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Since the Paris Olympics, Chinese authorities have stepped up efforts to address unruly behavior in online fan communities, working with various agencies to crack down on illegal activities. On Saturday, the Chinese Table Tennis Association released a statement expressing strong support for the government’s actions and denouncing any unlawful conduct.自巴黎奥运会以来,中国公安机关同相关部门依法打击整治体育领域“饭圈”违法犯罪行为。中国乒乓球协会于8月17日在官网发表声明,对此表示坚决支持,并强烈谴责任何违法犯罪行为。The move comes after the women's table tennis final on Aug 3, when some derogatory comments were posted online. In one instance, a user posted defamatory remarks against athletes and coaches in the early hours of Aug 4, causing a significant public outcry.8月3日晚,巴黎奥运会乒乓球女单决赛后,部分网民发布攻击诋毁言论,其中,某网民8月4日发帖诋毁相关运动员和教练员,造成恶劣社会影响。Beijing police quickly intervened, arresting a 29-year-old woman, identified by her surname He, on Aug 6. She confessed to making the offensive posts. The case remains under investigation.北京公安机关立即行动,于8月6日将犯罪嫌疑人贺某某(女,29岁)抓获归案,其对在网上发泄情绪,发表诋毁相关运动员和教练员的言论供认不讳。In a related announcement on Aug 15, the Ministry of Public Security outlined three other cases involving illegal behavior within sports fan circles and emphasized that the internet is not a lawless zone, urging users to refrain from spreading misinformation or engaging in personal attacks online.8月15日,公安部公布4起打击整治涉体育领域“饭圈”违法犯罪典型案例。同时提醒广大网民,网络不是法外之地,切勿传播谣言信息、攻击诋毁他人,共同维护清朗网络空间。The Chinese Table Tennis Association has expressed concerns over the disruptive behavior of online "fan circles", which they say has seriously impacted the team's training and competitions. This chaos has negatively affected the lives of athletes, coaches, and staff, both professionally and personally, while also causing significant social harm.中国乒协在声明中说,“饭圈”乱象已经严重干扰中国乒乓球队的正常训练和比赛,对运动员、教练员与管理人员的工作、生活、家庭产生了极其负面的影响,更造成了恶劣社会影响。In response to any online or public defamation, insults, or malicious attacks against the team or its members, the association pledged to gather evidence in accordance with the law and pursue legal action against individuals and organizations involved.针对在网络空间以及其他社会公共场所,任何对中国乒乓球队或其成员进行辱骂、诋毁、诽谤或其他形式的恶意攻击行为,协会将依法收集证据,并追究相关组织和人员的法律责任。The Chinese table tennis team, known for its strong unity, expressed deep gratitude for the support it has received from across society and called for collective efforts to create a cleaner, more positive online environment.中国乒协表示,作为一支充满团结精神的队伍,中国乒乓球队衷心感谢社会各界人士的关心与厚爱,并期望与大家携手合作,共同营造清朗网络空间。The Chinese Table Tennis Association reaffirmed its commitment to the sport's continued healthy development, promoting a new image of modern Chinese sportsmanship, and contributing to the nation’s goal of becoming a global sports powerhouse, the statement said.中国乒乓球协会将继续致力于中国乒乓球事业健康发展,进一步弘扬新时代中华体育精神的新风貌,助力体育强国建设,全力为祖国和人民赢得更大的荣誉。The Chinese Table Tennis Associationn.中国乒乓球协会