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Organizers of large performances will be designated “untrustworthy entities” if they don’t make at least 85 percent of their tickets available to the public, according to a recent circular.根据最新通知,大型演出举办单位公开销售的门票数量不得低于总票数的85%,否则该单位将被认定为失信主体。Those that facilitate ticket scalping will also be designated as untrustworthy entities, said the circular from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Ministry of Public Security.文化和旅游部、公安部发布的通知中还指出,其他为门票倒卖提供便利的机构也将被认定为失信主体。Large commercial performances are defined as those with over 5,000 attendees.大型营业性演出活动是指到场观众超过5000人的营业性演出。With the number of large commercial events, such as concerts and music festivals, on the rise, problems such as ticket scalping, irrational idol worship and uncivilized audience behaviors remain prominent.随着大型营业性活动如音乐会、音乐节等数量的上涨,倒卖门票、非理性偶像崇拜、观众出现不文明行为等问题依旧突出。The circular asked organizers to ensure that the number of tickets offered to the public is no less than 85 percent of the authorized capacity.通知中明确,演出举办单位需确保公开销售的门票数量不低于核准观众数量的85%。For the remaining 15 percent of tickets not offered to the public, the ticket holders’ personal information must be registered 24 hours before the performance.对于剩余15%非公开销售的门票,持票人的个人信息需在演出前24小时进行登记。Before the recent regulations, the number of commercial performance tickets for public sale on the market was not to be less than 70 percent.在此之前,市面上公开销售的营业性演出活动门票数量按照规定应不得低于门票总数的70%。The circular noted that the ticket purchases and admissions for large performances should use real names. One identity document can only buy one ticket for one performance, and the identity information of the ticket buyer and the person attending the event must be consistent.通知中写道,大型演出活动应实行实名购票和实名入场制度。每场演出每个身份证件只能购买一张门票,购票人与入场人身份信息保持一致。Performance organizers and ticket platforms are also required to strengthen the protection of consumers’ personal information to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, tampering or loss, it said.演出举办单位、演出票务销售平台应加强消费者个人信息保护,防止未经授权的访问以及个人信息泄露、篡改,或丢失。A ticket refund mechanism should be established, implementing a reasonable tiered policy to protect the rights of ticket buyers, it said.同时也应建立退票机制,实行合理的分层政策,保护购票人的权益。Performance organizers are urged to strictly establish and enforce a safety management system and improve risk assessment and emergency response.演出举办单位需迅速建立并实施严格的安全管理系统,提升风险评估与应急响应能力。The departments of culture and tourism management and public security will tighten the management of work permits for large performances. They will collect online and offline ticket scalping information and crack down on such illegal activities and associated fraud in a timely manner, it said.文化和旅游管理部门、公安部门将加强大型演出活动相关工作的管理,收集线上与线下的门票倒卖信息,及时打击此类非法活动及有关欺骗行为。In addition, authorities will intensify the inspection of performances, such as the actors’ information and performance content. Acts such as changing actors or content without authorization, lip-syncing and fake performances must be strictly prohibited, it said.此外,当局将加强对演出活动如演员信息和演出内容的监察,严厉禁止未经许可更换演员或更改演出内容、假唱、演出造假等行为。Demand for tickets for live shows has skyrocketed in China since the end of the pandemic. Over 100,000 tickets for pop star Jay Chou’s Shanghai dates in October sold out in a matter of seconds when they were put on sale at 6 pm on Tuesday.疫情结束以来,国内市场对现场演出门票的需求激增。9月12日下午6时,歌星周杰伦十月份上海场演唱会的超过10万张门票在短短几秒内售罄。Untrustworthy entity英/ʌnˈtrʌstwɜːði ˈentəti/美/ʌnˈtrʌstwɜːrði ˈentəti/n.失信主体Ticket scalping英/ˈtɪkɪt ˈskælpɪŋ/美/ˈtɪkɪt ˈskælpɪŋ/n.门票倒卖,倒票