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英语新闻|举国哀悼江泽民同志President Xi Jinping led the nation in paying tribute to Jiang Zemin on Tuesday as he highlighted the need to carry forward the former leader's legacy, turn sorrow into strength and keep writing new chapters on the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.12月6日,习近平主席在江泽民同志追悼大会上致悼词。习近平强调,要继承江泽民的遗志,化悲痛为力量,不断谱写中国特色社会主义道路的新篇章。In a eulogy delivered at a memorial meeting at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, Xi attributed the tremendous achievements of the Party and nation between 1989 and 2002 to the late Chinese leader's eminence and bold vision, the key role he played and his superb political leadership.习近平在北京人民大会堂举行的追悼大会上致悼词时强调,1989年至2002年间党和国家取得的巨大成就归功于这位已故中国领导人的雄才大略,归功于他发挥的关键作用和高超政治领导艺术。"Comrade Jiang Zemin made immortal contributions to the Party and the people and won the wholehearted love of the whole Party, military and people of all ethnic groups and widespread praise from international society," he said.The nation suspended all public entertainment activities on Tuesday, and all national flags were flown at half-staff.习近平强调,“江泽民同志为党和人民建立了不朽功勋,赢得了全党全军全国各族人民衷心爱戴和国际社会广泛赞誉!”12月6日,全国下半旗志哀,停止一切公共娱乐活动。A three-minute silent tribute was paid at the start of the meeting at 10 am, as people across the nation expressed their grief, while horns and sirens were sounded. The nation's stock and futures trading was also suspended for three minutes in commemoration of Jiang.上午10时整,追悼大会开始。全场肃立,默哀3分钟。神州大地,举国同悲,亿万人民肃立默哀。汽笛齐鸣,防空警报响彻云霄。默哀期间,证券期货市场临时停市3分钟。 This was followed at the memorial meeting by the singing of the national anthem, and Xi then took the rostrum to deliver the eulogy.默哀后,人民大会堂奏响庄严的国歌。在全场凝重的气氛中,习近平致悼词。 He spoke highly of Jiang's glorious life, saying that the former leader led the nation in calmly responding to a host of international emergencies and conquered difficulties and risks in politics and the economy and from nature.习近平在悼词中高度评价了江泽民同志光辉的一生和建立的丰功伟绩。习近平指出,江泽民同志领导我们从容应对一系列国际突发事件,战胜在政治、经济领域和自然界出现的困难和风险。Jiang, in his long revolutionary practice, forged a distinctive revolutionary spirit and style that will always be remembered and will spur the nation forward, Xi said.习近平强调,江泽民同志在长期革命实践中锤炼出来了鲜明的革命精神和革命风范。江泽民同志的革命精神和革命风范永远铭刻在我们心中,永远教育和激励我们前进。He underlined the need to continue integrating the basic tenets of Marxism with China's specific realities and fine traditional culture and keep responding to the questions posed by China, by the world, by the people, and by the times in order to maintain the vigor and vitality of Marxism.习近平强调,新征程上,我们一定要坚持把马克思主义基本原理同中国具体实际相结合、同中华优秀传统文化相结合,坚持一切从实际出发,不断回答中国之问、世界之问、人民之问、时代之问,始终保持马克思主义的蓬勃生机和旺盛活力。Leadership by the CPC is the fundamental guarantee for the course of the Party and people to move forward in spite of all difficulties, he said, adding that it is important for the Party to carry forward its great founding spirit, remain true to its original aspirations and missions and forge ahead with self-reform.习近平指出,中国共产党领导是党和人民事业风雨无阻向前进的根本保证。新征程上,我们一定要弘扬伟大建党精神,不忘初心使命,勇于推进自我革命。Xi stressed that socialism with Chinese characteristics is the way to go for China to keep pace with the times and lead the development of the times, and the nation must adhere to this path and move forward the great rejuvenation of the nation with a Chinese path to modernization.习近平强调,中国特色社会主义道路是当代中国大踏步赶上时代、引领时代发展的康庄大道。新征程上,我们一定要坚持中国特色社会主义道路,以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴。The people are the fundamental strength determining the future of the CPC and the nation, and the Party must adhere to the people-first principle, serve the people wholeheartedly and implement a people-centered development philosophy, Xi said.习近平指出,人民是决定党和国家前途命运的根本力量。新征程上,我们一定要坚持人民至上,全心全意为人民服务,贯彻以人民为中心的发展思想。The general secretary highlighted reform and opening-up as key in deciding the future of modern China, saying that the nation must promote high-quality development, further reform and opening-up across the board and modernize the national governance system and capacity.习近平强调,改革开放是决定当代中国前途命运的关键一招。新征程上,我们一定要贯彻新发展理念,全面推进改革开放,推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化。He reaffirmed the nation's pledge to hold high the banner of peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit, promote the common values of all mankind, promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind and march forward with all progressive forces in the world.习近平指出,新征程上,我们一定要坚持高举和平、发展、合作、共赢旗帜,弘扬全人类共同价值,推动构建人类命运共同体,同世界上一切进步力量携手前进。Xi urged the whole Party and all people to maintain their fighting spirit, seize the historic initiative and overcome various difficulties and challenges on the path forward.习近平强调,新征程上,我们一定要保持只争朝夕、奋发有为的奋斗姿态和越是艰险越向前的斗争精神,掌握历史主动,全力战胜前进道路上各种困难和挑战。"Comrade Jiang Zemin bade farewell to us. His reputation, achievements, thoughts and charisma will always be part of history and engraved in people's hearts, generation after generation," he said.习近平最后说,江泽民同志同我们永别了。他的英名、业绩、思想、风范将永载史册,世世代代铭刻在人民心中。Among the close to 5,000 people in attendance at the memorial were representatives from all walks of life, including Jiang's relatives and friends.首都各界群众代表,江泽民同志亲属、生前友好和家乡代表等,约5000人出席追悼大会。Justin Yifu Lin, a former World Bank chief economist and professor at Peking University, was among the mourners at the event. He said that a key part of Jiang's legacy was the establishment of a socialist market economy in China and leading China toward greater opening-up.前世界银行首席经济学家、北京大学教授林毅夫是参与追悼会的悼念者之一。林毅夫表示,江泽民主席最重要的贡献之一是建立了社会主义市场经济体制,并领导中国走向更大的开放。In spite of various obstacles, Jiang guided China into the global market and laid the foundation for its rise to become the world's second-largest economy, he said.他说,尽管有各种各样的障碍,江泽民领导中国进入全球市场,为中国成为世界第二大经济体奠定了基础。Eulogy英 [ˈjuːlədʒi]  美 [ˈjuːlədʒi]n. 悼词Charisma英 [kəˈrɪzmə]  美 [kəˈrɪzmə]n.个人魅力Engrave 英 [ɪnˈɡreɪv]  美 [ɪnˈɡreɪv]v.铭刻在(记忆,脑海)中