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Beijing will decorate Tian'anmen Square and neighboring Chang'an Avenue with a giant flower basket and 10 flower beds to celebrate the upcoming National Day holiday, from Sept 29 to Oct 6, which also covers the Mid-Autumn Festival.北京将在天安门广场和附近的长安街搭建巨型花篮和10个花坛,庆祝即将到来的国庆假期,假期从9月29号持续到10月6号,中秋节也包括在内。Themed "Blessing the Motherland", the 18-meter-high basket will be set up in the center of the square, aiming to create a grand and festive atmosphere for the 74th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, according to the Beijing Municipal Forestry and Parks Bureau.据北京市林业和公园局的部署,“祝福祖国”主题的18米高巨型花篮篮将安放在广场中央,旨在为中华人民共和国成立74周年营造隆重、喜庆的氛围。"I feel honored to have witnessed the setting up of the flower basket over the years," Wang Suizhi, a special consultant for the construction of the basket, was quoted as saying by China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Newspaper on Friday.周五《中国纪检监察报》报道中,国庆大花篮花篮建设特约顾问王绥枝称,“能够见证国庆大花篮的建设历程,我深感荣幸”。As one of the first group of master flower arrangers in the country, 75-year-old Wang has been involved in the decoration of flowers for National Day since 1997. She has served as a special consultant for the construction of the basket since 2012.作为我国首批插花花艺大师,75岁的王绥枝从1997年便开始参与国庆花卉布置工作。2012年以来,她连续担任国庆大花篮建设的特约顾问。In recent days, Wang has provided technical guidance on the setting up of the basket, monitoring its progress and offering suggestions on a daily basis.这段时间,她每天都会到现场盯工序、看进度、提建议。"I'm willing to do my part for the construction and design of the basket," she said.她说:“我愿意为大花篮的施工、设计贡献一点力量。”New for her and everyone else involved, the large flower basket will for the first time include five kinds of cereal, which symbolize the harvesting of grain, and daylilies, which represent wishes for the motherland's happy birthday.这次设计对她和所有参与人员来说都很新颖,大花篮将首次包括象征丰收的五谷和祝福祖国的萱草将首次应用在大花篮上。The five grains are rice, proso millet, millet, wheat and beans.五谷分别是水稻、黄米、小米、小麦和大豆。In addition, flower arrangements covering some 5,050 square meters will also be displayed alongside the square, the bureau said.绿化局表示,除此之外广场附近还有5050平方米的花卉布置。Alongside Chang'an Avenue, 10 flower beds featuring various styles will be set up, including one themed around common prosperity and another representing peaceful development.长安街边,将设置10处风格各异的花坛,其中一处是共同富裕主题,一处是和平发展主题。The capital will arrange a total of 40 sets of themed flower beds, more than 100,000 sq m of planted flowers and over 10,000 flower boxes. A total of more than 13 million pots of flowers will be used.北京共将安排40套主题花坛10多万平方米的花卉布置和1万多个花箱。共将使用1300多万盆花。All these projects will be completed by the end of this month, the bureau said.绿化局表示,所有这些项目都将在本月底完成。daylily   英/'deilili/美/'deilili/n.萱草;黄花菜Millet英/'mɪlɪt/美/'mɪlɪt/n.小米