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Chinese structural biologist Yan Ningannounced on Tuesday that she will resign from Princeton University in the USand join in the establishment of Shenzhen Medical Academy of Research andTranslation (SMART) in the near future. The move comes amid efforts by thecountry to attract more top talent to return to China for opportunities anddevelopment.11月1日,结构生物学家颜宁宣布将从普林斯顿大学辞职,回国创建深圳医学科学院,此举正值中国努力吸引更多顶尖人才回国寻求机遇和发展之际。"In the nearfuture, I will return to China full-time to assist in establishing a newresearch and development institution in Shenzhen, which is named SMART,integrating several functions including scientific research, transformation,student cultivation and financial support," 45-year-old Yan said at theShenzhen Global Innovation Talent Forum on Tuesday.45岁的颜宁在深圳全球创新人才论坛上表示,“在不久的将来,我将全职回到中国,协助在深圳建立一家新的研发机构,机构简称SMART,是一所集科研、转化、学生培养、经费资助等若干功能于一体的新型研发机构。”Yan received herdegree from the Department of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology at TsinghuaUniversity in China in 2000. She was the regional winner of the Young ScientistAward (North America) co-sponsored by Science/AAAS and GE Healthcare in 2005for her thesis on the structural and mechanistic study of programmed celldeath, according to her biography on the Princeton University website.2000年,颜宁在清华大学获得生物科学与技术系学士学位。根据她在普林斯顿大学网站上的简介显示,她在2005年获得了由Science/AAAS和通用电气医疗集团共同赞助的青年科学家奖,她的论文是关于程序性细胞死亡的结构和机制研究。Yan earned her PhDat Princeton in 2004, and returned in 2018 as the first Shirley M. TilghmanProfessor of Molecular Biology. She was elected as NationalAcademy of Sciences Foreign Associate in 2019 for outstanding contributions toresearch.颜宁于2004年在普林斯顿大学获得博士学位,2018年成为普林斯顿大学分子生物学系首位雪莉·蒂尔曼终身讲席教授。2019年,颜宁因杰出的研究成果当选为美国国家科学院外籍院士。The establishment ofthe new medical academy in Shenzhen is one of the main projects in building a pilot demonstrationarea of socialism with Chinese characteristics in Shenzhen, according to themedical academy.医学研究院表示,在深圳建立新的医学研究院是深圳建设中国特色社会主义试验示范区的主要项目之一。The academy is beingset up by the Shenzhen local government and the head of the academy is thelegal representative of SMART.深圳医学科学院由深圳市政府设立, 院长是医学科学院的法定代表人。"Shenzhen isthe city of dreams, and I want to realize my next dream here," Yan saidduring the forum.“深圳是梦想之都,我要在这里实现自己的下一个梦想。”颜宁在论坛上说。Yan said she wantedto support more outstanding scholars and to tackle various health threatsfacing mankind, according to The Paper on Tuesday. Shenzhen offered the right opportunityand the city can build its place in the global biomedicine field, Yan said.据澎湃新闻报道,颜宁表示希望支持更多优秀的学者,并解决人类面临的各种健康威胁。颜宁补充道深圳提供了合适的机会,这个城市可以在全球生物医药领域建立自己的地位。The topic "Yanannounced to leave the US and return to China" has got more than 300million clicks on China's Twitter-like Sina Weibo as of press time, with manynetizens welcoming Yan's decision to return to the motherland.截至新闻发布时间,“颜宁宣布离开美国回国”这个话题在新浪微博上的点击量已经超过3亿次,很多网民对颜宁回国的决定表示欢迎。molecular英 [ˈmɒlɪkjuːl]  美  [ˈmɑːlɪkjuːl]n. 分子pilot英 [ˈpaɪlət]  美  [ˈpaɪlət]adj. 试点的biomedicine 英 [ˌbaɪəʊˈmedɪsɪn]  美 [ˌbaɪoˈmedɪsɪn]n. 生物医学