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Intensifying the clampdown on COVID-19 containment malpractices, increasing the speed ofresponse and improving services at makeshift hospitals are among key efforts totackle the current wave of outbreaks in China, health officials said onTuesday.11月22日,我国卫生官员表示,纠正不当防控措施,加快反应速度,提升方舱医院的服务保障水平是控制本轮疫情的关键所在。Hu Xiang, an official with the National Administration of DiseasePrevention and Control, said that the mainland had reported 253,000 cases ofinfection since Nov 1. The past week has seen an average daily increase of22,200(mispronounced)infections.国家疾控局官员胡翔介绍,自11月1日以来,全国已经累计报告了25.3万例感染者,近一周平均每天报告2.22万例。"Some provinces are facing the most severe and complicated epidemic situation in three years, and densely populated cities like Guangzhouand Chongqing are having a particularly difficult time reining in the virus'spread," she said at a news briefing.“有的省份面临三年来最严峻复杂的局面;人口密集城市如广州、重庆成为疫情防控的重点地区,防控难度加剧。”胡翔在国务院联防联控机制发布会上说。Hu said that the rapid and stealthy transmission of the Omicron variant, coupled with its spread infactories, schools and catering businesses where people tend to gather, has ledto a shortage of resources in epidemiological investigation, quarantine andcommunity management.胡翔说,奥密克戎变异株的隐匿传播和传播力强,像工厂、医院、学校、餐饮、娱乐场所等人员密集场所疫情的多点位加速传播,容易造成流调溯源、隔离管控、社区防控等防控力量的不足和资源紧张。"Detecting and controlling new cases and close contacts, andidentifying at-risk areas promptly and precisely are the key to gaining theupper hand over the disease's spread," she said.胡翔说,“及时发现管控社会面的感染者和密切接触者,及时精确划定并公布风险区,都是抢占疫情防控先机的关键。”Hu added that the health authority has sent 15 working groups to guidelocal governments in stamping out outbreaks and implementing 20 measuresannounced recently to make COVID control work more precise and scientific.胡翔补充说,国家卫生健康委、国家疾控局已经派出15个工作组,督促指导地方将二十条优化措施落实到位,让地方疫情防控工作更加精准科学。"Strengthened efforts will be devoted to cracking down on imposingadditional and unnecessary COVID-19 restrictions, especially practices such aslocking down campuses and factories recklessly, cutting off roads withoutauthorization, sealing off communities for prolonged periods or suspendinghospital services," she said.“加大层层加码问题整治力度,特别是严禁封校停课,停工停产,未经批准阻断交通,随封控长时间不解封,随意停诊等各类行为。”胡翔说。Guo Yanhong, director of the National Health Commission's healthemergency response bureau, said some people have complained about poorconditions at makeshift hospitals — stadiums or exhibition halls converted tomedical facilities to receive asymptomatic or mild COVID-19 cases.国家卫生健康委医疗应急司司长郭燕红表示,有人反映,一些方舱医院是由会展中心、体育场馆改造而成,用来收治无症状感染者或轻症感染者,但这些医院条件较差。"We have required local authorities to step up preparedness,including training medical workers, ensuring normal function of water supplies,electricity, restrooms, showers and ventilation, and stocking sufficient bedsand medical materials," she said.The mainland reported 2,145 local confirmed cases and 25,754 local asymptomaticcases on Monday. There are currently 110 severe COVID-19 cases. “我们要求各地做好方舱医院相应的准备工作,备好医护力量,做好培训,要保证水、电、厕所、淋浴、通风等基础的硬件条件,还要储备好床位单元、医用物资和一些必要的医疗设备。”郭燕红说。11月21日,我国新增2145例本土确诊病例和25754例本土无症状病例。目前有110例重症病例。Guo said that despite the low rate of serious cases, it is stillimperative to increase intensive care capacity across the country.郭燕红表示,尽管重症率较低,但仍有必要提高全国的重症监护能力。"COVID-19 still poses great threats to the elderly and those withunderlying illnesses," she said. "As a country with a population of1.4 billion and many vulnerable groups, we must enhance intensive care capacityand multidisciplinary treatment capabilities."“新冠肺炎仍然对老年人和潜在疾病患者构成巨大威胁。”郭燕红说,“我国是一个拥有14亿人口的大国,容易发生重症的脆弱人群。因此,加强重症力量的储备,特别是多学科综合能力的提升,是非常必要的。”malpractice英 [ˌmælˈpræktɪs]  美  [ˌmælˈpræktɪs]n.渎职complicated英 [ˈkɒmplɪkeɪtɪd]  美 [ˈkɑːmplɪkeɪtɪdadj.复杂的stealthy英 [ˈstelθi]  美  [ˈstelθi]adj.隐蔽的