样化需求。It was noted at the meeting that thedevelopment of policy-supported and commercially operated private pensions willprovide a useful complement to the basic old-age insurance program and canbetter meet people's diverse needs and enhance social security safeguards.会议指出,发展政策支持、商业化运营的个人养老金,是对基本养老保险的补充,有利于更好满足群众多样化需求、提升保障水平。Personal income tax concessions, it wasdecided, will be made available for those participating in policy-supported andcommercially operated private pensions:participants will be entitled to a contribution deduction of up to 12,000 yuan($1,670) per year from their annual taxable income.会议决定,对政策支持、商业化运营的个人养老金实行个人所得税优惠:对缴费者按每年12000元的限额予以税前扣除。No tax will be levied on investment yields forthe time being. The actual tax burden for receiving pension benefits will belowered from the previous 7.5 percent to 3 percent. This policy will be applied retroactively to Jan 1 this year.投资收益暂不征税,领取收入的实际税负由7.5%降为3%。政策实施追溯到今年1月1日。"The policy support we introduce this timewill deliver sizable benefits. In the process of implementation, we need togradually fine-tune the policies and sum up experience before applying suchpolicies more broadly," Li said.李克强指出,此次出台的政策将产生巨大的效益。政策实施过程中,需要逐步调整,总结经验,扩大应用范围。A decision was also made at the meeting totemporarily defer payments of certain government-levied charges anddeposits to further ease the burden on market entities and help them overcomedifficulties.会议还决定,对部分行政事业性收费和保证金实行阶段性缓缴,进一步帮助市场主体减负纾困。"Market entities, especially micro, smalland medium-sized enterprises, self-employed households and manufacturing firms,now face considerable difficulties. Postponing the collection ofgovernment-levied charges and deposits is an important step to support marketplayers. All policies must be delivered on the ground without delay," Lisaid.会议指出,针对市场主体特别是中小微企业、个体工商户和制造业困难大的实际,加大纾困力度,是支持市场主体的重要举措。所有的政策都必须落地生效。An additional set of fee deferral policies wererolled out for the fourth quarter. Payments of 14 government-levied charges,including farmland reclamation fees and sewage and household waste disposalfees, totaling over 53 billion yuan, will be deferred without overdue fines.在第四季度,再实行一批收费缓缴。一是缓缴耕地开垦费、污水和生活垃圾处理费等14项行政事业性收费,规模530多亿元,不收滞纳金。Localities will be encouraged to postpone thecollection of subnational, government-levied charges on enterprises, andarbitrary charges will be strictly prohibited.鼓励各地对地方涉企行政事业性收费实行缓缴,严禁乱收费。Payments of deposits that guarantee the qualityof projects of various kinds, amounting to about 63 billion yuan, will bedeferred. Due responsibilities must be fulfilled and promises delivered withconcrete actions to ensure that market entities truly benefit from thepolicies.二是缓缴各类工程项目质量保证金,规模约630亿元。三是落实责任,言必行、行必果,确保市场主体受惠。"Relevant institutions and mechanisms oflevying charges should be refined to foster a world-class and market-orientedbusiness environment governed by a sound legal framework," Li said.李克强表示,要完善相关收费体制和机制,打造国际一流的市场化营商环境,健全法律体系。It was also decided to adopt measures to makemore government services interprovincially accessible to further unlock marketvitality and bring greater convenience to the people.会议决定部署推进政务服务“跨省通办”扩面增效举措,激发市场活力,便利群众生活。On top of the 187 government services alreadyinterprovincially accessible, an additional 22 high-demand items affecting awide range of sectors will be added to the list to address the pressingconcerns of households and businesses.会议决定,一是在已实现187项政务服务“跨省通办”基础上,聚焦企业和群众关切,新增22项覆盖面广、办理频次高的事项。Interagency information sharing will beenhanced and operational standards aligned to make more interprovincialservices available online and processed on a one-stop basis. The needs ofsenior citizens for in-person services will also be well met.二是加强政府部门信息共享,统一业务标准,推动更多“跨省通办”事项网上办、一次办;满足老年人等线下办事需求。记者:王科举concession英[kənˈseʃn];美[kənˈseʃn]n.让步,妥协;特许权;优惠pension英[ˈpenʃn];美[ˈpenʃn]n.养老金retroactively英[ˌretrəʊ'æktɪvlɪ];美[ˌretroʊ'æktɪvlɪ]adv.逆动地,追溯地defer英[dɪˈfɜː(r)];美[dɪˈfɜːr]v.推迟,拖延;听从